We want to make contributing to fairseq2 as easy as possible. Please make sure to read this guideline carefully.
fairseq2 consists of two packages; the user-facing fairseq2 package implemented in pure Python, and the fairseq2n package that contains the C++ and CUDA portions of the library. If pre-built fairseq2n nightly packages are available for your system (check README), and if you are interested in only modifying Python portions of fairseq2, you can use an editable pip installation as described below. Otherwise, if you are planning to work on C++ or CUDA, or if fairseq2n is not available as a pre-built package for your system, please follow the installation instructions here.
For an editable installation, first, install a nightly build of fairseq2n (shown
for PyTorch 2.6.0
and variant cu124
pip install fairseq2n\
--pre --upgrade --extra-index-url https://fair.pkg.atmeta.com/fairseq2/whl/nightly/pt2.6.0/cu124
fairseq2n relies on the C++ API of PyTorch which has no API/ABI compatibility between releases. This means you have to install the fairseq2n variant that exactly matches your PyTorch version. Otherwise, you might experience issues like immediate process crashes or spurious segfaults. For the same reason, if you upgrade your PyTorch version, you must also upgrade your fairseq2n installation.
Then, clone the fairseq2 repository to your machine:
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq2.git
cd fairseq2
And, install the fairseq2 package in editable mode:
pip install -e .
Finally, make sure to install the development tools (e.g. linters and formatters):
pip install -r requirements-devel.txt
Any time you pull the latest fairseq2 commits from GitHub, make sure to re-run the fairseq2n installation command above to get the most up-to-date binary. If you observe runtime or test failures after the installation, it might be because the latest nightlies are not published yet. If the problem persists for more than 12 hours, please create a GitHub issue.
Any work that you plan to contribute should ideally be covered by a unit or integration test. Once you have all your tests in place, ensure the full test suite passes:
By default, the tests will be run on CPU; pass the --device
(short form -d
option to run them on a specific device (e.g. GPU):
pytest --device cuda:0
If you have changes in C++ or CUDA, in addition to pytest
, also run the native
Any new or revised user-facing feature included in your work should have an accompanying documentation. Depending on the scope of the work, the documentation can be just docstrings in Python code, or, for larger features, one or more Sphinx RST files. For docstrings, make sure to follow our formatting conventions. You can check out any Python file in our code base to study how we format our docstrings.
To build and test out the library documentation, run the following commands:
cd doc
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
cd build/html
python -m http.server 8084
and, visit http://localhost:8084 in your browser.
If you have made changes to the Python code, run the following command and address any issues reported:
mypy && flake8 .
If you have touched C++ or CUDA files, lint your code with an up-to-date version of the clang toolkit and address any issues reported:
cd native
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -GNinja -DFAIRSEQ2N_RUN_CLANG_TIDY=ON -B build
cmake --build build
cd native
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -GNinja -B build
run-clang-tidy -p build
For Python code, run the following command:
isort . && black .
For C++ and CUDA, we do not enforce our coding conventions via a tool (e.g. clang-format), but we expect you to follow them. You can check out any C++ file in our code base to study our conventions. Since C++ syntax can become pretty complex at times, refrain from being too pedantic and prioritize readability over convention.
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
. - If you've added code that should be tested, add tests, and ensure the entire test suite passes.
- If you've added or revised a user-facing feature, update the documentation.
- Lint and format your code.
- If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").
In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once to work on any of Facebook's open-source projects.
Complete your CLA here: https://code.facebook.com/cla
We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.
By contributing to fairseq2, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.