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We cover many DevOps topics content under - topic 🔥
Item | Content | Official Docs | Hands-on |
Ansible | ansible | 📖 docs.ansible.com | ✔️ ansible-helloworld.sh |
Docker | docker | 📖 docs.docker.com | ✔️ docker-helloworld.sh |
Kubernetes (k8s) | k8s | 📖 kubernetes.io/docs | ✔️ k8s-helloworld.sh |
Aws | aws | 📖 docs.aws.amazon.com | ✔️ EC2_GetStarted 📖 |
Helm | helm | 📖 helm.sh/docs | ✔️ helm-helloworld.sh |
Jenkins | jenkins | 📖 www.jenkins.io/doc | ✔️ Jenkins-Hello-World.md |
Terraform | terraform | 📖 terraform/docs | ✔️ terraform-helloworld.sh |
Shell | shell | 📖 devdocs.io/bash | ✔️ basic.sh 🏃 |
Git | git | 📖 git-scm.com/doc | ✔️ git-helloworld.sh |
Elk | elk | 📖 www.elastic.co/guide | ✔️ elk/helloworld |
ArgoCD | argocd | 📖 argo-cd.readthedocs.io | 🚶♂️ TO-DO |
Github-Action | github-action | 📖 docs.github.com/actions | ✔️ Create First Workflow |
Gitlab CI | gitlab-ci | 📖 docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci | ✔️ Create First Pipeline |
Groovy | groovy | 📖 groovy-lang.org | ✔️ groovy/helloworld |
Prometheus | prometheus | 📖 prometheus.io/docs | ✔️ prometheus-helloworld.sh |
Python | python | 📖 www.python.org/doc | ✔️ python/helloworld |
Item | Link |
devops-project | 🏗️ devops-project |
90DaysOfDevOps | 📆 90DaysOfDevOps |
python | 🐍 python-examples |
aws-lab-with-terraform | ☁️ aws-lab-with-terraform |
AWS-LearningResource | 🧰 AWS-LearningResource |
bookmarks | 🔖 bookmarks |
devops-exercises | 📚 devops-exercises |
devops-resources | 🔗 devops-resources |
howtheydevops | ❔ howtheydevops |
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