All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by auto-changelog
- (Bug) centralize value on receive screen
- (Bug) fonts are not centralized, and transaction direction is not cap…
- (Bug) Fixed captcha not opening on native
- add: support for scanning plain address qrcodes (metamask/fuse)
- 3346 payment api TX details
- (Fix) deleteAccount crashes in RN android
- add fetch ipv6 via open api
- (Chore) Updated delete modal info
- wip: #3495 catch errors to debug
- chore: release qa version 1.35.1-3 [skip build]
- hotfix: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
3 December 2021
- (Bug) centralize value on receive screen
3 December 2021
- hotfix: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
2 December 2021
- hotfix: masked privacy level doesn't storing in the profile settings
2 December 2021
- hotfix: #3545 app crashes after setting the values public
1 December 2021
- (Bug) Fixed captcha not opening on native
29 November 2021
- hotfix: app crashes when the user refreshes the SendLinkSummary
29 November 2021
- fix: improve gas for invites
28 November 2021
- fix: increase collect bounty default gas
25 November 2021
- fix: increase default gas limit
25 November 2021
- hotfix: The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code
24 November 2021
- fix: improve chances of collecting bounty successfully
23 November 2021
- wip: #3495 catch errors to debug
- fix: clear signin/signup recall to prevent loop #3532
20 November 2021
- add fetch ipv6 via open api
18 November 2021
- (Fix) deleteAccount crashes in RN android
18 November 2021
- (Chore) Updated delete modal info
17 November 2021
- add: remove powered by vercel
17 November 2021
- (Feature) 3499 crypto literacy campaign
- add fix prod env overrides
- Revert "update android release flow, add option to release Android prod build keeping current web build untouched"
- fix: make sure entitlement is int. last interest collection is found. save gas estimation call.
11 November 2021
- add fix prod env overrides
11 November 2021
- Fixed facetec goes black
- (Bug) avatar gets overlapped by huge balance
- 3491 sentry not using source maps
- reverted changes from #3485
- 3482 commas in balance are cropped when scrolling
- (Bug) commas in balance are cropped when scrolling down
- (Bug) The android app is crashed after double tapping on the device back button
- (Bug) Passwordless users unable to sign-up/log-in due to missing captcha
- (Chore) added vercel logo button to splash
- (Chore) send platform version to amplitude 3466
- (Bug) 3354 info feed cards are cropped
- (Bug) country flag wont show on phone inputs
- (Bug) Fixed camera wont open when modifying profile
- Centralize text on buttons 3462
- (Bug) Fonts have changed in the app from 3449
- (Bug) Fixes for #3449
- add: save network calls using multicall
- Vercel env
- (Chore) Update android app to be targeted API level 30
- chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
- fix build issues on web
- merge package.json
- remove package lock
27 October 2021
- (Bug) country flag wont show on phone inputs (#3474)
27 October 2021
- hotfix: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.theme.colors')
29 September 2021
- fix: make sure invite_join event is fired
22 September 2021
- hotfix: poll contracts about isCitizen flag up to 15sec after FV passed, show error screen if isCitizen wasn't updated during that time
- hotfix: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘amount’)'
- hotfix: remove store workarounds, add proper solution for ExplanationDialog fix
19 September 2021
- fix: jwt refresh + silent logging on production with js-logger
16 September 2021
- hotfix: adjust production=false yarn variable
16 September 2021
- Ios auth0 login fix
- hotfix #3428 android build
- hotfix #3428 android build
- chore: release qa version 1.31.1-0 [skip build]
- Revert "revert refactor packages - because yarn also skips devDeps on NODE_ENV=prod"
- update snapshots
14 September 2021
- hotfix: Amplitude warnings
12 September 2021
- fix: schema failure on missing type in receipt error
12 September 2021
- fix: handle error receipt correctly
12 September 2021
- fix: make sure last block is integer
12 September 2021
- fix: make sure polling requests max 10k blocks
10 September 2021
- hotfix #3428 android build
- hotfix #3428 android build
10 September 2021
- hotfix hide code box after collected bounties from invitees
9 September 2021
- hotfix user name is not visible at all
9 September 2021
- hotfix: missing isinvitercodevalid
9 September 2021
- hotfix: claimer stats
8 September 2021
- fix packages
8 September 2021
- revert refactor packages - because yarn also skips devDeps on NODE_ENV=prod
8 September 2021
- hotfix node version for netlify
8 September 2021
- add margin
- move to another css alss postion relative
- The social icons on the invite page are moved out.#3353
- There is a wrong display of the Face Verification processing screen after passing the FV.#3372
- There is a wrong display of the Face Verification processing screen after passing the FV.#3372
- Js logger
- (Chore) Handle RealmDB/MongoDB disconnects/errors
- 3380 userprofilestorage should try to load missing counterparty in feed
- (Feature) UserProfileStorage should try to load missing counterparty in feed
- (Feature) Ability to enter the invite code of the inviter after sign up
- userstorage should have unit tests#3373
- (Feature) Upgrade popup - new app version available
- User profile should be stored on realmdb#3326-> Fix for editing profile
- refactor and fix userstorage and profile usages#3379
- (Bug) Avatar invisible in native app
- Added missing function calls in old GoodWalletClass
- Fixed bounty calculation
- (Feature) tx outbox alternative
- (Bug) Unable to claim
- Web3 1.5
- Upgrade profile realmdb
- 3366 profile storage tests
- Fix use profile
- [Feature] User profile should be stored on realmdb#3326
- Upgrade rnw17
- (Feature) Implement avatars storage via Pinata
- chore(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
- chore: release qa version 1.30.1-19 [skip build]
- update torus version, hotfix localhost redirects during local android app run
- add: replace pino with js-logger
29 August 2021
- fix: reduce concurrent blockchain calls
29 August 2021
- fix: add abortcontroller polyfill for realm-web older safari #3406
29 August 2021
- fix: events fetch step limit + restore sync date in localstorage
19 August 2021
- add: finally polyfill
15 August 2021
- fix: correct diff from ubi start
9 August 2021
- fix: handle unexpected tx correctly #3374
8 August 2021
- add: special error message for realmdb issue
8 August 2021
- refactor: remove problematic animations
- fix: shim missing object.fromEntries
- refactor: remove feed mutex
6 August 2021
- fix: save last block after sync
5 August 2021
- fix: force token refresh on logged in app reload
5 August 2021
- (Feature) Server side captcha verification step
- realmdb poc
- [Bug] It is possible to move cards (information and pending) beyond the edge of the app.#3334
- update package
- (Chore) dont store feeditem animation status in database
- Improve avatar edit
- Upgrade protocolv2
- Less polling
- Invisible recaptcha on web
- Feature: Wallet Bounty API: Show vendor stubs
- (Bug) significant drop in passwordless signup success
- [BUG] The app is crashed after entering new phone number on the Edit profile screen and tapping on the "Verify my number" button#3304
- [BUG] The images on the Send/Receive completed popup on the Android app are different than on the web app#3267
- (Bug) The balance is displayed in two row on the Home screen on Google Pixel 4 XL
- (Bug) The correct sum of G$ displayed with delay after opening the invite page
- fix svg transparency
- (Bug) The balance is displayed in two row on the Home screen
- (Bug) Claim counter correct format
- update torus version, remove custom message suggesting to switch to the Chrome
- fix: protocol v2 test
- fix: keep goodwalletclassold in sync
11 July 2021
- fix: fire success event after all exceptions
8 July 2021
- Trim flag added to moment duration
7 July 2021
- 3170 unable to claim custom hooks
- [BUG] 3293 pending feed cards
- Mobile jagged edge fixed
- (Feature) User should see animated icon in feed item modal
- (Bug) The user is able to make a transaction without selecting a category
- [Bug] The White screen is displayed on the opened app after collapsing the app by double tapping on the device Back button
- (Bug) export wallet copy buttons have empty background on click
- (Bug) handle payment link of own wallet is stuck
- (Bug) The Welcome page is not displayed fully (small devices)
- Hotfix broken feed migrtion
- (Bug) The splash screen has not filled all screen after launching the app on some devices
- 2939 verification code attempts
- update torus, handle no supported browser error, show dialog with suggestions
- Hotfix broken feed migrtion
- fix production build
- hotfix: update zoom version
- hotfix: remove facetec workarounds
4 July 2021
- fix: promise.any to race
21 June 2021
- hotfix: new dashboard on datastudio
17 June 2021
- fix: make sure event has date
17 June 2021
- fix: bad fix
17 June 2021
- fix: feed items not updated
17 June 2021
- Hotfix broken feed migrtion
17 June 2021
- hotfix: remove facetec workarounds
16 June 2021
- hotfix: update zoom version
16 June 2021
- lint fix
16 June 2021
- small build fix
16 June 2021
- small fix
16 June 2021
- fix production build
16 June 2021
- add: vendor callback
- 3186 Use P2P storage for avatars
- 867 reason of transfer
- chore(deps): bump merge-deep from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
- 3239 user unable to set mobile in profile
- (Bug) 867 reason of transfer
- [BUG] The amount of received reward is displayed incorrectly on the feed card of the invitee after passing FV
- (Bug) 3239 user unable to set mobile in profile
- (Bug) 2788 new feed bug
- chore(deps): bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4
- (Chore) read facetec keys and config settings via api
- (Bug) 3239 user unable to set mobile in profile
- add: persist invite code on signup route
- New feed improves
- [BUG]The red card is displayed for the receiver of the payment after opening the payment link
- replace GD feed icon via svg, add check is require() asset registered (web only)
- chore(deps): bump merge from 1.2.1 to 2.1.1
- chore(deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9
- chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21
- (Bug) The app is not respond to tapping buttons on the "Please turn your camera in portrait mode" screen after turning the device from landscape mode to portrait
- (Bug) cannot read property slice of undefined
- chore(deps): bump handlebars from 4.7.2 to 4.7.7
- chore(deps): bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.21 to 0.7.28
- (Chore) Reduce error logs in the dapp
- (Bug) App crashes if change device orientation during FV initialize
- (Chore) Upgrade FaceTec SDK to 9.2.2
- Feature: Wallet Payment API - add stubs for vendor SDK
- chore(deps): bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
- (Bug) 3189 User should be able to open account with Facebook unverified email
- UI Fixes
- [BUG] The "Save" button is inactive on the Edit Profile screen after deleting the phone number
- fix: synced prod envs
- Fix names capitalization
- hotfix: #3238 $.a is not a constructor
- hotfix: update facetec SDK, add custom orientation listener
- add globalThis polyfill
22 April 2021
- hotfix: 'swtich to Chrome' message design, removed extra API call after FV success
21 April 2021
- UI Fixes
- fix: synced prod envs
- hotfix: update torus package with fix auth issue
- update torus redirect scripts & sw to the latets version
- hotfix: remove extra scrollbar && snapshots
20 April 2021
- temporarly restore browserRedirectUri
20 April 2021
- add split web/native redirects inside platform implementations, adjust natie redirect according the docs
12 April 2021
- hotfix gun url on native prod
12 April 2021
- hotfix add logging to the native prod
9 April 2021
- hotfix: fix url for invite functionality
8 April 2021
- hotfix: remove extra useCallback, fix passing callback params from deepLinking.native
8 April 2021
- hotfix: Cannot read property ‘pathname’ of undefined
- hotfix: disable mobile verification for native
8 April 2021
- [BUG] The endless loading screen is displayed on the Android App production version after sign in/up with the google account
- omit deeplinking re-subscription when app goes background then activated
- 2788 new feed
- chore(deps): bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
- (Feature) Invite fix- Close the 'How to invite"
- (BUG) The "HandlePaymentLink" blank page is displayed after closing the "You can't withdraw your own payment link" pop-up
- refactor: move torus nonce proof right before sending
- hotfix: fix #3184
- Revert "2788 new feed (#3149)"
- chore: release prod version 1.26.0 [skip build]
- chore: release qa version 1.25.1-0 [skip build]
23 March 2021
- (Bug) 2998 and 3164
- (Feature) Fuse chain ID
- 2211 feed record should store recipient sender details
- fixed click sensitive
- chore(deps): bump react-dev-utils from 10.2.1 to 11.0.4
- (Bug) The background image of "waves" is not displayed in the fullscreen on the splash screen
- (Feature) New design for FV Errors
- (Bug) The grey frame is displayed on the feed cards while the cards are appearing on the Home screen
- (Bug) The "setProfile partially failed" "some of the fields failed during saving" error is displayed in the console after clicking on the "Let's start" button on the Sign up page
- Ab test torus
- hotfix #3025 The send link is not copied
- chore: release prod version 1.25.0 [skip build]
- chore: release qa version 1.24.1-5 [skip build]
- chore: release qa version 1.24.1-6 [skip build]
17 March 2021
- adjust github actions to deploy app on google play
9 March 2021
- add debug save profile errors
5 March 2021
- hotfix #3025 The send link is not copied
4 March 2021
- fix: wrong sms code message
4 March 2021
- (Bug) The "What is the transaction for?" screen is displayed twice with the "receive a specific amount" request
- (Feature) Feed: Remove contour from avatar photo (on card + popups)
- (Feature) Feed is loading when opening the app using payment link
- (Bug) Error loading some JS chunk (404 ?)
