This factory is intended to be used to ease setup of \Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory
in case \Phalcon\Config
or one of its adapters is used for configuration.
To setup acl
service in DI service.php
file using acl.ini
(example of structure and options in ini file can be found in tests/_fixtures/Acl/acl.ini
use Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini as ConfigIni;
use Phalcon\Acl\Factory\Memory as AclMemory;
function () {
$config = new ConfigIni(APP_PATH . '/config/acl.ini');
$factory = new AclMemory();
// returns instance of \Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory
// note the [acl] section in ini file
return $factory->create($config->get('acl'));
To setup acl
service in DI service.php
file using acl.php
(array) file:
(example of structure and options in ini file can be found in tests/_fixtures/Acl/acl.php
use Phalcon\Config;
use Phalcon\Acl\Factory\Memory as AclMemory;
function () {
$config = new Config(APP_PATH . '/config/acl.php');
$factory = new AclMemory();
// returns instance of \Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory
return $factory->create($config);