diff --git a/open-media-match/.devcontainer/omm_config.py b/open-media-match/.devcontainer/omm_config.py
index 106ff5f50..b72ce2e1a 100644
--- a/open-media-match/.devcontainer/omm_config.py
+++ b/open-media-match/.devcontainer/omm_config.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 # to make it easier to copy this
 from OpenMediaMatch.storage.postgres.impl import DefaultOMMStore
+from OpenMediaMatch.utils.fetch_benchmarking import InfiniteRandomExchange
 from threatexchange.signal_type.pdq.signal import PdqSignal
 from threatexchange.signal_type.md5 import VideoMD5Signal
 from threatexchange.content_type.photo import PhotoContent
@@ -29,5 +30,5 @@
     signal_types=[PdqSignal, VideoMD5Signal],
     content_types=[PhotoContent, VideoContent],
-    exchange_types=[StaticSampleSignalExchangeAPI],
+    exchange_types=[StaticSampleSignalExchangeAPI, InfiniteRandomExchange],
diff --git a/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/background_tasks/fetcher.py b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/background_tasks/fetcher.py
index 8d32a65f4..b686110b7 100644
--- a/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/background_tasks/fetcher.py
+++ b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/background_tasks/fetcher.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/templates/components/create_exchange_modal.html.j2 b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/templates/components/create_exchange_modal.html.j2
index ff6663b9b..2729ea49c 100644
--- a/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/templates/components/create_exchange_modal.html.j2
+++ b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/templates/components/create_exchange_modal.html.j2
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
         const reload = window.location
         if (!data.get("api_json")) {
             as_object["api_json"] = {}
+        } else {
+            as_object["api_json"] = JSON.parse(data.get("api_json"))
         fetch(`/c/exchanges`, {
diff --git a/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/utils/fetch_benchmarking.py b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/utils/fetch_benchmarking.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6993d95e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-media-match/src/OpenMediaMatch/utils/fetch_benchmarking.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
+Helpers for fetch benchmarking and testing.
+In the long term, these are generic enough that should probably live in 
+python-threatexchange, but for short-term needs we're just working on them 
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from collections import defaultdict
+import time
+import typing as t
+from threatexchange.exchanges.fetch_state import (
+    FetchCheckpointBase,
+    FetchedSignalMetadata,
+    FetchDelta,
+    SignalOpinion,
+from threatexchange.exchanges.collab_config import CollaborationConfigBase
+from threatexchange.exchanges.signal_exchange_api import SignalExchangeAPI
+from threatexchange.signal_type.signal_base import SignalType, CanGenerateRandomSignal
+class InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig(CollaborationConfigBase):
+    # How many items to return per fetch_iter()
+    new_items_per_fetch_iter: int = 500
+    # How many items to return before claiming no more records
+    # A limit of -1 means unlimited
+    new_items_per_fetch: int = -1
+    # How many items to return before no more records are returned
+    # A limit of -1 means unlimited
+    total_item_limit: int = 1000000
+    # Simulate IO time
+    sleep_per_iter: float = 0.0
+class InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint(FetchCheckpointBase):
+    total_fetched: int
+class InfiniteRandomExchange(
+    SignalExchangeAPI[
+        InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig,
+        InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint,
+        FetchedSignalMetadata,
+        int,
+        t.Tuple[str, str],
+    ]
+    """
+    This SignalExchangeAPI generates random hashes for e2e testing.
+    By changing the config settings, it can even fetch an unbounded number
+    of signals.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config: InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig) -> None:
+        self.config = config
+    @classmethod
+    def for_collab(
+        cls, collab: InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig
+    ) -> "SignalExchangeAPI":
+        return cls(collab)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_checkpoint_cls() -> t.Type[InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint]:
+        return InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_record_cls() -> t.Type[FetchedSignalMetadata]:
+        return FetchedSignalMetadata
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_config_cls() -> t.Type[InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig]:
+        return InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig
+    @classmethod
+    def naive_convert_to_signal_type(
+        cls,
+        signal_types: t.Sequence[t.Type[SignalType]],
+        collab: InfiniteRandomExchangeCollabConfig,
+        fetched: t.Mapping[int, t.Tuple[str, str]],
+    ) -> t.Dict[t.Type[SignalType], t.Dict[str, FetchedSignalMetadata]]:
+        st_mapping = {st.get_name(): st for st in signal_types}
+        by_name: dict[str, dict[str, FetchedSignalMetadata]] = defaultdict(dict)
+        for st_name, st_val in fetched.values():
+            by_name[st_name][st_val] = FetchedSignalMetadata()
+        ret = {}
+        for st_name, signals in by_name.items():
+            st = st_mapping.get(st_name)
+            if st is None:
+                continue
+            ret[st] = signals
+        return ret
+    def fetch_iter(
+        self,
+        supported_signal_types: t.Sequence[t.Type[SignalType]],
+        # None if fetching for the first time,
+        # otherwise the previous FetchDelta returned
+        checkpoint: t.Optional[InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint],
+    ) -> t.Iterator[
+        FetchDelta[int, t.Tuple[str, str], InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint]
+    ]:
+        supported_sts = [
+            st
+            for st in supported_signal_types
+            if issubclass(st, CanGenerateRandomSignal)
+        ]
+        total_fetched = 0 if checkpoint is None else checkpoint.total_fetched
+        inf = float("inf")
+        limit = inf
+        if self.config.new_items_per_fetch != -1:
+            limit = total_fetched + self.config.new_items_per_fetch
+        if self.config.total_item_limit != -1:
+            limit = min(limit, self.config.total_item_limit)
+        while total_fetched < limit:
+            new_tot = total_fetched + self.config.new_items_per_fetch_iter
+            if limit < inf:
+                new_tot = min(new_tot, int(limit))
+            ret = {
+                i: _get_signal(i, supported_sts) for i in range(total_fetched, new_tot)
+            }
+            if self.config.sleep_per_iter > 0:
+                time.sleep(self.config.sleep_per_iter)
+            yield FetchDelta(
+                ret, InfiniteRandomExchangeCheckpoint(total_fetched=new_tot)
+            )
+            total_fetched = new_tot
+def _get_signal(
+    idx: int, supported: t.Sequence[t.Type[SignalType]]
+) -> t.Tuple[str, str] | None:
+    if not supported:
+        return "", ""
+    st = supported[idx % len(supported)]
+    return st.get_name(), t.cast(CanGenerateRandomSignal, st).get_random_signal()