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Setting search parameters for one query

Matthijs Douze edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 15 revisions

Faiss indexes have their search-time parameters as object fields.

However, it can be useful to set these parameters separately per query. For example, for an IndexIVF, one query vector may be run with nprobe=10 and another with nprobe=20. This is problematic when the searches are called from different threads.

To support this use case, a SearchParameter object can be provided as the last argument of the search() function.

SearchParameter instances

Index types that accept search parameters have a corresponding SearchParameter child object. For example, IndexIVFPQ has a SearchParameterIVFPQ object.

The search will look like:

D, I =, 10, params=faiss.SearchParametersIVFPQ(nprobe=10))

Note that the params= is mandatory, not to confuse the search parameters with possible I and D output buffers that can also be provided. In C++:

idx_t *I = ...
float *D = ...
faiss::SearchParametersIVFPQ params; 
params.nprobe = 10;, xq, 10, D, I, &params);

SearchParameters can be nested, for example


is valid for an IVF1234_HNSW,... index.

Searching in a subset of elements

It is possible to select a subset of vectors, based on their ids, to search from. Similar to the remove_ids function, the subset is defined by an IDSelector object. The IDSelector::is_member(i) returns true if vector i should be included in the search. If the sel field of SearchParameters is non-null, the IDSelector will be used to filter vectors at search time.

In C++, it is possible to define an IDSelector subclass at will. In Python this is also possible (see below) but inefficient.

By default, vectors are filtered using the is_member method but some combinations of index types and selector types are optimized.


This selects ids that are in range [imin, imax).

Specific optimizations:

  • for IndexFlat, ignores the data matrix outside of the [imin, imax) range

  • for IndexIVF with sorted ids, only the subsection of the inverted lists that contains the range is handled. The ids are sorted either if vectors are added with add or if add_with_ids was called with increasing ids (weakly increasing, not strictly). This can be checked with index.check_sorted_ids.

  • TODO: support for all flat indexes.

IDSelectorArray, IDSelectorBatch and IDSelectorBitmap

These three IDSelectors encapsulate a set of elements to process. They differ by their properties, see below (n = nb of ids in index, k = nb of selected ids)

class storage lookup cost
IDSelectorArray O(k) O(k)
IDSelectorBatch O(k) O(1)
IDSelectorBitmap O(n) O(1)

For IDSelectorArray, the ids are just provided and stored as an array. Therefore, merely calling is_member can be slow. However, for some indexes (currently IndexFlat), it simply picks up the database elements to compare with, which is fast.

IDselectorBatch combines a hashtable (unordered_set) and a Bloom filter. Thus the lookup is in constant time.

IDSelectorBitmap takes an array with 1 bit per vector id. It is particularly interesting when a significant subset of vectors needs to be handled and ids are sequential. Then it is more compact and faster than IDselectorBatch.


This reverts another IDSelector

sel = faiss.IDSelectorNot(faiss.IDSelectorBatch(list_of_ids))

ignores the ids from the list.


This wraps a Python function that implements is_member. This is inefficient but useful for debugging.

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