- (Bug) The image goes out of the container on the "Unfortunately, we found your twin" screen
- (Bug) The bottom half of the "Copy key" button is not tapped on the Export my wallet screen
- (Feature) 2828 select category of payment
- (Feature) Replace the link for goodmarket
- (Bug) The image goes out of the container on the "Unfortunately, we found your twin" screen
- Small typo
- (BUG) Error loading some JS chunk (404 ?)
- 2982 torus redirect flow
- (BUG) The verify edit page is displayed after deleting the phone number on the Edit profile page
- (BUG) The app is crashed after the user tapping on the Invite icon on the Home screen
- Update snapshot
- Extract handlePaymentLink logic from Dashboard to new blank screen HandlePaymentLink
- Replace share icons to separate file for .web and .native
2 March 2021
- hotfix: handle empty profile search value
1 March 2021
- hotfix: display from correctly for old ubi claims
27 February 2021
- fix: double address hash
27 February 2021
- hotfix: null public key
27 February 2021
26 February 2021
- hotfix: typo destructuring params
25 February 2021
- hotfix: torus on firefox
24 February 2021
- fix: page reload always leading to dashboard
23 February 2021
- wip: remove gun nts
23 February 2021
- (BUG) The verify edit page is displayed after deleting the phone number on the Edit profile page
- 2982 torus redirect flow
- (BUG) The image profile placeholder is absent on the "Home" page after deleting and recreating the wallet
- 2395 fix basic deeplink logic
- (BUG) The Counter on the Invite icon is situated mismatch with the mockup
- 2968 use gun.on with hook to fetch profiles
- (Feature) Native app Zoom integration for Android
- fix: android app crash while displaying count of invited users
- Native UI fixes
- add: update torus
- bump facetec SDK for web version, fix lint issues
- fix: #2968 use new trust index
12 February 2021
- fix react-native-side-menu package
11 February 2021
- fix: dont run updates for new users
10 February 2021
- add: og/json-ld meta
- bump facetec SDK for web version, fix lint issues
- revert: restore wallet domain as invite link
9 February 2021
- revert: restore wallet domain as invite link
9 February 2021
9 February 2021
- fix: topwallet infinite loop
9 February 2021
- refactor: out of gas check and wallet topping
9 February 2021
- fix: bad contract calls preventing invite bounty
8 February 2021
- hotfix: invite model:
8 February 2021
- hotfix: invite module
8 February 2021
- set invite link to domain for production
8 February 2021
- Revert "add: dont throw on checkentitlement reverrt"
8 February 2021
- add: invites design update and fixes
8 February 2021
- add: enable invites
7 February 2021
3 February 2021
- fix: use facetec license correctly
3 February 2021
- fix: update claim display to new weekly ubischeme
3 February 2021
- add: upgrade to cyclic ubi scheme
2 February 2021
- add: dont throw on checkentitlement reverrt
- revert: back to previous ubi contract
- fix: revert netlify change
2 February 2021
- (Feature) 2913 new fv screens
- add: improve fv load and add fv_start event
- #2937 Faucet topwallet
- Signup UI changes
- 2915 Signin new design
- (chore) 2902 decrease auth calls
- (Bug) fixProfile timeout update failed
- remove @stdlib, re-implement theirs clone error fn in our code
- update RN facetec issue with Java package conflitcs resolved, update RN config import, remove some warnings during build
- fix: signup, welcome design fixes
18 January 2021
- removed throttle for all requests
- 2897 no space as first char name input
- trimLeft fullName string
- (Bug) FaceTec SDK V9 integration: verification UI issues
- removed screenState.params.type check
- add: throtttle all api requests
- (Chore) Upgrade FV to v9
- (Bug) Analytics not sent to Google
- build(deps): bump axios from 0.19.1 to 0.21.1
- 2868 fix testid crash
- ModalJaggedEdge for native:
- (Bug) Non-Error promise rejection captured with keys: currentTarget, isTrusted, target, type
- 2768 invites design v2
- (Chore) 2745 Release native app to stores automatically
- Fix checkmark not showing on email confirmation:
- (Feature) React native - add google analytics
- (Bug) [RN] Opening dashboard feed items always shows the popup for the first item on the list
- interest now returns actual value
- interest now returns actual value
- (Feature) add app link and associated domain
- Torus strategies auth0Domain refactor as proposed in issue, but removing 'https://' on native instead
- Fix torus sdk linking on android
- (Chore) Refactor restart func & use it everywhere
- (Bug) Fix torus android rn linking with new package name
- Fixed svg crash (on release apk) when showing error popup, by keeping rn-svg classes in proguard rules
- (Bug) 2759 successfully recover with mnemonic app crashes and closes itself
- 2679 fix cant decrypt
- (Feature) 2787 - integrate torus for ios
- build(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8
- Development's enviroment file overwrites local .env
- Fix verification code inputs (setSpan error):
- hotfix: android build_version conditional
- build(deps): bump highlight.js from 9.17.1 to 9.18.5
- chore: release qa version 1.12.0-0 [skip ci]
- hotfix: add clone error before send to Sentry
- fix: update packages for amplitude
6 January 2021
- chore: move to single gun relay
4 January 2021
- fix: torus bug. remove netlify redirects
- wip: netlify redirect
- add: netlify redirect fix [skip ci]
29 December 2020
- add: netlify redirect
28 December 2020
- interest now returns actual value
- interest now returns actual value
26 December 2020
- hotfix: GoodMarket button disappears after claim
- enable install dev deps [skip ci]
- try fix rewired dep [skip ci]
- try fix rewired dep [skip ci]
23 December 2020
- 2690 fix market mask
- (Bug) [Native] 2738 Feed items G$ amount is cut off at the top
- 2777 fix wallet navbar back
- (Bug) [RN] 2737 Design fixes
- (Bug) 2764 native checkmark animation not working
- wip: balance animation
- Rn 2478 new claim screen
- [RN] (Feature) Restore invites
- (Bug) [RN] update rn torus direct sdk & adding scripts.html
- (Chore) [RN] Fix native style crashes
- (Chore) 2550 setup envs for native build flows
- torus direct rn sdk fixes:
- (Feature) [RN] Native should use torus react-native package
- [RN] (Bug) Failed to execute 'share': Must be handling a user gesture
- add disable utf8 chars in the email by default
- add disable utf8 chars in the email by default
- [Rn] 2684 borderbox design fix
- (BUG) [RN] 2717 The camera access pop-ups are displayed without an image
- [RN] (Bug) Do not show ZoOm's retry screen on 3rd time error
- (Chore) [RN] 2565 Fix unit tests for web
- (Chore) [RN] 1199 Re-integrate hot reloader for web
- (UI BUG) [RN] Export wallet - Address pop up - The background should be blurred (as per design)
- (BUG) [RN] The pop-ups shadow is too dark
- (BUG) [RN] 2672 code withdraw failed Private key must be 32 bytes long
- AnalyticsClass#onErrorLogged:
- Fix Signup phone form:
- add compatibility with v9 backend
- add compatibility with v9 backend
- ReactNative - Build flow for iOS
- [RN] split login screen
- (Chore) [RN] Fix useOnPress usage in the codebase
- (Bug) [RN] The Claim button jumps after the user coming back to the dashboard
- (Bug) [RN] My profile: The "Delete" and "Edit" buttons are displayed below the avatar after uploading the image
- (Feature) [RN] FV - 3rd time error screen - Switch to other devices
- (Bug) [RN] Native - goodmarket button is misaligned
- (Bug) [RN] Native 2647 in dashboard the top nav buttons aren't properly working
- fix: do not dispatch events if error page refreshed, update snapshots
- (Bug) [RN] 2621 support dialog layout broken
- [RN] (Feature) Export Screen - Add Wallet address + update the design + add warning popup
- Fixed Splash version spacing on web mobile:
- [RN] (Bug) FV - Zoom try again screen - Remove bullets, Fix bug on camera error screen
- [Rn] 2635 confirm n share
- (Feature) [RN] FV - Add instructions screen
- (BUG) [RN] - "Queue" pop-up image small size
- (Chore) 2624 fix useOnPress usage
- add: remove Who screen in send/receive
- [RN] fix summary screen
- RN Phone validation doesn't match design
- (BUG) [RN] The image isn't displayed on the "Queue" pop-up
- [RN] 1816 always show button flip animation
- [RN] 2581 fix alreadyverified
- [RN] (Feature) GoodMarket - Add link from wallet
- (Bug) [RN] feed empty after opening account with self custody
- fix passing extra/tags to Sentry, add some debug logs
- RN Fix success modal UI
- [RN] fullsplash each hour and after updates
- [RN] 2494 mobile verificaiton optional
- RN Uncaught exceptions
- RN Fix checkmark
- updating userStorageClass
- RN List Event Item crash
- fix: images in svg
- [RN] misc issues related to Mnemonic.
