A set of utilities to use when consuming Shopify’s admin GraphQL API.
yarn add @shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities
Given a Gid string, parse out the type.
import {parseGidType} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
// → 'Customer'
Given a Gid string, parse out the id.
import {parseGid} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
// → '12345'
Given a Gid string, parse out the id and its params.
import {parseGidWithParams} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
// → {
// id: '12345',
// params: {sessionId: '123', foo: 'bar'}
// }
Create a new composeGid
with a given namespace instead of the default shopify
import {composeGidFactory} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
const composeGid = composeGidFactory('CustomApp');
composeGid('Product', '123');
// → 'gid://CustomApp/Product/123'
function composeGid<T extends string>(key: T, id: number | string, params: Record<string, string> = {}): Gid<'shopify', T>
Given a key and id, compose a Gid string.
import {composeGid} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
composeGid('Customer', 12345);
// → 'gid://shopify/Customer/12345'
composeGid('Customer', '67890', {foo: 'bar'});
// → 'gid://shopify/Customer/67890?foo=bar'
Create a new isGid
with a given namespace instead of the default shopify
import {isGidFactory} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
const isGid = isGidFactory('CustomApp');
// → true
isGid('gid://CustomApp/Product/123', 'Customer');
// → false
Check if a given string is a valid Gid.
import {isGid} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
// → true
isGid('gid://shopify/Customer/12345', 'Customer');
// → false
Given an array of edges, return the nodes.
import {nodesFromEdges} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
{node: {id: '1', title: 'title one'}},
{node: {id: '2', title: 'title two'}},
// → [{id: '1', title: 'title one'}, {id: '2', title: 'title two'}]
Given an array of edges, return a new array of only the specific key from those nodes.
import {keyFromEdges} from '@shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities';
{node: {id: '1', title: 'title one'}},
{node: {id: '2', title: 'title two'}},
// → ['title one', 'title two']