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Navico BR24

The Navico BR24 protocol is (partially) implemented in the OpenCPN radarpi plugin, which serves as a source of information for the Wireshark dissector.

Further background information on this protocol can be found in Dabrowski, Adrian, Sebastian Busch, and Roland Stelzer. "A digital interface for imagery and control of a Navico/Lowrance broadband radar." Robotic Sailing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 169-181, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22836-0_12. Their packet captures and implementation of a display unit are available at Sourceforge under the name of 'OpenBR24'.

Communication Structure

Communication between the RADAR unit and the display unit is carried out over UDP multicast with each unit sending and subscribing to a set of addresses. The following figure has been redrawn after Fig.3 in Dabrowski et al.'s paper.

Addresses used by the Navico BR24 protocol

Core functionality is confined to three addresses: for image data, for reports, for register control.

Communication packets are made up of fields containing one or more bytes. Fields consisting of two or more bytes should be interpreted as 'little-endian': e.g. the value 0x730B corresponds to 0x73 | (0x0B << 8) = 2931d.

Image Data

Image data is acquired by the RADAR unit through continuous circular scanning of its environment. A full circle is divided into 2048 spokes, as soon as 32 spokes have been generated by the RADAR unit, it builds an image frame that is then sent to In practice, the average interval between image frames is in the order of 10s of milliseconds. The following figure has been redrawn after Fig.4 in Dabrowski et al.'s paper.

Image data structure

A BR24 image frame is made up of a eight-byte frame header and 32 scanlines each made up of a 24-byte header and 512 scanline pixels. The total length of an image frame is therefore 8 + 32 * (24 + 512) = 17160 bytes.

Frame Header

The eight-byte frame header is made up of the following fields:

byte(s) length name value
0 - 4 5 message start mark always 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
5 1 number of scanlines always 0x20 (32d)
6 - 7 2 scanline length always 0x0002 (512d)

Scanline Header

Each 24-byte scanline header is made up of the following fields:

byte(s) length name value
0 1 header length always 0x18 (24d)
1 1 status enum:
- 0x02: VALID DATA
2 - 3 2 raw scanline counter in range 0x0000 - 0xFF0F (0d - 4095d), incremented by one on each new spoke, modulo 4096. Used by the display unit to check for missing spokes
4 - 7 4 mark always 0x00 0x44 0x0D 0x0E
8 - 9 2 angle angle of the scanline, in range 0x0100 - 0xFF0F (1d - 4095d), incremented by two on each new spoke, corresponds to the range - 360°
10 - 11 2 heading when coupled with a Navico RI10 or RI11 interface, contains heading of the vessel encoded in the same way as scanline angles(?). Always 0x3492 (37428d) in the OpenBR24 PCAPs (when disabled?)
12 - 14 3* scale scan range = value * 10 / sqrt(2) meters. Differs from the scan range reported in report packets. Length of the field is 2 according to Dabrowski et al., 3 in the radarpi implementation
15 1 unknown1 unknown, always 0x01?
16-17 2 unknown2 unknown, always 0x0044?
18-19 2 unknown3 unknown, variable
20-23 4 unknown4 unknown, variable

Scanline Pixels

Each 512-byte scanline pixel data row is made up of the following fields:

bytes(s) length name value
0 1 pixel1 in range 0x00 - 0xFF (0d - 255d), 8-bit grayscale color
1 1 pixel2 ...
... 1 ... ...
511 1 pixel512 ...


Reports are sent on a regular basis by the RADAR unit to to notify the display unit of its current status and settings, as well as systematically after the reception of a register control packet containing a READ or WRITE command for a property reported in a given report.

The pattern for sending occasional reports seems to be that the RADAR unit sends STATUS reports periodically, to which the display unit responds with a READ commands for registers 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, in turn prompting the RADAR unit to respond with SETTINGS, SCAN, FIRMWARE and BEARING reports.

Reports are identified by the two first bytes; the OpenCPN radarpi plugin authors distinguish between 0xC4 reports (second byte is 0xC4, first byte is either 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07 or 0x08), and 0xF5 reports (second byte is 0xF5, first byte is either 0x08, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 or 0x14).