- add: send user details to server once we have email
- [RN] add interval for service worker update
- [RN] retire web3 login timeout
- (Bug) Goodnative doesn't display homepage svgs
- [RN] (chore) Adjust Send/Receive to Address
- [RN] (Feature) #2459 Sync txs from blockchain
- (chore) build script to use react rewired again
- RN Doesn't show invite modal
- [RN] (Bug) #2489 TX/Pending popups - the name ("To:") is not centred vertically between the lines
- [RN] (Bug) Profile: save button not clickable / details not saved / the data goes out from the mobile/email fields
- [RN] (Chore) #2475 retire w3
- [RN] (Bug) 2470 Error message from server not logged correctly
- Rn stop web3 polling
- (Chore) 2504 - fix web build for react-native
- fix: make the profile links not clickable for send/receive screens
- [RN] (Feature) #2476 User should see TOU and PP from website
- add: add SIGNUP_SUCCESS event at the end of finishRegistration method
- [RN] (Feature) #2463 show info for argentina mobiles
- [RN] (BUG) #2448 Send by address - confirm screen - font size is too big and the address is out of bound.
- add: add voice call otp option
- fix: fix error message fetching from server
- [RN] (Bug) #2441 Phone verification issues
- add isCancel check to the exception interceptor
- [RN] (Chore) #2450 Send/Receive by address - User should see a warning message
- [RN] (Chore) #2450 Send/Receive by address - User should see a warning message
- [RN] (BUG) #2374 Dashboard - Claim button animation isn't working well
- [RN] (Chore) #2250 User should see FaceVerification liveness best practices
- [RN] (Bug) #2418 empty error message from FV
- [RN] (Bug) #2427 undefined error on user signup
- add: add custom fingerprint for sentry logs to group similar logs
- [RN] (BUG) #2426 The hamburger button is displayed on the left side of the screen
- RN Fix isBrowser
- [RN] Improve loadtime 2
- [RN] (Bug) Fix unit tests
- fix a lot of /verify/phase calls
- [RN] (Chore) Fix claim styles + Fix android styles
- [RN] (BUG) #2398 The "agree&continue with google" text is cut off on the button
- [RN] (Bug) Uncaught messages in the console related to the feed & gun.decrypt
- [RN] (BUG) #2315 claim success popups are in different sizes
- [RN] (Bug) FV liveness failure should show the zoom native "retry" screen
- [RN] (BUG) #2368 The "Payment link processed successfully" pop-up isn't closed after clicking close or "YAY!" button
- [RN] (BUG) #2360 IOS: The G$ amount isn't centered on the dashboard
- [RN] Improve claim
- (Bug) #2322 misc issues in react native
- Rect native latest master (09/01/2020)
- Fix 'Ooops' dialogs for both platforms
- Fix modal linear-gradient
- Improve Analytics
- #2311 fixes after review
- (Chore) #2311 Merge code bases
- User should be able to export his wallet to other wallets (Native)
- (Chore) Latest master into react-native
- (Chore) Config vars use cross-platform import
- (Bug) ReactNative signup flow
- Fix iframe.native implementation
- Added useOnPress functionality on all parts from the app.
- Added Popup to Scan Qr Code Page
- Fixed crash
- ReactNative - UI fixes
- inject DOMContentLoaded proxy snippet via iframe.native.js
- Fix Can't autodetect provider for "ropsten/"
- React native sync with master. Latest Features
- React native latest master
- Bug - Update image-crop-picker to latest version
- fix shortcut that is not working, fix empty contact on web
- [WIP] Local Push Notifications
- (Bug) Feed isn't loaded with the ".indexOf is not a function" exception throwing
- [WIP] Deep Linking for mobile app
- Contacts search
- (Bug) Network error isn't shown correctly on native
- fix: start performing animation only when lottie anim object is initialized
- (Feature) #1545 oOptimize lodash imports for react native
- fix modal styles
- (Feature) #1500 Bundle .svg files as React components using svg-transformer plugin
- Fix dashboard topbox corners
- Android fonts
- Create fade animation component, add to topButton
- [WIP] Build flow for mobile app
- (Bug) [React Native] Fix share payment link
- (Bug) #1385 fix static image bounce
- refactor: Dashboard file.
- (Chore) #1236 fixes after pr merge
- Merge master to react native
- (Bug) #1485 Animation on "Error" popup crashes application on real Android devices
- fix claim screen
- React native splash
- (Feature) #1236 Buttons animations
- Fix connection checks
- removed test folder
- fix gesture handler
- fix: fix styles of feed card to show shadow correctly for ios devices
- Add blank.html for android
- fix close button from modals on android, test swipe on android
- Adjust minimal styles on app
- After face verification,Claim page,Splash screen,Signup Welcome screen for react-native
- Popup animations for react-native
- (Chore) Rocket animation for react-native. change path to res
- General fixes for mobile app
- React native app icons
- React native claim page
- Fix CustomButton
- Fix mobile detection & fix Share
- add: save gun+wallet generated keys in localstorage, save time regene…
- Pods update
- Add bugsnag & sentry & amplitude for native app
- Fix em & rems for react native & use default theme values when possible
- Put SideMenu inside a SafeArea
- fix splash for iOs > X
- prefetch waves bg
- React native back button
- infinity loop logic
- React native dashboard page
- Add detox
- Enter/V on keyboard button should click next button
- add: use webcrypto bridge
- Profile and Edit Profile
- Remove & fix bad references
- Added react-native-restart for hangle logout
- React native Navbar
- re-merge latest master to react-native
- (Feature) 1192 rocket animation and dev guide
- (Feature) #1234 Feed items animation
- Use getScreenWidth/getScreenHeight functions instead of Dimensions.get('window')
- 1102 android animation
- Add Image resize support for Native
- React native Send steps
- React native goodmarket
- Sign In screen UI corrected
- Make native SMSForm look like web
- Fix Android Buttons
- (Bug) Load react-native-fs import only when running on Native
- React native camera picker
- Fixed styles on Receive page
- React native blurred
- Improve Phone Form on Mobile App
- Merge master 16 01
- Add node libs to React Native
- Make web to keep behavior
- React native camera and gallery permissions
- React native qr
- V8 and crypto optimizations
- React native webview fixed
- React-Native-Webview library
- add from inputo for react native
- fix avatar
- React native gun asyncstorage
- fix: stabalize react native after last merges
- react-native-endless-state-update-fix
- React-native Dashboard Menu
- feat:(native) React Native gun integration
- General fixes (Navigation & Crashes)
- (Feature) App launching on Android
- [RN] split login screen (#2667)
- add: fix #2626 zoom retry text
- fix: all failing snapshots
- update: snapshots
- add: update contracts
12 December 2020
- add: remove claim queue
8 December 2020
- fix: temp fix for red payment link card
8 December 2020
- fix: send status
8 December 2020
- fix: temp fix for #2791
8 December 2020
- fix: outofgas parseint for correct comparison
8 December 2020
- fix: top wallet for all users
8 December 2020
- fix: inactive iinvites errors
6 December 2020
- (Bug) Failed to execute 'share': Must be handling a user gesture
- add disable utf8 chars in the email by default
- add disable utf8 chars in the email by default
- 2650 restore invites
- add: match borderbox + explanation dialogs to design
- upgrade @toruslabs/torus-direct-web-sdk
- upgrade @toruslabs/torus-direct-web-sdk
- chore: release version 1.11.0 [skip ci]
- fix: #2496 buttons height
18 November 2020
- add: signup_exists event
15 November 2020
- fix: #2495 buttons alignment
12 November 2020
- fix: remove torus patch
12 November 2020
- (UI BUG) Export wallet - Address pop up - The background should be blurred (as per design)
- (Bug) Do not show ZoOm's retry screen on 3rd time error
- analytics.js on patchLogger:
- add compatibility with v9 backend
- add compatibility with v9 backend
- (Feature) Split login screen to signup+login
- fix useOnPress - return empty value if callback is empty
- add: retire support for <v1 contracts
- fix: #2496 buttons height
- fix: signin/signup buttons alignment
11 November 2020
- fix: torus infura issue 11/11/2020
4 November 2020
3 November 2020
3 November 2020
- fix: do not dispatch events if error page refreshed, update snapshots
- (Feature) Export Screen - Add Wallet address + update the design + add warning popup
- (Feature) FV - 3rd time error screen - Switch to other devices
- (Bug) FV - Zoom try again screen - Remove bullets, Fix bug on camera error screen
- 2635 confirm n share
- (Feature) FV - Add instructions screen
- add: update caniuse
- hotfix: snapshots
- fix mobile view FV: reduce header text size, try to center subheader vertically
26 October 2020
- fix: generic error message so aggregted on sentry
25 October 2020
- add: debug nonce invalid
25 October 2020
- fix: duplicate mautic contact
21 October 2020
- add: special error on camera not exists, fix missing guide
- fix: show balance on amount page
- fix: cameranotallowed ondismiss
21 October 2020
- Fix summary screen
- add: remove Who screen in send/receive
- 1816 always show button flip animation
- 2581 fix alreadyverified
- (Bug) Sentry context is empty
- (Bug) Fix checkmark
- remove repetead code
- add: send user details to server once we have email
- add: fix #2626 zoom retry text
- fix: snapshot
- fix: show splash correctly on signup and max once per hour
- fix: empty to
21 October 2020
- add: tx id to error
20 October 2020
- fix: dont show bridge transfers as rewards
20 October 2020
- add: fix #2626 zoom retry text
19 October 2020
- fix: corrupted profile loading stuck
18 October 2020
- fix: goodmarket dialog text
18 October 2020
- fix: sometime opening of help page in new window
18 October 2020
- add: debug stuck appswitch initialize
17 October 2020
17 October 2020
- fix: show splash correctly for signup screen
15 October 2020
- (Feature) GoodMarket - Add link from wallet
- add: interval for service worker update
- 2494 mobile verificaiton optional
- fullsplash each hour and after updates
- (chore) Adjust Send/Receive to Address
- (Feature) #2459 Sync txs from blockchain
- Retire web3 login timeout
- (Bug) #2489 TX/Pending popups - the name ("To:") is not centred vertically between the lines
- (Bug) Profile: save button not clickable / details not saved / the data goes out from the mobile/email fields
- (Bug) Doesn't show invite modal
- fix: contracts test
- fix: show splash correctly on signup and max once per hour
- hotfix: do not animate if waitForSplash is false
8 October 2020
- fix: corrupted user profiles
8 October 2020
- fix: correct mautic claim date format
8 October 2020
- fix: countdown layout
7 October 2020
- fix: just warn
7 October 2020
- fix: correct last_claim name on mautic
7 October 2020
- (Chore) #2475 retire w3
- add: stop polling in background
- (Bug) 2470 Error message from server not logged correctly
- add: gun node probs
- fix: feed reset and cursor doesnt reset
- fix: feed reset and cursor doesnt reset
4 October 2020
30 September 2020
- fix: make the profile links not clickable for send/receive screens
- (Feature) #2476 User should see TOU and PP from website
- add: add SIGNUP_SUCCESS event at the end of finishRegistration method
- (Feature) #2463 show info for argentina mobiles
- (BUG) #2448 Send by address - confirm screen - font size is too big and the address is out of bound.
