##Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS)##
[BCG] The genealogy field's standard for determining whether a conclusion is acceptable or not.
[BCG 2014-11-14] Under this standard, genealogical conclusions are expected to demonstrate five criteria:
- Reasonably exhaustive research;
- Complete and accurate citation of sources;
- Analysis and correlation of the collected information;
- A resolution of conflicting evidence;
- A soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion.
[BCG 2018-09-27] Contains five components:
- Reasonably exhaustive research.
- Complete and accurate source citations.
- Thorough analysis and correlation.
- Resolution of conflicting evidence.
- Soundly written conclusion based on the strongest evidence.
[EE] Section 1.5: The standard of proof set by genealogy’s scholars and professionals, which poses five conditions that a valid conclusion must meet: thorough research; complete and accurate citation of sources; skilled analysis and correlation of data; resolution of any conflicts in the evidence; a soundly reasoned, written conclusion that details all the evidence, analyses, and documentation—i.e., a [proof argument] (proof-argument.md).
[MGP] The genealogy field’s standard for differentiating acceptable from unacceptable conclusions.