0xC4 Reports

0x01C4 Report: STATUS

0x01C4 reports or STATUS reports are 18-byte packets made up of the following fields:

bytes(s) length name value
0 1 type 0x01
1 1 command 0xC4
2 1 RADAR status enum:
- 0x01: STANDBY
- 0x02: TRANSMIT
- 0x05: WAKING UP
3 - 17 15 unknown always 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 (?)

0x02C4 Report: SETTINGS

0x02C4 reports or SETTINGS reports are 99-byte packets made up of the following fields:

bytes(s) length name value
0 1 type 0x02
1 1 command 0xC4
2 - 5 4 range reported range = value / 10 meters, might differ from the actual range the RADAR unit is scanning at, which is contained in image frames (see above), used by OpenCPN as range displayed in the GUI
6 - 7 2 unknown1 unknown, always 0x0000 ?
8 - 11 4 gain auto enum:
- 1d: AUTO
- 0d: MANUAL
12 1 gain RADAR gain = value * 100 / 255
13 1 sea clutter auto mode enum:
- 0x00: OFF
- 0x01: HARBOR
- 0x02: OFFSHORE
14 - 16 3 unknown2 unknown
17 1 sea state sea state = value * 100 / 255, most likely the value of the sea clutter filter
18 - 21 4 unknown3 unknown
22 1 rain clutter rain clutter = value * 100 / 255
23 - 33 11 unknown4 unknown
34 1 interference rejection enum:
- 0x00: OFF
- 0x01: LOW
- 0x02: MEDIUM
- 0x03: HIGH
35 - 37 3 unknown5 unknown
38 1 target expansion unknown
39 - 41 3 unknown6 unknown
42 1 target boost enum:
- 0x00: OFF
- 0x01: LOW
- 0x02: HIGH
43 - 98 56 unknown7 unknown

0x03C4 Report: FIRMWARE

0x03C4 reports or FIRMWARE reports are 129-byte packets made up of the following fields:

bytes(s) length name value
0 1 type 0x03
1 1 command 0xC4
2 1 radar type always 0x0F for BR24
3 - 57 55 unknown1 unknown
58 - 89 32 firmware date 16 2-byte fields representing 16-bit ASCII. E.g. 0x5300 0x6500 0x7000 0x2000 0x2000 0x3100 0x2000 0x3200 0x3000 0x3100 0x3000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 decodes to Sep 1 2010)
90 - 121 32 firmware time 16 2-byte fields representing 16-bit ASCII.
122 - 128 7 unknown2 unknown

0x04C4 Report: BEARING

0x04C4 reports or BEARING reports are 66-byte packets made up of the following fields:

bytes(s) length name value
0 1 type 0x04
1 1 command 0xC4
2 - 5 4 unknown1 unknown
6 - 7 2 bearing alignment alignment angle of the RADAR unit compared to heading times 10
8 - 9 2 unknown2 unknown
10 - 13 4 antenna height height in millimeters
14 - 65 52 unknown3 unknown

0x05C4 Report


0x07C4 Report


0x08C4 Report: SCAN

0x08C4 reports or SCAN reports are 18-byte packets made up of the following fields:

byte(s) length name value
0 1 type 0x08
1 1 command 0xC4
2 1 unknown1 unknown
3 1 local interference rejection enum:
- 0x00: OFF
- 0x01: LOW
- 0x02: MEDIUM
- 0x03: HIGH
4 1 scan speed enum:
- 0x00: NORMAL
- 0x01: FAST
5 1 sls auto enum:
- 0x00: MANUAL
- 0x01: AUTO
6 - 8 3 unknown2 unknown
9 1 side lobe suppression sidelobe suppression = value * 100 / 255
10 - 11 2 unknown3
12 1 noise rejection unknown
13 1 target separation unknown
14 - 17 4 unknown4 unknown

0xF5 Reports


Register Control

The display unit addresses the RADAR unit via a set of registers, by sending packets to the broadcast address Registers can be either written to (command 0x01) or read from (command 0x02), packets have the following structure:

byte(s) length name value
0 1 register register number (function to set or read)
1 1 command enum:
- 0xC1: WRITE
- 0xC2: READ
2 - x 0 - x data variable length payload

The RADAR unit will respond to READ commands with a corresponding report packet.


Notable registers are indicated below:

Register 0x00/0x01: RADAR Operation

Registers 0x00 and 0x01 control the image data broadcast. When both registers are set to 0x01, the RADAR unit will send RADAR image data. To stop the stream, both registers must be set to 0x00 according to Dabrowski et al., while OpenCPN's radarpi only sets register 0x01 to 0x00 to do so.

