Updated to Ionic 3.9.2 and Angular 5.0.0
Fixed buttons having hard coded classes #48
Fixed weekday display on monday on first of month and prev month goes to first
Merge pull request #57 from Jetro223/master
Changes to de language to start from monday
Merge pull request #52 from niklilland/ionSelect-fix
Added ionSelected event that is raised when date is selected
Merge pull request #53 from anxorl/master
Added Spanish language
Added Galician language
- Fixed months selection starting from February
- Added Japanese locale courtesy of https://github.com/kuchida/datepicker-ionic2
- Fixed setting year/month doesn't recreate list.
- Made value property to be two way bindable. So [(value)]="data" can be used.
- Added readme to the new NPM package, renamed to ion-datepicker
- Fixed row/col issue css override
- Fixed --production problem which was caused due to ionic changing their modals.
- Added month/year/day views on click of the numbers
- updated versions in demo
- Fix a bug related to selecting a weekday
- Dependencies update
- Merge pull request #32 from Askrenteam/master Added french locale
- updated README locale list
- Added french(fr-FR) locale
- Merge pull request #30 from pauloedsr/MarkDate Mark date
- Create method to mark as array of Dates. Set a background-color;
- Added mark a date
- Removed angular date pipe dependency(ios compability)
- Fixed hover bug
- fix for ios tap problem
- Added disabled dates
- Updated readme format
- Added custom locale and monday options for it
- Updated versions to angular 4.1.3
- Limited weeksday to 2 for deutsch
- Fixed bug with initial date
- Changed pictures in readme
- Remove calendar & full options
- Fixed iPad problems
- Fixed the padding issues in various devices
- Added zh-CN/TW support and monday on en-US
- Removed BrowserModule
- Fixed for ionic 3.1.1
- Fixed for ionic 3.1.0
- Fixed padding for various devices
- Merge pull request #13 from ross-nordstrom/master Calendar has weekdays, and is aligned to weekday columns
- feat(calendar): include dayOfWeek headers in calendar
- fix(calendar): add placeholder days at start of calendar so dates align with weekdays
- added an example how to dismiss the datepicker
- Added an option to dismiss the datepicker from the directive
- Moved all depenedencies to developer dependencies
- AOT compability
- Added languages types and upgraded to ionic 2.0.1
- Merge pull request #7 from venalil/finnish_support Added support for Finnish
- Added ionCanceled
- Remove emit from cancel
- Changed buttons text
- Update to ionic 2.0 final version
- Added german support
- Language translation and min fix
- Removed colors as important in css
- Fixed previous month/next month moving issue
- Exposed component & directive
- Updated texts
- Added modal options
- Display html example
- Fixed to work ionic rc4
- Various CSS fixes
- Demo added
- Readme update
- Added a calendar display mode