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Benchmarking the accuracy of short-read sequencing across the M. tuberculosis genome

This repository contains the bioinformatics pipeline and code needed to reproduce the analysis for Benchmarking the empirical accuracy of short-read sequencing across the M. tuberculosis genome, 2022, Bioinformatics. All key bioinformatics processing is implemented using the SnakeMake workflow system, along with all downstream analysis available in Jupyter notebooks using Python 3.7. All software dependencies are defined for processing and analysis steps using Conda.

Click here to interactively explore the key results from this paper in an online genome browser. More information can be found below.



All dependencies needed to reproduce this analysis can be installed via Conda .

# 1) Clone repository
git clone

# 2) Create a conda environment named 'CoreEnv_MtbEval_V1'
cd mtb-illumina-wgs-evaluation/

conda env create --file CondaEnvs/Core_CondaEnv_Mtb_Illumina_WGS_Benchmarking_V1.yml -n CoreEnv_MtbEval_V1

# 3) Activate environment (used for SnakeMake pipeline and data analysis)
conda activate CoreEnv_MtbEval_V1

The above command will create a Conda environment with:

  • a) the Snakemake workflow engine,
  • b) bioinformatics software dependencies,
  • c) Python libraries for downstream analysis.

Processing of Illumina and PacBio sequencing

The provided Snakemake pipeline implements all steps related to Assembly, alignment, and other key processing steps.

To run the SnakeMake pipeline you need to provide:

  • a) A TSV with sample metadata and input FASTQ paths (Illumina and PacBio). Examples can be found in Data/201202_PMP_SM_50CI_AllDataSets_InputSeqDataPaths.
  • b) Path to a target outout directory
  • c) A config file with paths to H37Rv reference files (NC_000962.3) in FASTA and GBK formats.
  • d) A cluster config file specifing computational resource requirements for steps of the pipeline when using SLURM

To run the SnakeMake workflow, run the following bash commands:

# Define path to the target output directory

# Define config file 

# Define SLURM config file

# Define path to TSV that specifies Sample Metadata and FASTQ PATHs


# Run SnakeMake pipeline
mkdir ${targetOutput_Dir}
mkdir -p ${targetOutput_Dir}/O2logs/cluster/

snakemake -s --config output_dir=${targetOutput_Dir} inputSampleData_TSV=${input_SampleInfo_TSV} --configfile ${inputConfigFile} -p --use-conda -j 50 --cluster-config  ${SLURM_Cluster_Config}  --cluster "sbatch -p {cluster.p} -n {cluster.n}  -t {cluster.t} --mem {cluster.mem} -o ${targetOutput_Dir}/{cluster.o} -e ${targetOutput_Dir}/{cluster.e}" --latency-wait 35 -k 

The final command will begin the SnakeMake pipeline using the SLURM workload manager.

Supporting Data Analysis

The DataAnalysis/ directory contains Jupyter notebooks for downstream data processing, table generation, and figure generation related to this work.


Useful Genome-wide statistics and visualizations (across H37Rv, the Mtb reference genome)

From this work we present many useful results that can help guide future genomics studies of the Mtb genome using Illumina WGS.

Pileup Mappability (K = 50 bp, E <= 4 mismatches):


Pileup Mappability (K = 100 bp, E <= 4 mismatches):


Empirical Base pair Recall (EBR, 36 clinical Mtb isolates):


These results can easily be explored in a browser based JBroswe2 genome browser, please click here. If you would like to visualize this genome-wide statistics in your own genome browser, please use the .bedgraph and .bw files listed above.

Pileup Mappability and EBR summarized at the feature-level (genes + intergenic regions) across H37Rv

AF7_H37Rv_FeatureLevelAnalysis.EBR_And_Pmap.tsv contains the mean EBR and Pileup mappability across all genes and intergenic regions of the H37Rv genome.

  1. Refined Low Confidence (RLC) Regions (RLC_Regions.H37Rv.bed)

  2. Low Pileup Mappability Regions (K=50bp, E=4 mismatches, 201027_PMap_K50E4_Regions_BELOW_1.bed)

  3. RLC Regions & Low Pileup Mappability Regions combined (RLC_Regions.Plus.LowPmapK50E4.H37Rv.bed)

How to filter a VCF using a masking scheme

You can use bedtools intersect to remove all variants in a VCF file that overlap with a set of regions (BED format).

The example below shows how to remove all variants (VCF) overlapping with the RLC regions (BED format).

# Define path to RLC regions (BED)
RLC_Regions_BED = "RLC_Regions.H37Rv.bed"

# Define path to VCF to mask/filter

# Define path to output VCF that will have all variants overlapping with RLC regions removed.

bedtools intersect -header -v -a ${i_VCF} -b ${RLC_Regions_BED} -wa > ${i_VCF_NoRLC_Regions}


This repository is distributed under the MIT license terms.