The tsc-public mailing list is a place for general discussion on the technical work of the FHISO. At the moment, we particularly welcome comments or feedback on our current draft standards.
You do not have to be a member of FHISO to subscribe. We ask only that everyone obeys FHISO's code of conduct. Previous posts to tsc-public can be read in the list archives.
Discussion of paper submissions, our priorities, and the creation of future exploratory groups (EGs) are all appropriate for this list, as are comments of a more general nature.
The following guidelines are not intended as hard-and-fast rules, but if everyone considers them when posting, the list will operate more smoothly.
Consensus building takes place in exploratory groups.
Once two people have expressed their differing opinions and understand that the disagreement exists, move on. In due course, the topic will be reopened for consideration by an EG and the apparent outcome of the discussion here will not prejudice the EG's work.
If you have a lot to say, please consider writing a paper for our CFPS. Diagrams and tables can aid understanding, but are less easily included in emails. By taking your time to express your idea clearly, it is more likely that other people will understand you.
Emails are written once, read many times. Invest the time during writing to make them easy to read quickly.
The TSC are not maintaining an index of discussion on this list, and EGs will not be expected to recall everything here. Once the idea is generated and voiced here, either send it to the appropriate EG or submit it in a CFPS. The TSC's charter guarantees that all CFPS papers will receive due consideration and a reasoned response.
Don't re-use "Re: Some other idea" for your new ideas.
Don't make people guess what you are replying to, neither by quoting nothing nor by quoting extraneous parts of an earlier email.