Available PCAPs (OpenCPN radarpi plugin and OpenBR24) seem to indicate that after both registers are set to 0x01 to start broadcasting, the RADAR unit first sends a large amount of 0xF5 reports.

Register 0x03: Zoom Level

Register 0x03 controls the scan range of the RADAR unit. Writing to this register is done by providing the desired range in decimeters encoded as 32-bit unsigned integer (in little-endian since it is a multi-byte field), e.g. 0x03C1F4010000 to set the range to 50 meters.

Supported range values are the following:

Range Payload Range Payload
50 m 0xF4010000 2 km 0x204E0000
75 m 0xEE020000 3 km 0x30750000
100 m 0xEE030000 4 km 0x409C0000
250 m 0xC4030000 6 km 0x60EA0000
500 m 0x88130000 8 km 0x80380100
750 m 0x4C1D0000 12 km 0xC0D40100
1 km 0x10270000 16 km 0x00710200
1.5 km 0x983A0000 24 km 0x80A90300

Register 0x05: Bearing Alignment

Register 0x05 controls the bearing alignment of the RADAR unit. This is used to adjust the alignment of a misaligned RADAR unit. The payload is the desired angle times 10 as 16-bit unsigned integer, e.g. 0x05C11E00 sets the alignment to 30 / 10 = 3 degs.

Register 0x06: Filters and Preprocessing

Register 0x06 allows setting many filters and preprocessing features. The payload is composed of 9 bytes. The first byte is a selector, specifying which feature should be addressed and the remaining 8 bytes are the data that is to be written. Features and the meaning of the bytes 1 - 8 are listed below:

Feature Sel. 1 - 3 4 5 - 7 8
Gain 00 0x000000 auto flag:
- 0x00: MANUAL
- 0x01: AUTO
0x000000 value, when in MANUAL mode, RADAR gain = value * 100 / 255
Sea clutter 02 0x000000 auto flag:
- 0x00: MANUAL
- 0x01: AUTO
0x000000 value, when in MANUAL mode, RADAR sea clutter = value * 100 / 255

when in AUTO mode, possibly the auto type:
- 0x01: HARBOR
- 0x02: OFFSHORE
Rain clutter 04 0x000000 0x00 0x000000 value, RADAR rain filter = value * 100 / 255. Range of 0x01 to 0x50, defaults to 0x4D
Side lobe suppression 05 0x000000 auto flag:
- 0x00: MANUAL
- 0x01: AUTO
0x000000 value, when in MANUAL mode, side lobe suppression = value * 100 / 255

Register 0x08: Interference Rejection

Register 0x08 allows setting the interference rejection mode of the RADAR unit. The payload consist of 1 byte, with following values being accepted:

  • 0x00: OFF
  • 0x01: LOW
  • 0x02: MEDIUM
  • 0x03: HIGH

Register 0x09: Target Expansion

Not used in BR24

Register 0x0A: Target Boost

Register 0x0A controls the target boost setting of the RADAR unit. The payload consists of 1 byte, with following values being accepted:

  • 0x00: OFF
  • 0x01: LOW
  • 0x02: HIGH

Register 0x0E: Local Interference Filter

Register `0x0E allows setting the local interference filter mode of the RADAR unit. The payload consist of 1 byte, with following values being accepted:

  • 0x00: OFF
  • 0x01: LOW
  • 0x02: MEDIUM
  • 0x03: HIGH

Register 0x0F: Scan Speed

Register 0x0F controls the scan speed of the RADAR unit. The payload consists of 1 byte, with following values being accepted:

  • 0x00: NORMAL
  • 0x01: FAST

Register 0x21: Noise Rejection

Not used in BR24

Register 0x22: Target Separation

Not used in BR24

Register 0x23: Doppler

Not used in BR24

Register 0x30: Antenna Height

Register 0x30 controls the antenna height of the RADAR unit. The payload consists of 8 bytes and takes the following form:

byte(s) length name value
0 - 3 4 unknown 0x01000000
4 - 7 4 height height in millimeters

Register 0xA0: Keep Alive

This register must be written to periodically (approx. every 10 seconds) for the RADAR unit to stay on (payload can be empty).