- (Feature) #2474 user should be able to receive otp code by voice call
- fix: fix error message fetching from server
- add: upgrade torus
- chore: release qa version 1.4.1-0 [skip ci]
- add: test gun manhattan
21 September 2020
- (Bug) #2441 Phone verification issues
- add isCancel check to the exception interceptor
- chore(deps): bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1
- (Chore) #2450 Send/Receive by address - User should see a warning message
- add: upgrade torus
- chore: release qa version 1.3.1-1 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 1.4.0
17 September 2020
- (Chore) #2450 Send/Receive by address - User should see a warning message
17 September 2020
- (Chore) #2450 Send/Receive by address - User should see a warning message
- (BUG) #2374 Dashboard - Claim button animation isn't working well
- (Chore) #2250 User should see FaceVerification liveness best practices
- (Bug) #2418 empty error message from FV
- (Bug) #2427 undefined error on user signup
- add: add custom fingerprint for sentry logs to group similar logs
- (BUG) #2426 The hamburger button is displayed on the left side of the screen
- (Bug) Fix isBrowser
- Improve loadtime 2
- (Bug) Fix unit tests
- fix a lot of /verify/phase calls
- (Chore) Fix claim styles + Fix android styles
- add: use compact button prop for medium devices
- (Bug) Uncaught messages in the console related to the feed & gun.decrypt
- (Bug) #2315 claim success popups are in different sizes
- (Bug) FV liveness failure should show the zoom native "retry" screen
- (BUG) #2368 The "Payment link processed successfully" pop-up isn't closed after clicking close or "YAY!" button
- (BUG) #2360 IOS: The G$ amount isn't centered on the dashboard
- Improve claim
- (Bug) Circular import within orientation.js
- add: add google icon on AuthTorus.web.js
- (Bug) #1992 Fix popup displaying
- fix: snapshots
- hotfix: working gun-pk-auth
- revert #2370 PR, add logging field to getProfileFieldValue
13 September 2020
- fix: fv error log
10 September 2020
- fix a lot of /verify/phase calls
- add: send cookies from /user/add
- add: update gun server
- add: force reload of upgrade dialog
8 September 2020
8 September 2020
- (Bug) FV liveness failure should show the zoom native "retry" screen
- (BUG) #2368 The "Payment link processed successfully" pop-up isn't closed after clicking close or "YAY!" button
8 September 2020
- hotfix: working gun-pk-auth
7 September 2020
7 September 2020
- fix: version upgrade
7 September 2020
- fix: asyncStorage wont return correct values before upgrade to auto JSON parse
- fix: missing google button
3 September 2020
2 September 2020
- #2284 recreate pr from latest master
- (Chore) Merge native codebase into master
- Add custom error objects for error logs where context error is absent
- Improve load time
- Handle gun putAck, secretAck exceptions #2335
- fix: remove close button from loading dialog when torus login in process
- (Bug) #2339 [IOS: Export my wallet] The data isn't copied to clipboard after clicking copy buttons
- (Bug) #2334 Fullstory session url is not logged in sentry
- autotests_2305
- add: update gun
- Add the personalized AsyncStorage.
- add: latest gun. remove nts errors
25 August 2020
- autotests_2306
- fix fs initialization
- fix add retry to deleteAccount
- add extended logging of delete account, don't await wallet removed during cypress test runs
23 August 2020
- hotfix catch blocked scripts in BraveBrowser
- chore: release version 1.1.1
- fix: bad async gun secret usage
20 August 2020
- (Bug) #2310 The gooddollar card are blinking on the "Home" page
- add: await for send link sharing
- fix: define critical preload error in case it ocur during fv process
- (Chore) #2254 Show generic message on error
- 2301 switch web3 polling
- autotests_2290
- 2238 dont rerender gdstore
- (Feature) #2253 #2191 User should see pop about unsupported browser
- (Chore) #2206 popups update titles and text
- (Chore) #2218 update zoom progress screen
- chore: release qa version 1.0.6-0 [skip ci]
- hotfixes: call generate share link once for sendpending items, non-unique key issue in the FeedList, share prop processing in ShareButton, missing deps in CopyButton disallowing to update toCopy in effects
- Handle script blocking for all analytic services, lint fixes
13 August 2020
- wip: stuck spinner
13 August 2020
- wip: stuck spinner
- wip: debugging dialog stuck
- wip: show checkmark dialog after torus popup
12 August 2020
- add: #2280 remove some dynamic imports and fix spinner logic
- add: disable invites on next
- fix: PP auto test
12 August 2020
- add: optimize user props update in signup
- add: refactor props
- fix: checkmark success speed
11 August 2020
- fix autotests
- fix: correct icon for system feed messages. correct mobile sha3 index
- add: mautic+fullstory script inline
- fix: fullstory init stuck
9 August 2020
- add: gunpkauth removed magiclink for now
- 2251 show signup loading and 2249 remove email login
- 2238 get of undefined
- updates_autotests
- hotfix
- (Bug) Permissions API: unhandled exception
- add lodash, add updateAll(), use updateAll() in set(), fix reset(), use async IIFE in initialization (like in UserStorageClass)
- Fix error messages
- (Chore) #2189 phase0 to phase1 upgrade popup
- (Feature) #2198 collect try again later FV errors and report to amplitude + sentry
- refactor reward, refactors IFrameTab, re-use iframe component in rewards to allow invite screen opened faster using DOMContentLoaded
- (Bug) #2196 zoom fails to load shows endless spinner and not an error screen
- fix empty publicKey in creds in relogin just after userExists
- () #2181 G$ claim amount: need to add Thousands Separators
- Optimize signin without userstorage
- (Chore) Iframes should load faster
- Update zoom to 8.12.1
- (Chore) #2162 PHASE 1: Queue popup - Update text
- (Bug) New user failure. You cannot create more than 1 account with the same credentials
- chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
- (Feature) Zoom fails to preload should refresh screen
- fix: clear credentials correctly if they are cleared from asyncstorage
- #2105 Update tests according to changes in Claim functionality
- (Bug) #2125 profile names not updated when opening payment link
- (Bug) #2141 Error: Code withdraw failed: Private key must be 32 bytes long
- (Bug) When creating a new account, phone and email are not added to the profile
- (Feature) Update welcome popup text changes
- (Chore) #2052 Finalize design of login options
- (Chore) Switch face verification to use own ZoOm server
- add ping before fetch trust, refactor delay()
- add isE2ERunning to the queue enabled state check
- Torus mainnet settings
- (Bug) #2083 copy button has no action indication
- refactor: correct fix
- Next
- (Chore) Skip the zoom component during cypress tests runs
- (Chore) Don't call ZoOm server directly
- Gun signup fixes
- 2087 claim popup text
- #1982 add invite code to link
- Gun2020
- (Chore) #2028 Update FV screens: Text + Design (Small changes)
- (Chore) Merge showInvite into enableInvite env var
- adjust Zoom licensekey missing handling according to the changes request
- add: phaseone env and disable calling redeem bonuses
- (Feature) #1906 Categorize showdialog errors
- (Chore) Add config option to run torus on mainnet
- (Bug) #2083 Copy button has no action indication
- (Chore) #2076 update invite card text
- Update zoom to 8.12
- (Chore ) #2059 PHASE 1: Feed: Update welcome popup text
- Fix content length for border box
- (Feature) User should see a message about face verification disabled for 24 hours
- add: fix #2053 pass possible bug in ubi contract
- add: mainnet contracts version
- fix non-wallet unit tests, fix network in .env.test
- add: upgrade gun 719
27 July 2020
- (Bug) #2083 copy button has no action indication
- Fix export add amplitude categories patch
- fix: exportwallet for production
- wip: wait before reading analytics from globals
- fix: disable .trust indexes for demo
14 July 2020
- (Chore) #2052 Finalize design of login options
- (Chore) Switch face verification to use own ZoOm server
- add ping before fetch trust, refactor delay()
- add isE2ERunning to the queue enabled state check
- Torus mainnet settings
- (Bug) #2083 copy button has no action indication
- refactor: correct fix
- Next
- (Chore) Skip the zoom component during cypress tests runs
- (Chore) Don't call ZoOm server directly
- Gun signup fixes
- 2087 claim popup text
- #1982 add invite code to link
- Gun2020
- (Chore) #2028 Update FV screens: Text + Design (Small changes)
- (Chore) Merge showInvite into enableInvite env var
- adjust Zoom licensekey missing handling according to the changes request
- add: phaseone env and disable calling redeem bonuses
- (Feature) #1906 Categorize showdialog errors
- (Chore) Add config option to run torus on mainnet
- (Bug) #2083 Copy button has no action indication
- (Chore) #2076 update invite card text
- Update zoom to 8.12
- (Chore ) #2059 PHASE 1: Feed: Update welcome popup text
- Fix content length for border box
- (Feature) User should see a message about face verification disabled for 24 hours
- add: fix #2053 pass possible bug in ubi contract
- Restore: (Feature) #1906 Categorize showdialog errors (#2078)
- fix: snapshots
- fix linter / prettier
12 July 2020
- (Bug) #2083 copy button has no action indication
- Fix export add amplitude categories patch
- fix: exportwallet for production
12 July 2020
- (Feature) #1906 Categorize showdialog errors
- add: fixed analytics.js from mater
- fix: show export wallet
8 July 2020
- fix: mautic cors add contact
8 July 2020
- fix: broken trust
8 July 2020
6 July 2020
- (Feature) Verify user facebook email from torus
- (Bug) #2061 zoom face verification takes long time to load
- (Chore) #2031 Phase 1: Splash screen update
- (Feature) #1997 Dashboard should show world map with claim bubbles
- (Feature) #2013 Add users face record id id to the user profile
- #1746 fixed case01
- (Bug) #1965 Image is displayed off screen on the we found your twin screen
- remove current app url, add FS session url instead 2. add FS preload, set initial session url to the used props 3. adjust amplitude preload
- remove current app url, add FS session url instead 2. add FS preload, set initial session url to the used props 3. adjust amplitude preload
- #1865 Adjustments and refactor according to the reviewers suggestions
- (Feature) #1442 User should be able to export his wallet to other wallets
- #1819 torus mainnet auth0
- (Chore) Amplitude should connect email asap to analytics
- use trusted indexes and hashed email/mobile
- fix: refactor FileInput. Remove unnecessary code. use standard orientation value for all images.
