This is the documentation of the Term Validator project. It explains how to use the built-in validators and how to implement your own ones.
Table of Contents
- Using the built-in validators
- The 'any' validator
- The 'atom' validator
- The 'bool' validator
- The 'number' validator
- The 'string' validator
- The 'list' validator
- The 'tuple' validator
- The 'dynamic tuple' validator
- The 'map' validator
- The 'dynamic map' validator
- The 'any of' validator
- The 'all of' validator
- Implementing custom validators
- Validation functions chain
- The validator options
- The pre-validate function
- The validate function
- The post-validate function
For a soft introduction to the library, read the document first. It's also a pre-requisite read as this documentation builds on top of it. You may also refer to the tests suite for ready-to-use snippets of code.
To validate an Erlang term, use the term_validator:validate/3
function and
pass it the term, its format, and the validators used by the format.
This library is bundled with a validator for each built-in Erlang type. For
instance, the number_validator
is responsible for validating an Erlang number
Most of the time, you will want to use all the built-in validators at once
and therefore, you may use the term_validator:validate/2
function instead as
it registers them for you.
any => any_validator,
atom => atom_validator,
bool => bool_validator,
number => number_validator,
string => string_validator,
list => list_validator,
tuple => tuple_validator,
tuple_dynamic => tuple_dynamic_validator,
map => map_validator,
map_dynamic => map_dynamic_validator,
any_of => any_of_validator,
all_of => all_of_validator
Therefore, write your term format according the above naming.
The module implementing the any Erlang term validator is
and registered asany
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
It allows to validate "anything". You may wonder how it's useful.
Well, it turns out to be useful during development when the type is not known yet, but most importantly, some larger data structures that nest other data may be "user-defined".
valid = term_validator:validate([false, 42, "Hello world!"], {list, [{item, any}]}).
The above example will validate any list.
The module implementing the Erlang atom validator is
and registered asatom
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in atom validator allows you to validate an atom which can, if allowed, also be given in its string form. The atom can be restricted to a set of valid values.
It supports the following options (all of them are optional).
Basic example.
valid = term_validator:validate(yolo, atom).
{invalid, not_atom} = term_validator:validate("yolo", atom).
To allow string, use the allow_string
valid = term_validator:validate("yolo", {atom, [allow_string]}).
To restrict the atom to a set of valid values, use the one_of
Format = {atom, [{one_of, [foo, bar]}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate(foo, Format).
valid = term_validator:validate(bar, Format).
{invalid, {not_one_of, [foo, bar]}} = term_validator:validate(abc, Format).
The module implementing the Erlang bool validator is
and registered asbool
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in bool validator allows you to validate a boolean value, which can, if allowed, also be given in a number form (typically 0 or -1).
It only supports the allow_number
option which is optional.
Basic example.
valid = term_validator:validate(false, bool).
valid = term_validator:validate(true, bool).
{invalid, not_bool} = term_validator:validate(yolo, bool).
valid = term_validator:validate(0, {bool, [allow_number]}).
valid = term_validator:validate(-1, {bool, [allow_number]}).
The module implementing the Erlang number validator is
and registered asnumber
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in number validator allows you to validate both integral and floating-point numbers. In fact, Erlang does not directly distinguish between the two - it only has the 'number type'. However, it's still convenient to be able to validate integers only, which is supported by the validator.
It supports the following options (all of them are optional).
Basic example.
valid = term_validator:validate(42, number),
valid = term_validator:validate(42.5, number),
{invalid, not_number} = term_validator:validate("42", number),
% Note that the specified minimum is inclusive.
{invalid, {must_be_greater_or_equal_to, 42}} =
term_validator:validate(41, {number, [{min, 42}]}),
valid = term_validator:validate(42, {number, [{min, 42}]}),
% To switch to an exclusive minimum, just specify it.
{invalid, {must_be_strictly_greater_than, 42}} =
term_validator:validate(42, {number, [{min, {42, exclusive}}]}),
{invalid, must_be_integer} = term_validator:validate(42.5, {number, [integer_only]}),
The above example is self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the Erlang string validator is
and registered asstring
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in string validator allows you to validate strings. In Erlang, there are no 'string type' as they're implemented as list (they're list of Unicode codepoints). It also supports validating with a regex.
Do not use the string validator to validate a list. While it would work, it's conceptually wrong to do it.
It supports the following options (all of them are optional).
The min
and max
are shortcuts for {length, {X, Y}}
, latin1
shortcut for {alphabet, latin1}
and ascii
is shortcut for
{alphabet, ascii}
. Therefore, they're mutually exclusive.
