Releases: firetreedesign/ccbpress-core
Releases · firetreedesign/ccbpress-core
- Fixed an issue with the cache not working properly.
- A cache cleanup function is now properly unscheduled on plugin deactivation.
- Group images should now update correctly.
- Minor display adjustments.
- Fixed group images not downloading.
- No longer downloads images that are placeholders.
- Added option to completely delete data/options created by CCBPress upon uninstall.
- Added a backend to sync group/event data to a custom table for add-ons that support it.
- Fixed Purge All Cache in the admin bar menu.
- Fixed incorrect opening PHP statement.
- Removed code that was no longer in use.
- Removed the activation redirect in favor of a dismissible notification banner.
- Removed files that were no longer necessary.
- Added some missing styles to the stylesheet.