- (Feature) Add all FV events to Amplitude
- #1979 add claim counter mautic
- (Bug) #1952 The endless spinner is displayed on the Face Verification screen after tapping the "Ok, verify me" button
- #1915 claimqueue popups
- (Bug) #1985 Error: Zoom verification failed: The ZoOm Session was performed successfully and a FaceMap was generated.
- hotfix autotests
- (Feature) #1790 Permissions popup
- update torus version to see access tokens for debugging / testing reasons
- chore: release qa version 0.24.1-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release qa version 0.24.1-4 [skip ci]
15 June 2020
- Update Zoom version, move native module to the external package, adjust ZoomSDK.native
- 1698 claim screen design for larger screens
- chore(deps): bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
- (Chore) Import native implementation to master branch to keep it in sync
- fix: update snapshots
- fix: linting
- chore: release qa version 0.23.1-0 [skip ci]
10 June 2020
- fix: reset attempts at the intro screen
7 June 2020
3 June 2020
- (BUG) Redirecting to "Learn more" after clicking the "Contact support" button at the top
- (Bug) #1940 FV - Intro screen: when clicking "learn more" button it shows an empty screen
- (Bug) #1946 Faceverification shows unexpected error instead of duplicate error
- #1458 claim queue
- Added useOnOress hook
- (Chore) #1930 FV: The pop-ups aren't aligned by vertically
- (Bug) Redirect to the "Learn more" screen after clicking the "Claim" button at the bottom
- refactor: refactor retrieving feed event initiator profile node
- (Bug) #1787 User should see meaningful error messages form faceverification
- (Feature) FV - New Zoom UI customizations
- 1746 autotests
- add: prevent sending to own address
- (Bug) #1885 The blue line is displayed on the right side of the mobile email verification page
- refactor: faq to feedback
- (Bug) #1873 #1853 fix android keyboard resize issue
- (BUG) #1695 The "My profile" page is stuck a little while moving between profile pages
- (Bug) #1873 The numeric keyboard is narrowed after entering the value on the "How much?" page
- fix: make image cropper screen device height adaptive
- (BUG) #1880 The "Photo camera" and "Delete" icons are not working at once after the first click
- fix: Phone input errored border color
- Optimize feed
- (Chore) Unload zoom on success
- fix: snapshots
- chore: release qa version 0.22.1-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release qa version 0.22.1-1 [skip ci]
25 May 2020
- (Bug) The endless spinner is displayed on the Face Verification screen after tapping the "Ok, verify me" button #1822
- chore: make readmore message text for '14 days claim' small
- (Bug) #1704 Profile - Edit: Phone input field not loaded well
- Handling txPromise async, navigating back to the send screen on 'Try again' press in the error popup
- Update autotests
- add: throw error if own link
- [Bug] There is possibility to send 2 request for one payment
- (BUG) 1727 not allowed error permission dismissed
- fix: prevent error popup display if multiple times press 'cancel payment link' quick action
- (Bug) #1795 Dashboard - feed: Inconsistency in some of the pop-ups
- (Bug) #1840 The "Successful" animation is overlapped by header after saving edited profile
- fix: validate whether the email/mobile is valid before show 'verify it again' screen
- fix: resend function names
- chore: release qa version 0.21.1-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.22.0
- Merge branch staging [skip ci]
19 May 2020
- (Chore) Adjust Face Verification #1823
- Update autotests
- #1761 Faceverification isnt working correctly
- refactor: wrap clipboard.setString with error dialog in case the clipboard permission is not allowed
- (Bug) #1755 Sentry logging incorrect
- (Bug) #1691 Dashboard the profile icon and amount of g$ are displayed with an offset
- (Bug) #1797 Verify email the long email is displayed outside screen on edit profile page
- (Bug) #1784 Re-send isn't performed after clicking the "Try again" button in the "Link generation failed" pop-up
- fix: decode browser address line before fetch its params to fetch exact sender code
- (Bug) #1800 The sender cant send g$ via qr code
- add: ask for email if not received from 3rd party
- (Bug) #1774 Add prevent default to claim button
- fix: usecallbacks & events & logic
- Shorten payment links
- (Chore) #1743 Error: AbortError: Share canceled
- #1725 Cannot read property 'fullName' of undefined
- (Bug) #1726 TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
- (Bug) #1741 TypeError: Cannot read property 'play' of null
- (Bug) #1744 TypeError: _ is not a function
- fix: add storeAssertion verification for checkBonusInterval function in AppSwitch
- #1724 missing email in signup
- 1738 unsigned user cant go back from support page
- 1537 integrate app with zoom for master
- wip
- fix: claim snapshots
- fix: update snapshot
- fix: update snapshots
3 May 2020
- (Feature) #1702 Dashboard delete card hint animation add rules for showing it
- add: redirect user to the Dashboard after he press share payment link on TransactionConfirmation screen - only on mobile
- (Bug) #1704 Profile edit phone input field not loaded well
- add: Show success icon and activate yay button on txhash received for payment popup
- (Bug) #1705 IOS: The pending/daily income pop-ups are displayed with a big icon
- chore: release qa version 0.20.2-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.20.2
- add: agree to signup
1 May 2020
- add: improve fix
- fix: align button on all devices
- (Bug) #1708 The magiclink info screen shows sometimes while signing up with Torus
- fix: fix style bugs
- (Bug) #1697 Back arrow is not per design
- fix: match claim design for regular/small
- add: fix button click through #1711
- chore: release qa version 0.20.1-0 [skip ci]
- fix: claim learn more url
30 April 2020
- (Chore) #1642 Claim screen final design and should fit small devices
- (BUGS) Profile - Photo - UI bugs (Desktop, Chrome)
- fix: implement correct navigation back in ViewOrUploadAvatar
- (Bug) #1677 Unhandled exception when logging error
- (Bug) #1672 Cards icons when switching icons from animation to static ones theres a change in their position
- (Bug) #1667 Browser crush hang while moving between profile pages
- (Feature) №1610 #1681 Mobile send/receive flow should see share explanation page
- (Chore) #1601 Receive new flow design and texts
- add: #1664 feed cards texts update for phase0
- add: torus bypass for testing
- chore: release qa version 0.19.5-1 [skip ci]
27 April 2020
- chore: release version 0.19.4 [skip ci]
27 April 2020
- fix: userstorage import prematurely
- chore: release qa version 0.19.3-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.19.3 [skip ci]
26 April 2020
- chore: release version 0.19.2 [skip ci]
- Merge branch staging [skip ci]
- add: phase0 production contracts
26 April 2020
- chore: release version 0.19.1 [skip ci]
26 April 2020
- (Chore) #1376 Retire old login flow screens and logic
- (Bug) #1639 Send receive screens action bar users personal info bar should be at the same hight
- Handle web3 errors on view commands
- #1653 feed card custom action
- #1648 show delete hint once
- updated claim screen, now only phase1
- (Bug) #1641 Receive flow - Copy link screen - Top Bar title should be "RECEIVE G$"
- User cant capture image from camera
- fix: declare exact route where destinationPath params should be applied instead of parent route (Dashboard)
- (Feature) #1558 Enable self custody login flow
- (Bug) user is stuck on claim screen#1615
- (Bug) #1608 Splash screen texture background is moving switching
- fix: start performing animation only when lottie anim object is initialized
- (Bug) #1623 Claim on mobile ui view
- (Chore) #1609 Dashboard top bar remove support icon
- (Bug) #1624 fix gun stuck
- (Feature) #1460 User should have clear instructions to share link
- (Chore) #1592 Update torus version and dep files
- (Feature) #1545 Optimize lodash imports
- (Feature) #1463 User should be able to copy his public wallet address
- (Bug) #1576 fix view or upload avatar component styles
- (Chore) #1592 Update redirect of torus
- 1512 modify claim page texts
- (Feature) #1459 User should be able to send directly to a wallet address
- (Bug) #1576 User should have a nice profile page is broken
- 1561_Dashboard___Feed___New_popup___14_days_claim
- add: send events flow
- (Bug) claim button animations shows claim amount in WEI
- 1461 new payment links
- 1521 invite link
- Torus update
- (Chore) #1546 Dashboard - Claim Popup - Update text
- (Feature) #1514 Add demo notification
- (Bug) #1431 User should have nicer profile screen
- add: enable invites not for etoro only
- (Feature) #1448 user should see privacy terms in same screen
- 1358 fixes after pr merged for master
- (Feature) Torus login #1441
- (Bug) #1524 the claim animations displays broken on i phones
- (Feature) UI changes required for phase0
- (Chore) 1236 fixes after pr merged for master
- (Feature) #1431 user should have nicer profile screen
- (Feature) #1305 Splash screen update background texture
- (Features) 1384 user should see only support on dashboard top bar
- (Feature) #1383 User should get to profile privacy from profile page
- (Feature) #1386 User should have statistics in settings menu
- fix: paste correct spinner animation data.json file
- add: improve delete indexeddb
- fix: jest unit tests
- Revert "fix: update snapshots"
16 April 2020
- fix: upgrade contracts
16 April 2020
- add: etoro covid bonus
26 March 2020
- chore: release version 0.18.0 [skip ci]
26 March 2020
- fix: add correct data.json for Logo animation
- (Feature ) screen and popup animations for master
- (Bug) #1358 Feeds loads all pages and not only 1
- (Feature) #1278 Show splash until network is available
- fix and optimize tests
- Signup next button doesnt work - Fix gundb init stuck
- (Chore) buttons animation for master
- Fix test 2
- (Feature) Rocket animation (for master)
- added GDStore to SendLinkSummary component.
