- Creating new annotations via annotator API now requires the user to have the annotator_store.add_annotation permission. (Previously any logged in user could create annotations.)
- Any annotation edits (create, update, delete) made via annotator API now generate Django admin log entries.
Initial release of annotator_store as a stand-alone Django application, refactored out of the Readux codebase.
- Support for custom Annotation model via ANNOTATOR_ANNOTATION_MODEL setting and annotator_store.models.BaseAnnotation abstract model
- Configurable support for normal Django permissions or per-item permissions via django-guardian (NOTE that per-item permissions functionality is not fully tested or supported and should be considered alpha quality)
- Annotation text and quote fields marked as optional for use in Django admin
- Supports both Python 3.x and Python 2.7
- Includes example templates with code for initializing an annotator.js instance and connecting it to annotator_store as a backend.