Releases: firecow/gitlab-ci-local
Releases · firecow/gitlab-ci-local
User Variables
- Its is now possible to place a variables config file in $HOME/.gitlab-ci-local/variables.yml.
-See README for more information
Interactive decorator
- Added support for the @Interactive, making it possible to start interactive "jobs" via gitlab-ci-local
- Lowers the need for local interactive "helper" scripts in your projects.
- Make these scripts into jobs in .gitlab-ci.yml and everyone can see them with
gitlab-ci-local --list
Rules bugfix, more tests and ESLint
- Fixed a bug with complex junction if's in rules
- Added and fixed unit tests
- Use eslint instead of tslint (deprecated)
Fix readme images and license info
4.8.2 Change license in package.json to point to LICENSE file
Jest and better Rules
- Support junction, disjunction and parentheses in rules field
- Add unit tests via jest
- Add "real-world" example
- Add badges to
Image support
- Added support for
Simplify script execution
- Greatly simplified script execution
Envubst bugfixes
- Simplified variable envsubst
Recursive extends, and recursive variable subst
- Extends is now recursive
- envsubst is also recursive
- Reintroduce stage ordering in --list