- (Bug) #1263 UpdateAll failed
- fix: log error with warn level if user/pass error message
- (Bug) #1385 dashboard feed card claim button static animation bug
- remove loading indicator
- (Bug) #1342 store undefined
- chore: release qa version 0.16.1-0 [skip ci]
- chore: release qa version 0.16.1-1 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.17.0 [skip ci]
3 March 2020
- fix: move restore credentials into SEA User prototype object
- (Bug) #1343 QRcode overflow
- fix: return empty array in case of goodwallet functions fails to prevent unhandled error happen and app crash
- fix: (handleOtplUpdated) - prepare required fields for feedEvent obj in case the feed item not exist in gun
- add: save gun+wallet generated keys in localstorage, save time regenerating on startup. specifically for mobile
- (Bug) #1280 Sentry reporting undefined data
- (Bug) #1329 Transaction in feed not showing amount
- (Chore) #1307 Feed cards - Pop ups: sum number font size should be 24pt and not 22pt
- fix build
- Revert: fix: move the showDialogWindow inside the InternetConnection with useCallback wrapper
- fix: move the showDialogWindow inside the InternetConnection with useCallback wrapper
- chore: release qa version 0.15.1-1 [skip ci]
16 February 2020
- fix: make the feed card amount font size 20
- (BUG) failed to load chunk
- (Feature) #1234 feed items animation for master
- added loading params to NameForm wrapper
- Handle web3 errors gracefully (not open on send)
- (Bug) #1284 The wallet UI is displayed incorrectly
- (Feature) #1143 Feed: upload feed card animation
- Unable to load wallet is displayed and is unrecoverable
- (Bug) #1102 send me the code again not responsive
- fix: do not report the internet connection error to the bug tracking systems
- chore: release version 0.15.0 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.14.1-3 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.14.1-0 [skip ci]
27 January 2020
- (Bug) #1130 Payment link "cancel failed" disappeared from feed
- (BUG) The survey pop-up in the Send flow is broken
- hasConnection bindevents called multiple times#1155
- (Bug) #1149 The "Next" button is active before entering phone number
- add topbar tests
- fix: add condition to prevent error occurring while trying to set empty token to the gun
- add: make the x button do the same as later button on add web app popup
- (Feature) #1142 Dashboard - the transition between regular dashboard and scroll dashboard should be more smooth with animations
- added logic only for testing a task #935
- Add test for checking menu
- (Feature) #1094 update sign in screen design text
- (Feature) #1014 improve payment confirmation screen send receive
- (Chore) #1090 Hotfix: Change webapp favicon
- feat: Improve the settings menu and add easy access via the top bar
- feat(UI): the next button is overlapped by system keyboard on the sign up screen
- withdraw card should be always green
- chore: release version 0.13.1-13 [skip ci]
- chore: release version 0.13.1-0 [skip ci]
- chore: cleaner changelog
7 January 2020
- build(deps): bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.5.3
- fix: fix saving the small avatar
- (Bug) fix event status
- User cant finish registration because of connection issues
- (Bug) #1091 start claiming feed card is added multiple times
- Prevent rerenders
- fix: read day survey before adding
- Run ios webapp insafari
- (Hot fix) fix error message sent to sentry
- (Feature) #1081 verify user has small avatar image
- (Bug) #1080 receive payment card is in orange and should be green
- (Chore) #1058 Sign up - Magic link: The title of the screen (on the top bar) should be "MAGIC LINK" and not "SIGN UP"
- added decodeURIComponent to magicLinks params
- (Bug) #1100 Bonus card has not description text
- chore: release version 0.12.1-1 [skip ci]
- Revert "fix: update snapshot"
- fix: update snapshot
21 December 2019
- fix: remove default otplStatus value which cause the success withdraw to display in yellow color
- Fix travis yml
- (Feature) #997 add error logging
- cancelOTPLEvent run with cancelOTLByTransactionHash and change cancel logic in modal card
- (Feature) #1068 new dashboard card hanukka bonus
- 1075 prevent iframe rerender
- Fix selectors
- wire is undefined in gundb connection test
- Fix selectors
- (Bug) #1052 Prevent to run multiple transaction
- dont remove marketPath from params
- (Feature) #1020 User should receive Hanuka miracle bonus
- added show error condition to listenTxUpdates and subscribeToOTPLEvents
- fix: snapshots
- add: verbosity to connection issues
- fix: version upgrade test
17 December 2019
- fix: snapshots after alphav3 updates
- add: update contracts fix travis issue
- add: reset production contracts alphav3
16 December 2019
- Fix bonus not received
- added margin to marketIcon
- Fix cypress tests
- fixed base url behavior
- URL inside QR
- (Bug) #1031 claim counter title lette spacing should be 0.08px
- (Bug) 966 fix the position of amount and units for claim page
- (Bug) #1017 The screen is flickers while scrolling down
- improve analytics
- (Bug) Fix gundb wrong indexeddb setup
- (Bug) #991 User receive the verification code to the wrong email address when try to change profile email
- (Chore) #972 SMS error pop up - Add "or contact support" at the end
- (Bug) #966 Remove word now
- Revert "wip: testing latest gun"
- wip: testing latest gun
- add: prepare alphav3 only etoro features
5 December 2019
- (Feature) #955 - add simulate withdraw tx reverted option
- Restored if condition
- fix: fix imports, delete undefined fn calls
- fix: missing clean-stack
- fix: correct version display
3 December 2019
- Fix inapp redirect refactor dashboard
- #800 send receive payment links should have base64 encoded params
- add gun/web3 to network checks
- (Feature) Service worker app update
- Automated tests
- (Chore) #966 claim small changes in design text
- (Bug) #965 Dashborad: Back to top button (on desktop) should be inside the max width
- fix: disable scroll for model feed items on desktop
- #955 withdraw transaction failed
- Revert "(Bug) #955 withdraw transaction failed (#1003)"
- (Bug) #955 withdraw transaction failed
- (Chore) #973 setup verson number in fullstory
- add: update to fuse rpc load balancer
- fix: correct state update with previous
28 November 2019
- add: save web3 token before rendering signup router
- fix: pass w3token correctly in signup
- add: log error on sendTransaction
28 November 2019
- Magic link email should be sent top the user t when he reaches the ma…
- (Chore) #968 remove paymentcode code from url after done
- (Chore) #981 hotfix welcome screen remove sign in button for new user from web3
- (Feature) #925 add start claiming card
- (Bug) #982 editing avatar doesnt go back correctly
- (Bug) #988 payment from receive link shows up with claim icon
- (Bug) #922 the number on the how much screen arent highlighted with black color
- (Feature) #914 optimize gundb client storage usage
- base64 encoded params send/receive
- (Bug) #878 Settings icon doesn't match design
- Revert "base64 encoded params send/receive (#951)"
- Add files via upload
- Revert "add: logrocket test"
20 November 2019
- add: dont use store for feed, reduce re-renders
- (Bug) #908 Signup (From web3) - Delay in showing the user first name in title
- (Bug) #948 error in ios pwa signin screen
- Multiple hotfixes
- Hotfix outofgas on return to wallet
- fix: remove w3Token from AsyncStorage after setting isLoggedIn to true in register flow
- fix: dont mark as cheat if gas check failed
- add: add backend check to connection check and dialog
- (Feature) #864 Dashboard api calls should run once in X minutes
- hot fix #916 add OK btn. change the same in rewards
- hot fix #916 fix to go back to dashboard on close
- Revert "add: add backend check to connection check and dialog (#924)"
- hot fix: always check entitelment from blockchain
- hot fix: correct market token usage
18 November 2019
- Hot fix open external in new tab
- (Bug) #874 Wallet icon is not aligned to Goodmarket and Rewards icons
- (Bug) #873 ios add to home screen small popup should match design
- (Bug) #931 User stays on the "You're got mail" screen after entering the already used mail address
- fix: take off the focus from mnemonics input after right click on 'recover wallet' button
- fix: change text for start spending feed card
- Fix delete account
- Fix delete account
- market links open in correct page in goodmarket
- recreate snapshoots
- fix: icons change snapshots
14 November 2019
- #904 dont fail in signup on gun issues
- Better error messages for payment code withdraw
- (Bug) #829 no pngs only svg
- (Chore) Refactor user properties and dashboard startup
- fix: use default value and null check
- fix: correct tx type for incoming blockchain tx
- fix: first reminder should be after 1 day and not 2
- Identify client has no internet connection - Show a dialog with proce…
- Bugsnag errors logs
- (Feature) #788 upgrade gundb to use indexdb for storage
- (Bug) #833 reason input field should be limited to 2 line of text and then welll cut it and put 3 dots at the end
- refactor: dont render AddWebApp component at all if isWebApp prop is true
- (Bug) #799 bonus event should be from good dollar and not unknown
- (Bug) #830 Dashboard: Update timing of system cards.
