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BFastUI - Introduction

State and UI architecture library for flutter inspired by flutter_modular for architecture and ChangeNotifier pattern for states.

BFast UI


Open your project's pubspec.yaml and add bfastui as a dependency:

  bfastui: any

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You organised your domain in your application in modules. Module is a top level abstraction of your application.


This is the bootstrap module for your application. Is only defined once in your application. You will required to implement initRoutes and initStates method

  • initRoutes - You will add all routes of the pages your module will use

  • initStates - You will add all states you will use in your module

class MyApp extends MainModuleAdapter {
  List<RouterAdapter> initRoutes(String moduleName) => [];

  List<StateAdapter> initStates(String moduleName) => [];



This is the feature module to enclose your specific business logic. Your will required to implement the following methods.

  • initRoutes - You will add all routes of the pages your module will use

  • initStates - You will add all states you will use in your module

  • moduleName - This will return your module name, name can be any String of your choice

class ProfileModule extends ChildModuleAdapter {
  List<RouterAdapter> initRoutes(String moduleName) => [];

  List<StateAdapter> initStates(String moduleName) => [];

  String moduleName() => 'profile-module';



Page is what your see presented by your mobile phone. i.e login page. Page belongs to a specific module and characterised with url to navigate to. Page can have one or more components which make the whole page functional. To create a page you extend PageAdapter and you will required to implement build method which return a Widget represent that page.

  • build(var args) - your must provide implementation for this method. args has the following properties

    final Map<String, dynamic> params;
    final Map<String, dynamic> queryParams;
    final dynamic data;
class MyPage extends PageAdapter {
  Widget build(var args) {
    // TODO: implement build
    throw UnimplementedError();



State call information of the current view of your page ( s ). State is a ChangeNotifier class to be used with provider state management under the hood.

class MyState extends StateAdapter {

to notify listerner for changes your will just call notifyListeners() as you would in ChangeNotifier class. You can use a state with active widget either consumer or selector. We provider factor method to produce either consumer widget or selector component.

class MyHomePage extends PageAdapter {
  Widget build(args) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(
        child: Column(
          children: [
              builder: (context, state) => Text('${state.count}'),
            selectorComponent<MyState, int>(
              selector: (state) => state.count,
              builder: (c, data) => Text('$data'),


A Route carry information of where to navigate to in your application and whether to allow someone access or not. You can navigate to another Page or Module.

Route Guard

To create a route guard

class MyRouteAuthGuard extends RouterGuardAdapter {
  Future<bool> canActivate(String url) {
    // TODO: implement canActivate
    throw UnimplementedError();

when canActivate resolve to true the page or a module someone navigate to will be activated otherwise will return to previous route if available

Complete Application Example

import 'package:bfastui/adapters/main_module.dart';
import 'package:bfastui/adapters/page.dart';
import 'package:bfastui/adapters/router.dart';
import 'package:bfastui/adapters/state.dart';
import 'package:bfastui/controllers/component.dart';
import 'package:bfastui/controllers/module.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyHomePage extends PageAdapter {
  Widget build(args) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(
        child: Column(
          children: [
              builder: (c, state) => Text('${state?.count}'),
            selectorComponent<MyState, int>(
              selector: (s) => s?.count ?? 0,
              builder: (c, data) => Text('$data'),

class MyState extends StateAdapter {
  int count = 0;

  increase() {
    count += 1;

  decrement() {
    count -= 1;

  void onDispose() {}

class MyAppModule extends MainModuleAdapter {
  List<RouterAdapter> initRoutes(String moduleName) => [
    RouterAdapter('/home', page: (c, _) => MyHomePage()),

  List<StateAdapter> initStates(String moduleName) => [

void main() {
      module: MyAppModule(),
      component: MaterialApp(
        initialRoute: '/home',