Note that it does not support validating binaries.
Basic example.
valid = term_validator:validate("Hello world!", string).
{invalid, not_string} = term_validator:validate('Hello world', string).
The length
option allows you to accept only a range.
valid = term_validator:validate("abc", [length, {2, 128}]),
valid = term_validator:validate("abc", [length, {min, 2}]),
{invalid, {length, {must_be_strictly_greater_than, 2}}} = term_validator:validate("abc", [length, {min, 2, exclusive}]),
The alphabet
option allows you to accept only a subset of characters. It
accepts either the list of allowed characters, or the latin1
or ascii
atoms. For instance, if you need a string that is Latin-1 encodable, use
{alphabet, latin1}
valid = term_validator:validate("CTCACA", [{alphabet, "ATGC"}]),
{invalid, {wrong_character, 88, position, 4}} = term_validator:validate("CTCXCA", [{alphabet, "ATGC"}]),
{invalid, _} = term_validator:validate("こんにちは世界", [{alaphabet, latin-1}]).
The pattern
option allows you to validate based on a regex. It uses the re
module from the standard library.
Format = {string, [{pattern, "^Hello"}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate("Hello world!", Format).
{invalid, {pattern_mismatch, _}} = term_validator:validate("Bye world!", Format).
The above examples are self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the Erlang list validator is
and registered aslist
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in list validator allows you to validate an Erlang list.
It supports the following options (one of them is mandatory).
The item
option defines the valid values that can be in the list.
The min
and max
are shortcuts for {length, {X, Y}}
. Therefore, they're
mutually exclusive.
Basic example.
Format = {list, [{item, bool}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate([true, false, true], list).
{invalid, {items, [{2, not_bool}]}} =
term_validator:validate([true, 42, false], Format).
% Examples of format restricting the size of list.
Format1 = {list, [{item, any}, {length, {42, 100}}]}.
Format2 = {list, [{item, any}, {min, 42}]}.
Format3 = {list, [{item, any}, {max, 100}]}.
% Remember, the 'item' option is mandatory and therefore the following will not
% work...
term_validator:validate([], list).
% However, to validate "any" list, use the 'any' term format.
term_validator:validate([foo, 42], [{item, any}]).
The above example is self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the Erlang tuple validator is
and registered astuple
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in tuple validator allows you to validate an Erlang tuple of a fixed number of elements. If you're looking to validate a tuple that has a variable number of elements, look at the dynamic tuple validator.
It only has the mandatory elements
option which is a list of term formats
defining the valid values of the tuple.
Format = {tuple, [{elements, [bool, number, string]}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate({true, 42, "Hello world!"}, Format).
{invalid, {elements, [{2, not_number}]}} =
term_validator:validate({true, false, "Hello world!"}, Format).
The above example is self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the dynamic Erlang tuple validator is
and registered astuple_dynamic
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in dynamic tuple validator allows you to validate an Erlang tuple with a variable number of elements.
It supports the following options (all of them are optional).
The element
option defines the valid elements that can be in the tuple.
The min
and max
are shortcuts for {length, {X, Y}}
. Therefore, they're
mutually exclusive.
Format = {tuple_dynamic, [{element, any}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate({true, 42, "Hello world!"}, Format).
The above example is self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the Erlang map validator is
and registered asmap
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The built-in map validator allows you to validate Erlang maps with a known set of, optional or mandatory, fields. If you're looking to validate a map that has a variable number of fields, look at the dynamic map validator.
It only has the mandatory fields
option which defines the list of key and
valid values, and whether they're optional or mandatory.
Format = {map, [{fields, [
{foo, number, optional},
{"bar", string, mandatory}
valid = term_validator:validate(#{"bar" => 42}, Format).
{invalid, {missing_fields, ["bar"]}} =
term_validator:validate(#{foo => 42}, Format).
Be careful, the key is specified as a term that needs to be matched, unlike the value which is specified as a term format.
The module implementing the dynamic Erlang map validator is
and registered as map_dynamic
(if you use the
The built-in dynamic map validator allows you to validate an Erlang map with a variable number of fields.
It supports the following options (all of them are optional).
The key
and value
options allow to restrict the map with a term format.
If they're not specified, any key and value are valid. The min
and max
shortcuts for {length, {X, Y}}
. Therefore, they're mutually exclusive.
valid = term_validator:validate(#{}, dynamic_map).
Format = {dynamic_map, [{key, string}]}.
valid = term_validator:validate(#{"Hello world!" => true}, Format).
{invalid, {keys, 42}} = term_validator:validate(#{42 => false}, Format).
