- Reduce RakSleep amount, reducing latency (@GameParrot)
- Update raknet dep to fix missing sys/io header on ARM Linux (@LucienHH)
- Client specific protocol versions (#14)
- Allow servers to accept older RakNet protocol version clients
- Fixes an issue with client/server receiving packets after calling close(), mitigate lifetime issue
- Mitigates some potential race conditions in packet handling
- clang-format, remove minecraft helpers, use mocha #8
- Fix macOS Catalina prebuild
- fix set maximum incoming connections bug. (#6) (@b23r0)
- Remove
- Fix issue with finding prebuilds
- only build static raknet library
- Be more conservative with prebuild usage #3
- Add a utility AES GCM cipher
BREAKING: Client event name changes :
- connected -> connect
- disconnected -> disconnect
RakClient, RakServer: RakNet packets are returned to JS in batches. No changes to the wrapped Client and Server APIs.
Adds a utility AES cipher implementation for Minecraft
BREAKING: "Game" option for Client has been removed and now takes an options argument instead. Use { protocolVersion: 10 } for Minecraft instead.
BREAKING: McPingMessage has been removed
Added kick method