Epitech C JSON tool
In order to use CJSON functions you have to include cjson.h
header file.
#include "cjson.h"
int main(void)
return 1;
cjson_t *cjson = cjson_parse_file(filename); // Parse given file
To get a property there are severals methods to do it.
Follwing fake file will be used in next examples :
"id": 3,
"price": 1.90,
"name": "John",
"enabled": true,
"notes": [2, 4.5, 78, 12]
You need to know the type that you want to get.
This method is not recommanded because if an error occured you'll not be able to know it
//Example in order to get int property 'id'
int integer = cjson_get_prop_int_unsafe(cjson, "id");
//integer = 3
float price = cjson_get_prop_float_unsafe(cjson, "price");
//price = "1.90"
char *str = cjson_get_prop_string_unsafe(cjson, "name");
//str = "John"
bool enabled = cjson_get_prop_bool_unsafe(cjson, "enabled");
//enabled = true
cjson_array_t *notes = cjson_get_prop_array_unsafe(cjson, "notes");
//notes = [2, 4.5, 78, 12] (linked list system)
You need to know the type that you want to get.
This method is recommanded because if an error occured you will able to know it
//Example in order to get int property 'id'
int integer = 0;
if (!cjson_get_prop_int(cjson, "id", &integer))
printf("An error occured on integer\n");
//integer = 3
float price = 0;
if (!cjson_get_prop_float(cjson, "price", &price))
printf("An error occured on float\n");
//price = "1.90"
char *str = NULL;
if (!cjson_get_prop_string(cjson, "name", &str))
printf("An error occured on string\n");
//str = "John"
bool enabled = false;
if (!cjson_get_prop_string(cjson, "enabled", &enabled))
printf("An error occured on boolean\n");
//bool = true
cjson_array_t *notes = NULL;
if (!cjson_get_prop_array(cjson, "notes", ¬es))
printf("An error occured on array\n");
//notes = [2, 4.5, 78, 12] (linked list system)
This method get CJSON element that is directly editable, with this maneer you'll be able to:
- Edit its key
- Edit its value
- Display it
- Export it
// Get a CJSON element representing a float -> "price" : 1.90
cjson_t *price = cjson_get_prop(cjson, "price");
//To edit key you can do as follwing
cjson_set_prop_key(price, "MyNewPriceKey"); //Now price is : "MyNewPriceKey" : 1.90
//To edit value you can do as follwing
cjson_set_prop_value(price, CJSON(34.7), CJSON_NUMBER_T); //Now price is : "MyNewPriceKey" : 34.7
//Or you can do as follwing
cjson_set_prop_value(price, CJSON(false), CJSON_BOOL_T); //Now price is : "MyNewPriceKey" : false
CJSON lib offer you possibility to convert directly in expected primitive C type.
cjson_array_t *notes = NULL;
if (!cjson_get_prop_array(cjson, "notes", ¬es)) {
printf("An error occured on array\n");
size_t len = 0;
int *converted = cjson_array_to_int_array(notes, &len);
if (!converted) {
printf("An error occured on array conversion\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
printf("notes[%zu] = %d\n", i, converted[i]);
//len = 4
//converted = [2, 4, 78, 12]
//notes[0] = 2
//notes[1] = 4
//notes[2] = 78
//notes[3] = 12
Made by Flavien Chenu