The above example is self-explanatory and shows everything you need to know.
The module implementing the "any of" validator is
and registered asany_of
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The "any of" validator allows you to validate an Erlang term against a list of term formats; if the term can be validated against one of the formats, it's valid.
Format = {any_of, [atom, string]}.
valid = term_validator:validate("Hello world", Format).
valid = term_validator:validate(hello_world, Format).
Observe how this validator is used with a list of term formats instead of a list of options.
The module implementing the "all of" validator is
and registered asall_of
(if you use theterm_validator:validate/2
The "all of" validator allows you to validate an Erlang term against a list of term formats; if the term can be validated against all of the formats, it's valid.
Format1 = {number, [{min, 41}]},
Format2 = {number, [{max, 43}]},
valid = term_validator:validate(42, {all_of, [Format1, Format2]}).
Observe how this validator is used with a list of term formats instead of a list of options.
To implement a custom validator, you must write a callback module implementing
the term_validator behavior. Then, in order to use this custom
validator, you call the usual term_validator:validate/3
with the validator.
If you're implementing the "xyz" validator, your callback module typically is
named xyz_validator
and calling the validate function will ressemble this.
term_validator:validate(Term, xyz, #{xyz => xyz_validator}).
But in practice, Erlang terms are nested and therefore you want to combine your validator with the list of built-in validators. Consider the following.
Format = {list, [{item, xyz}]}.
Validators = maps:merge(term_validator:validators(), #{xyz => xyz_validator}).
term_validator:validate(Term, Format, Validators).
(Usually, you write your own validate/2 function that includes all the custom validators of your project.)
Having a look at the implementation of the built-in validators, while reading this section, is not a bad idea.
When a term is being validated, the validate functions of your callback module are all called successively; the pre-validate function is first called, then the validate function is called for each option, then the post-validate function is last called. This chain of calls gives you plenty of flexibility and allows you to build complex validation logic fairly easily.
During this chain, the validated term is being passed around and can potentially be transformed. At any point during the chain, any of the functions can interrupt it and return the reason why a term is invalid.
The custom validator must provide the list of options it supports. They come
in two flavors, the mandatory ones and the optional ones. They're specified
with the options/1
callback function which is called with both the
atom or the optional
options(mandatory) ->
options(optional) ->
In this example, the foo
option is mandatory and therefore, the term format
will require the foo
option to be valid.
Format = {xyz, [{foo, Value}]}.
Omitting it will cause the validate function to return
{missing_options, [foo]}
early (with no additional work in the validator
implementation). The optional options can safely be omitted.
The previous example also implies that any other options are invalid and it
will cause the validate function to return {invalid_options, [quz]}
instance, if you include the quz
option to the term format (and again, with
no additional work in the validator implementation).
Additionally, if you validator must accept an arbitrary set of options, you can
return the dynamic
options(_) ->
(It's used in the any_of
and all_of
The options validation is then delegated to your pre_validate/3
(Note that the value of the option itself is not checked at this level but may be checked later during the validation process.)
The pre_validate/x
function is first called and is usually used to check the
type of the Erlang term.
pre_validate(Term, Options, Validators) ->
{valid, Term, Options}.
It's called with the term to validate, the options as specified in the format and all the validators it should work with (relevant when validating nested Erlang terms such a lists, tuples and maps). Note that the term and the options can be transformed and passed to the next functions.
At this point, the validator is able to start detecting an invalid term. It
returns the {invalid, Reason}
tuple along with the reason to interrupt the
validation process and have the validate function returns the reason.
pre_validate(Term, Options, Validators) ->
{invalid, "not valid because of this and that"}.
Note that if the options/0
callback returns the dynamic
atom, this function
should also check for options validity and return {invalid_options. [quz]}
for instance if it was passed with the quz
For all options specified in the format, the validate/3
function is called
and returns either the {valid, Term}
or {invalid, Reason}
values. It allows
you to implement logic on a per-option basis easily.
Additionally, the function can also return either {valid, Term, skip}
skip the processing of all the remaining options, or
{valid, Term, skip, [foo, bar]}
to skip the processing of some remaining
options. Note that incorrect option values will be ignored.
Finally, if the value of the option itself is incorrect, it also needs to be
reported. The function must return the {invalid_option_value, Reason}
which is then returned by the validate function.
While hardly needed, this function is called last and allows you to do a last check after all passed options have been processed.
If the term continues to be all valid, it returns the valid
atom in order to
finalize the validation process. If the term is invalid, the
{invalid, Reason}
tuple is returned with the reason.