Updated for patch 11.0.7.
Updated for patch 11.0.5.
- Now preserves columns added by other addons.
Updated for patch 11.0.2
Updated for patch 11.0.0
Position and width options are now disabled if the column itself is disabled.
Updated for patch 9.1.5.
Updated for patch 9.1 and RCLootCouncil v3.2
Updated toc for patch 9.0.5.
- Updated for Shadowlands and RCLootCouncil v3.0.
Legendaries column has been readded to retail.
Covenant column added to retail.
The following columns no longer makes sense in retail and has been removed:
- Traits
- Titanforged
Previous bonus rolls are now reset with each session.
- Fixed issue with the new build system introduced in v0.11.0.
Ported to Classic!
Bonus roll detection and saving to the History is part of the Core addon from v2.19.0. The corresponding settings and handling has been removed from this module.
- Updated for patch 8.3.
- Added the Corruption column from RCLootCouncil v2.17.0 to the options, allowing it to be moved, resized, and removed.
- Fixed an issue with old columns causing problems when resetting to defaults.
- Updated .toc for patch 8.2
- Enhanced pawn scores calculations.
- Updated .toc for patch 8.1.
- Pawn scores are now again calculated even if other's doesn't have EU installed.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the last update.
- Updated for Battle for Azeroth.
- Removed Legendaries, Upgrades, and Ilvl Upgrade columns as those are no longer in the game.
- Updated Artifact Traits column to show Heart of Azeroth level.
- Updated Forged column to reflect BfA Warforged/Titanforged items.
- Updated .toc for patch 8.0.
- Utilizes specID's sent from RCLootCouncil to more consistently show spec icons.
- Updated to use new chat command format in RCLootCouncil v2.7.6.
- Prepared for RCLootCouncil v2.7 changes.
EPGP support has been removed. Use RCLootCouncil - EPGP for that.
You can now save all bonus rolls to the loot history.
All textures/buttons now updates on the fly when changing column positions.
- Updated .toc for 7.3.
- Updated for future RCLootCouncil changes.
- Fixed error related to bonus rolls (#3).
- Specs can now be gathered from inspects, meaning all spec related stuff doesn't require other people to have ExtraUtilities installed.
- This affects the spec icon and Pawn calculations.
- Added new columns for EP, GP and PR. Courtesy of safetee.
- Note: these columns will only display data as it's stored from EPGP.
All ExtraUtilities columns now have "response" as their secondary sort.
- Bonusrolls before a session was started would not get displayed.
- Added check for external requirements.
- Fixed a bug related to bonus rolls.
Column Width
You're now able to change the width of all columns.
Located in a separate options tab to keep it organized.
Column Position
You can now change the positions of all columns.
Candidates now, by default, send out their own Pawn scores so councilmen doesn't have to calculate them.
Added percentage upgrade display, which is now used by default.
Both of these additions are changeable in the options menu ("/rc eu").
Now updates the voting frame immediately when data is received.
Bonus Roll
Added a new column showing the candidates' bonus roll, if any.
Guild Notes
Added a new column showing a candidates guild notes, if accessible.
The new columns can now be sorted.
Pawn scores are now enabled.
Have a look at the Pawn section in the options menu to customize which scales are being used.
Spec Icon
Added a new column showing the candidates' specialization.