- fix: unit test
- fix: snapshot
11 November 2019
- fix: on ios open market/rewards in new tab
- fix: ios add to home small popup after popups height PR
- fix: dont show addtohome on ios after user "added"
10 November 2019
- (Bug) feed cards should be sorted correctly by date and date shouldnt change
- (Bug) 854 payment request should show survey only after confirm and show correct from
- (Bug) #750 Receive: main two buttons are without margins between them
- #806 claim processing success popups should be at the same size
- (bug) Dashboard - top bar: Icons are not aligned in hight
- (bug) Limit height on backup and recover screens (tablet and desktop)
- (Feature) #807 navigating back from rewards market should be replaced with exit icon
- fix: snapshots
- fix: use isWebApp util for logout button in sidemenu
- refactor: unused code
8 November 2019
- Misc fixes
- Iswebapp refactor
- fix: show the reason text for bonus feed item
- (Chore) #830 Dashboard: Update timing of system cards
- (Feature) #798 image editor should have trash icon instead of x
- (Chore) Bunch of small tasks ie change text or styles
- (Chore) #822 splash screen remove texts
- fix: remove the isMax property for start spending feed popup as it breaks the image size on desktop
- Welcome card: Update text EToro
- fix: addwebapp, capture installprompt on app start
- fix: travis contracts build
- fix: remove addwebapp from signup scope/router
7 November 2019
- add: upgrade to etoro final contracts
- add: update support & faq iframes
- fix: iframe snapshots
6 November 2019
- add: better error messages
- User events should be sent to analytics
- (Feature) #801 webapp ios should start at special signin screen
- (Feature) #803 bonus popup should have icon at the top
- #769 feed popups are not viewable and show only blurred screen
- (Feature) #804 webapp shouldnt have logout in menu
- Dashboard: timing of system cards + NEW card (eToro) #743
- (Bug) #782 add to home screen pop is shown on installed webapp on ios
- (Feature) #593 apply bonus branch
- 631- add integration and unit tests [WIP]
- 501 multiadddress wallet should create seed from mnemonic correctly beta
- fix: update GoodContracts method calls
- add: update package-lock
- add: maximum-scale prevent zoom on ios
- fix: iframe unit tests
4 November 2019
- Dashboard: timing of system cards + NEW card (eToro) #743
- fix: package lock autochangelog
31 October 2019
- add: market tab with jwt and iframeresizer
- Pop up swipe - desktop: Pop ups should be contain within the max widt…
- (Bug) #751 Send and Receive flow: All titles font should be Medium wight and match the design
- (Chore) #716 update first signup screen design
- Delete account should show spinner
- (Chore) #764 signup email code update text
- (bug) Processing payment link - Pop up should match design
- email send code again doesnt turn into checkmark
- Update "Go to mobile" Splash screen: Design and text
- add: update svg for marketplace icon
- (Chore) #739 splash screen about screen change texture opacity to 0.2
- Profile privacy pop up: background should be blurred and brightend like all the other pop ups
- fix: allow service worker testing in dev/staging
- add: autochange log
- Revert "fix: fix text weight for send and receive flow"
29 October 2019
- (bug)eToro - Splash screen: Change text
- Profile privacy pop up: background should be blurred and brightend like all the other pop ups
- User should go directly to the phone screen
- fix: remove catch from api create user call to show error dialog if error will occur
- Remove the bar's shadow from all app screens
- (Feature) eToro Welcome card: update texts
- (Feature) Collect anonymous transaction details
- (Bug) Pop-ups should be aligned to the center to the screen (hight)#653
16 October 2019
- (Bug) #687 The "Send me code again" check mark doesn't match the design
- (Feature) #694 eToro test add marketplace icon to dashboard
- (Feature) #702 user profile should be public by default for etoro market
- fix: use correct api methods to send mobile/email code. Remove unnecessary method from api file
- (Bug) #625 cards match the cards design to the wireframes design
- (Feature) 609 claim button should animate when going to dashboard
- (Bug) Claim button - Text label is still too big, it must have bigger …
- #637 dashboard user should get backup card
- 640 claim update texts and design
- (Bug) #699 user shouldn't be able to start signup at /signup/name
- (Bug) #684 signup from web3 doesnt always start at mobile form
- (Bug) #588 feed cards avatar on the left should be aligned in hight to the card icon on the right
- (Bug) #624 Splash + About: background texture should be at 40% opacity
- 502 user should verify his changed email or mobile
- #614 iframe should be scrollable on ios
- #679 Dashboard: Send and Receive icons should be bigger and not at the same hight of the text label
- Fix gun issue
- #610 claim counter should change to button when counter is 0
- #628 Cards: Match Welcome card design AND #638 Welcome card: Update the text
- #670 Change email and phone verification screen like on design
- 668 user should see add to homescreen after dashboard loads
- #643 User should be able to logout
- #652 settings text update change delete account to delete wallet
- #649 Settings - Backup: Update the design
- 624 Splash + About: background texture should be at 40% opacity
- #648 Sign up: Add underline to text button
- fix test in signin and recovery
- #636 Sign up - Update the Text
- #647 Welcome screen: Update the text
- #448 User should get an "invite friends" card in feed
- #612 user should see magic link explanation screen after email verification
- #496 One time links should be generated by our url shortener
- (Bug) Update feed modal view
- 435 gas check
- fix: only create gundb profile if backend adduser success
- add: delete path for web3
- #608 claim design broken in desktop full screen
- Fusenet
- Revert "Fusenet (#656)"
- 540 fix wrong payment url code inserted in feed model component
- Fusenet
- Fusenet
- User should send a signed zoomid when deleting account
- correct fixed width counter
- #598 Limit height of view
- #435 fix out of gas design
- #447 Adding Add Web Library
- add: test update packages
- Revert "add: make profile fields public by default if etoro network used"
- add: make profile fields public by default if etoro network used
22 September 2019
- rewards iframe should be responsive and scrollable on IOS
- add "send request to w3 api to change users has_wallet prop to false"
- add "make countdown timer not move left and right after each number change", "update snapshots"
- 588 Feed: Cards: Avatar (on the left) should be aligned in height to the card icon (on the right)
- Splash screen "best with mobile" should use full url in QR
- #594 fix: correctly return gun node of profile
- #523 User should be notified if not enough GD to pay transaction fee of 1%
- Revert "416 user bonuses should be redeemed once he opens wallet (#563)"
- 518 open new sign in screen instead of recovery if user with wallet comes from w3
- #295 The “Error” popup is displayed after entering the valid mnemonic
- 416 user bonuses should be redeemed once he opens wallet
- (Fix) Sync gun with localStorage
- Revert "Adding Add Web Library"
- Revert "(Feature) shortener share links"
- Adding Add Web Library
- (Feature) shortener share links
- switch off gas check
- #570 User couldn't click on recovery link on Sign in screen
- 490 New welcome screen with signin button and small recover
- #546 admin wallet load testing
- (Fix) Delete feed item after cancel payment
- Good 3 gas check
- Create load test for /auth/eth endpoint
- Adding Error Type to Error Dialog
- add "fix recover by mnemonic screen - double tab on recover button shows erro message"
- React warn and misc fixes
- gas check
- adapt face verification to design system
- The "Recover my wallet" button is overlapped by the description above
- PR #428 user from W3 login flow
- Adds Share action on mobile, and fixes some styles
- Update JWT on wallet loading
- User should get a magic link on signup instead of recovery
- #529 SigninInfo should match design
- add: logic to send new user data to web3 and get wallet_token (#415)
- (Feature) Non-mobile user should see a pre splash screen
- (Bug) Fixes text description on send summary
- (Feature) Remove material icons
- (Feature) User should see new Claim screen design
- (Feature) Adds send error feed modal and list item
- refactor: separate e2e wallet tests
- Use a new Slicker Image Editor (#530) issue #576
- Revert: "update snapshots"
3 September 2019
- fix: update isCitizen if was changed in background after checkAuthStatus was ran
3 September 2019
- #414 - GoodWallet should use websockets for events
- User should see new signin screen magilink explanation
- fix: use secretAck instead of secret
- Fixes OTP Input
- Good 11 fix gundb profile issue
- fix: missing await in recover
- fix: userAlreadyExist consider null as deleted
1 September 2019
- fix: use putAck for put promises
- fix: failing unit tests
- remove zoomsdk
- fix: account profile delete
29 August 2019
- (Feature) Change feed item after click
- (Bug) Receive Button Icon is Missing on iOS 5 Simulation
- 167347142 sign up fixes
- (Feature) Add Webapp Features
- #406 user should verify his email by copy pasting a code
- #407 - Profile details should be private by default
- Update username validation
- Handle undefined value returned by gun's
- Log error object
- Match Delete Account Dialog With Design
- Delete feed item should have trash icon like in design
- (Bug) Button + Spinner: Match Design
- (Feature) Scroll-to-top button
- (Chore) Log
in alllog.error
- (Feature) G$ Sign - '$' should be smaller from the 'G' by 0.5pt
- (Bug) Payment link should be encoded
- Add more information to error log
- (Bug) If user cancels payment link native share confirm recreates payment
- (Bug) Fixes padding on modals
- Update
to properly generate share message#466
- Set default value for currentFeeds
- (Bug) Change wave opacity to 50%
- Fix zoom not ready #346 part2
- (Fix) Font familiy and weight
- #167892587 fr selfie fix+misc changes
- add: fix total claimed amount
- add: FRIntro design and texts fixes
- (Bug) Welcome card delete action
- Fixing texts n errors
- (Bug) Adds some fixes on send modal card
- (Bug) Adds updated styles for welcome card and fixes margin between error m…
- Make welcome page responsive
- Compact dashboard scroll doesn't work correctly
- Missing Padding Dashboard Buttons
- Coveralls Task Should Always Return True
- Update snapshots
- Adds some fixes on send modal card
- Use BigGoodNumber where formatted G$ is displayed
13 August 2019
- add: update to 1gd a day contracts
13 August 2019
- fix: otpinput fixes
- Fixing error on edit profile
- Fix claim amount and stats
- add: use play event and add await before capture
- Dashboard Compact Large Mode
- Reverting phone error removal
- Updating snapshots
- fix: snapshots
11 August 2019
- (Feature) Delete feed action
- Revert "[Feature] Update welcome page styles"
- (Feature) Adds cancel payment link and copy action
- (Bug) ActivityIndicator overlay doesn't add opacity anymore
- (Feature) Update welcome card, which is different to Invite card
- [Feature] Update welcome page styles
- Design Rejects Part 5
- Update welcome card, which is different to Invite card
- Adds cancel payment link and copy action
- Update snapshots
8 August 2019
- (Bug) Buttons are only clickable over text
- (Feature) Adds some feed modals according to available event types and mocked f…
- add: dont use FR api call result
- (Feature) Make sent payment link cancellable
- (Feature) Update side menu
- Update SummaryTable styles to solve design rejects
- Improve profile save gh#341
- Add
component and routec96940b
- Regroup list elements on
- Rearrange items and wordings
7 August 2019
- Pop Up Background Blurred
- [Bug] Update share texts
- (Feature) Update claim icon font
- (Bug) Fixes otp input focus on delete and error style
- #167700483 load profile details if empty
- #163177443 otpl events handler
- Fix disable recover claim redirect
- Update claim icon font
- Adds terms-of-use and profile-privacy icons
- add: update store with profile is store is empty
5 August 2019
- (fix) Design rejects - Part III
- (Feature) Updated text to share Send/Receive
- (Bug) Endless spinner in profile Save
- (Bug) Showing Error Dialog on catch executeWithdraw
- Added default avatar when no src image is available
- Correct profile debounce hook
- (fix) Design rejects - Part 2
- User should know TX will take a few seconds to go through
- (Bug) Fixes back action on Profile privacy page when opening fro…
- (Fix) Design rejects (Part 1)
- (Feature) Side menu blur/shadow
- Adding redirectUrl to recover account screen
- (Bug) Fixes OTP input with number keyboard and number validation
- (Feature) 166106974 feed popup slider
- (update) snapshots
- (update) snapshots
- Update snapshots
31 July 2019
30 July 2019
- Css warning fixes
- Updating State to preserve Who between screens
- (Bug) Claim screen flickers
- Send by QR exception bug
- (Bug) Fixes amount caret position
- fix: remove unrequired init of wallet+storage and use await on r…
- Edit Profile Should Refresh Errors onChange
- (Feature) First name instead of full name
- Add ScrolView
- Add new styles to Splash screen
- (Feature) Adds OtpInput and fixes some styles
- (Feature) 167302075 clean up assets
- Fix dynamic load
- Beautify Send Fixes
- Fix signup
- add: improve error display
- #166236734 optimize signup
- (Feature) Add changes to beautify Sign up
- add: move analytics go gtm
- Beutify Send Flow
- Fixing Recover Account Bug
- WIP: support GuidedFR dialog display of server status (current error:…
- (Feature) Beautify Profile
- (feature) Beautify "Claim" dialogs
- (Feature) Beutify Receive Final Check
- (Feature) Beautify modals
- (Feature) Beautify Menu/Settings
- (Feature) Beutify Numpad Keyboard
- (Bug) Fix CustomButton Styles
- (Chore) Modify linting rules
- (Feature) beautify feed
- (Feature) Beautify Receive Flow
- Input Text Wizard
- better error handling in signup
- (Fix)
feed event creation on Claim screen#251
- Enhance basic design system
- Adding withStyles function to allow use styles based on the theme
- (Feature) Beautify claim
- New feed flow for TXs (based on dynamic app branch)
- (Feature) Handle Profile Errors Signup
- (Feature) Feature/amount decimals input
- fix: go through constraints correctly and throw error correctly
- 166905283 folder structure change
- (Feature) Setup basic design system
- Face Recognition new design
- (Feature) Adds KeyboardAwareScrollView component to editing profile fields view
- (Feature) Validate that specified mnemonics are associated to a GunDB profile
- (Feature) Create Setup field privacy screen
- (Feature) Prevent editing picture on profile editing
- (Bug) Replace Exception by a dialog with the error.
