Last updated: 28.01.2023
Collection of windbg javascript extensions.
Set guest system up for net kd. BcdEdit
$ setNetKd.bat [/i <ip>] [/p <port>] [/k <key>] [/b <param>] [/dhcp] [/d] [/bd] [/c] [/r] [/v] [/h]
- /i The host ip.
- /p The connection port. Default: 50000.
- /k The connection key. If not set, a random key will be generated.
- /b The bus param of the network device. Usually works without setting it. If not: Use kdnet.exe or open the property page for the network adapter :: details > Location information.
- /dhcp For DHCP.
- /r Reboot system with prompt.
- /d Set debug on.
- /bd Set bootdebug on.
- /c Clear all debug settings.
- /r: Reboot system with confirmation prompt.
- /v Verbose mode
- /h Print this
Starts kernel WinDbg with a com pipe.
$ startComKDbg.bat [/a x86|x64] [/n pipename]
- /a Architecutre of WinDbg (x86|x64).
- /n The kd com port pipe name. Will be extended to
Starts usermode WinDbg session with a program cmd line.
$ startEDbg.bat [/a <arch>] /c cmdline [/o] [/s <path>] [/y <path>] [/h]
- /a Architecutre of WinDbg (x86|x64).
- /c The command line. I.e. "c:\windows\System32\ping.exe"
- /o Debug child process flag.
- /s src path.
- /y symbol path.
Starts kernel WinDbg session over network.
$ startNetKDbg.bat [/a <arch>] [/p <port>] [/k <key>] [/bml] [/loc] [/v] [/h]
- /a The arch: x86|x64. Default: x64.
- /p The Port. Min: 49152, Max: 65535.
- /k The network key. Default:
- /bml Break on module load.
- /loc Starts a local kernel debugging session (on the same machine as the debugger).
- /v Verbose mode.
Starts kernel WinDbg session over usb connection.
$ startUsbKDbg.bat [/a <arch>] [/n <name>] [/bml] [/loc] [/v] [/h]
- /a The arch: x86|x64. Default: x64.
- /n The usb debugging target name.
- /bml Break on module load.
- /loc Starts a local kernel debugging session (on the same machine as the debugger).
- /v Verbose mode.