In order to send push notifications, we need to track Firebase token to Exponea servers. Please make sure tracking is working before configuring push notifications.
Exponea SDK contains self-check functionality to help you successfully setup push notifications. Self-check will try to track push token, request Exponea backend to send silent push to the device and check the app is ready to open push notifications. These checks correspond to steps in this guide.
To enable self-check functionality set Exponea.shared.checkPushSetup = true
before initializing the SDK
Exponea.shared.checkPushSetup = true
projectToken: "YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN",
authorization: .token("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN")
pushNotificationTracking: .enabled(appGroup: "YOUR_APP_GROUP")
- Setting application capabilities
- Updating Exponea configuration
- Implementing application delegate methods
- Configuring Exponea to send push notifications
- Authorizing the application for receiving push notifications
- Rich push notifications(optional)
You need to set up capabilities for your application. To do so select your application in XCode, go to Signing & Capabilities
and add capabilities:
Push Notifications
required for alert push notifications.Background Modes
and selectRemote notifications
required for silent push notifications.App Groups
and create new app group for your app. This is required for application extensions that will handle push notification delivery and rich content.
In order to add
Push Notifications
capability, your Apple developer account needs to have paid membership. Without it, capability selector doesn't contain this capability at all.
To enable push notifications, configure the SDK with pushNotificationTracking: .enabled(appGroup:)
, use the app group created in the previous step.
pushNotificationTracking: .enabled(appGroup: "YOUR_APP_GROUP")
Application needs so to be able to respond to push notification related events. You will need to setup 4 delegate methods:
will be called when your application registers for push notifications.application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:)
will be called for silent push notifications and alert push notifications when your app is opened.userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:)
will be called when user opens alert push notification.application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
will be called with launch options containing a notification when push notification was opened while app wasn't running.
Exponea SDK contains ExponeaAppDelegate
that contains implementation of these methods. Easiest way to integrate is make your AppDelegate
extend ExponeaAppDelegate
. If you don't want to/cannot use ExponeaAppDelegate
, check implementation of those methods and call respective Exponea methods.
class AppDelegate: ExponeaAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
// don't forget to call the super method!!
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions
Exponea.shared.checkPushSetup = true
- your
delegate method callsExponea.shared.handlePushNotificationToken
- your
- you call
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
- when you start your application, self-check should be able to receive and track push notification token to Exponea servers.
To be able to send push notifications from Exponea backend, you need to connect Exponea web application to Apple Push Notification service. To do so, open Project settings in your Exponea app and navigate to Channels/Push notifications. Fill in all the field: Team ID
, Key ID
, ES256 Private Key
and Application Bundle ID
Exponea web app push notification configuration guide contains screenshots showing where the data is located.
- when you start your application, notification setup checker should be able to send self-check silent push notification to your application.
You can receive silent push notification without any permissions, but you'll need a special permission for notifications visible to the user.
.requestAuthorization(options: [.badge, .alert, .sound]) { (granted, _) in
if granted {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
By default, Exponea only tracks push notification token when you're authorized (unless push setup check is enabled). To learn how to change this behavior check the detailed Push notifications documentation.
- Exponea should now be able to send push notifications to your device. To learn how, you can check the Sending Push notifications guide. Push notification will not display rich content just yet. We'll set it up in the next step.
iOS application needs 2 application extensions to be able to show custom image and buttons in push notifications. To create an extension, select File/New/Target
Make sure that the
iOS Deployment Target
of your extensions is the same as target for your main app. XCode will set it to latest when creating extensions.
If you're using Cocoapods, add pod 'ExponeaSDK-Notifications'
line to your Podfile under both the service and content extension targets and run pod install
. If you're using Carthage then add the ExponeaSDKNotifications
framework as a linked framework to the new service extension target along with the carthage script to strip unnecessary architectures.
Create new Notification Service Extension and give it App Groups
capability selecting the group you created for your main app.
In the extension, you have to call Exponea methods for processing notification and handling timeouts.
import UserNotifications
import ExponeaSDKNotifications
class NotificationService: UNNotificationServiceExtension {
let exponeaService = ExponeaNotificationService(
appGroup: ""
override func didReceive(
_ request: UNNotificationRequest,
withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void
) {
exponeaService.process(request: request, contentHandler: contentHandler)
override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() {
Create new Notification Content Extension. By default the extension will contain storyboard file that you can delete, we'll change the default view controller implementation. Service extension that we created in the previous step will change the notification categoryIdentifier
. We have to configure the content extension to display push notifications with that category. Open Info.plist
in created content extension group and add UNNotificationExtensionCategory
. Next, remove NSExtensionMainStoryboard
and instead use NSExtensionPrincipalClass
set to your view controller.
Your view controller class should just forward the notification to our service that will correctly display it.
import UIKit
import UserNotifications
import UserNotificationsUI
import ExponeaSDKNotifications
class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension {
let exponeaService = ExponeaNotificationContentService()
func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) {
exponeaService.didReceive(notification, context: extensionContext, viewController: self)
- push notification with image and buttons sent from Exponea web app should be properly displayed on your device. Push delivery tracking should work.
- if you don't see buttons in the expanded push notification, it means the content extension is not running. Double check
in the Info.plist - notice the placement insideNSExtensionAttributes
. Check that theiOS Deployment Target
is the same for extensions and main app.
You should now be able to use Exponea push notifications. You can disable the self-check now.
To further configure push notifications, check the complete documentation for Configuration and Push notifications