- (Feature) Upgrade react-otp-input component and SMS form page wi…
- (Feature) User should see error message while typing in edit profile
- (Fix) Update snapshots
- (Feature) Adds fonts, and disable keyboard on mobile
- (Feature) Changing Edit Profile flow
- add: handle send by username
- (Bug)
- (Bug) Withdrawing your own payment link causes error
- Adds good dollar image on claim feed event and update shotcut images for iOS
- Adds default flag by user geo location country code again
- (Feature) Showing done icon on copy
- add: encodeURI so & is encoded
- (Feature) Notification on Copy to Clipboard
- (Bug) Redisign sms send code again with loading and informative paragraph
- (Chore) Code conventions
- 166271065 jsdocs
- Fixing default url gunserver
- (Bug) Set loading in false on error in registration process
- (Fix) Send flow buttons states
- (Chore) Adds bundlesize checker
- (Bug) Adds custom styles to the page according to mobile height visibility
- (Feature) Adding GoodGun config parameters
- (BUG) Adds some titles and test Helmet re rendering
- (Bug) Adds claim data about people who claimed and time to next claim
- (Bug) Update favicon
- Delete
- (Bug) Update Recover title and fixes styles on small mobile screens
- (Bug) Replace full name by first name in sign up
- 165485107 project docs
- (Bug) detailed request share button name
- merge master changes to docs for updated documentation
- Update all master code to docs branch for JDoc
- Update snapshots
- Adding snapshots
- Adds OtpInput and fixes some styles
4 June 2019
- Loadtest script changes
- add: user creation loadtesting and required refactoring
- Squashed commit of the following:
- add: better logging and error handling
2 June 2019
- (Bug) Fixing node version to 10.15.0 to avoid travis errors
- Fix claimsnapshot delete account
- (Bug) Fixes avatar styles
- merge master
- add: better delete
- Update snapshots
27 May 2019
27 May 2019
- Remove extra feed subscription
- add: make email+mobile public to allow inapp sending in alpha
- add: env variable and logic to skip email verification
- (Bug) Removing isVerified check from recover account
- Support production
- 165485107 project guides
- Chore: GoodWallet.js change 'unSubscribeToTx' to 'unsibscribeFromEvent'
- update small fixes branch to all latest master commits
- Revert "add: restore helmet after navigation chages. check if no crashes"
- Small fixes
- (Bug) Removing Eye Icon From Profile Screen
- add: upgrade to web3 55
- add: restore helmet after navigation chages. check if no crashes
- Create
- Create
- Update and rename to .github/PULL_REQUEST_TE…
- fix: handle duplicate info early in signup
- add: dialog cancel button and delete account to menu
- (Bug) Adds scroll when phone is too small or keyboard is opened
- (Bug) Remove Done button from page
- Fix feed loading indicator
- (Chore) Ability to generate docs from code + Generated docs
- (Bug) Fix buttons actions for Receive screen
- (Big) User avatar should look clickable only when clickable
- Create LICENSE
- Fix destination path logic
- Fix tx events handling
- [deliver #166091967] fix claim entitlement
- Package size optimizations
- (Bug) [delivered #165762677] update copy microcopy text
- chore: add error handling [WIP]
- (Bug) Changes styles to make profile responsive on different mobile devices
- 166091967 enable with entitlement 0
- (Chore) Increase test coverage
- (Bug) User should be able to share QR code (Button isn't working)
- (Bug) Adds side menu with action for recovery instructions
- #165816773 user should fr first claim send
- (Bug) Fixes send summary on mobile with different devices
- (Bug) Sent tx not on feed
- Fix polling
- (Bug) When user does 'Claim', the "from" should be "From: GoodDollar"
- 164355301 user should go liveness test
- (Bug) Remove claim dialog after claiming
- (Feature) Polling should not start from zero
- Fix destinationPath issue with AsyncStorage
- (Bug) Render navbar as wireframe
- (bugs) #165851481+more signup flow fixes
- #165536249 localstorage for destination path
- (Feature) Link privacy policy terms and conditions
- (Bug) Remove Send me voice code from page
- (Bug) Scroll view responsive pages
- (Bug) Send GD - Error - Balance check should be done earlier
- (Bug) Fixes styles in phone input
- chore: Npm audit fix
- (Bug) 165824448 improve cleanup tests
- (Bug) Adds paste action, icon to trigger paste action and update error message
- (Bug) Removes delete action from feed list and updates snapshot
- (Feature) Allow user to choose username
- feat: let user send funds to address by using email or phone number
- (Feature) Send email/sms from web
- (Bug) Adds label to Next button and uses from Reason page
- (Bug) Fixes styles to make profile clickable
- remove integration
- add alias
- Configure for now sh
- (Feature) Add identity to withdrawn payment link TX
- chore: use mautic for sending emails
- get latest updates of login
- (Fix) CSSStyleDeclaration error
- chore: use minimized version of contracts
- (Fix) Payment link domain is incorrect
- Chore: experiment with bundle optimization
- (Fix) Allow new user to continue signup process in dev mode
- (Feature) Adds name and avatar on send page
- (Feature) Adding title with helmet
- 165022078 web favicon app icon
- (Feature) Updated UserStorage to indexby id
- (Feature) User should be able to scan QR code to receive payment
- Adds recovery instructions email api call on sign up
- (Feature) User should have his email verified
- (Fix) Remove splash screen for transition between signUp and dashboard
- (Feature) User Recover Wallet
- 164398372 user should have tx feed
- (Feature) Add coverals badge
- Remove hdwallet provider usage
- (Bug) Send flow back dashboard
- Profile index attestations
- [accept #164289122] Save receive in tx feed
- (Fix) Netilfy routes
- (Feature) Sent tx feed
- (Fix) Profile picture editing
- (Feature) User should be able to edit his profile image
- (Chore) profile validations
- (Feature) Adding reason to otl
- (Feature) User Edit Profile Screen
- (Feature) User Profile Screen
- (Feature) User should see error messages under form fields in signup
- (Fix) Entitlement is zero for the user
- Merge to master
- (Feature) Non user can withdraw from a OTL
- (Feature) Receive GD via OTL
- #163848676 (Feature) Adding dialog error to signup flow
- (Feature) Canceling OTL on error after creation
- (Feature) balance display vs claim action amount precision
- Adding details to README
- (Feature) Improve Send Flow and Add Immediate Feedback in 'To' field
- (Feature) Balance update with polling
- (PR update suggestion) balance update with polling
- (Feature) Send link via SMS
- (Feature) Send One Time Link Via Email
- Send GD via QR
- (Feature) Send flow navigation
- (Feature) receive gd qr code
- Configure Travis CI
- 163222091 top user wallet with native token 2
- (Chore) Install husky and lint-staged to properly format files before commit
- 164048143 don't render react until wallet+gundb are ready
- add: private feed management + tests
- (Feature) Make Dapp react to balance changed events
- #163682226 save signup details profile
- (#163177065) User should have his phone verified via sms
- Make GoodServer URL configurable through env variables
- Replace yarn with NPM as package manager
- [#163682096] add: login to gundb once wallet is ready
- (Feature) #163177019 dashboard screen + #163177042 User Should be Able to Claim
- 163681870 Stylesheet Warnings
- [#163621735] review flowtypes
- (Feature) #163504299 Signup Flow
- 163176948 identity contract
- (Bug) #163603508 Fix crash in master branch and use new navigation for Splash screen
- (Feature) #163503983 User should signup/recover options when not logged in
- (Feature) #163503978 Splash screen
- (Feature) #163502491 Tab Navigation / Navbar behavior
- (Chore) #163481574 Fix Test Configuration
- (Chore) Select logger for dapp
- (Feature) User should be able to navigate the app via tabs
- Project Setup + Adding Application Navigation
- [fixed #166091829] fix: show name form signupstate
- [fixed #165762677] fix: revert to react native web default fonts
- [fixed #165855167] fix: claim not responsive
- add: finalize jsdocs
- add: update snapshots
- add: update snapshots