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Plex Sandbox Operator

Go Report Card GitHub release



The Plex Sandbox Operator is an operator for Kubernetes that enables authenticated users to create their own isolated environments.



This repository contains a deploy folder which contains all of the manifests required to deploy the operator, as well as a kustomization.yaml file.

If you would like to apply your own customizations, reference the deploy folder and the version in your kustomization.yaml.

Kustomize v2

(version used in kubectl apply -k .)

- git::

Kustomize v3

Latest version of Kustomize if installed as a standalone. Also version embedded in flux.

- git::

The example folder shows one example of how to customize the operator.


A bundle.yaml is provided in the root of the repository which can then be applied via kubectl apply.

Created ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding

A ClusterRole resource and a ClusterRoleBinding resource will be created to enable authenticated users to create Sandbox resources.

ClusterRole (sandbox-user)

Verbs API Groups Resources
create, list, get sandboxes

ClusterRoleBinding (sandbox-users)

API Group Name Subjects sandbox-users system:authenticated

Sandbox CRD

A CustomResourceDefinition named Sandbox will be created.

An example manifest for the Sandbox CRD is as follows:

kind: Sandbox
  name: test
  size: small
  - [email protected]



The Sandbox operator can leverage different clients, depending upon how authenitcation is configured for your cluster.


If Azure credentials are provided to the operators environment, it will perform a lookup of each user in the owners field and fetch that users ObjectID inside of Azure using the Microsoft Graph API.

This enables users to create Sandboxes with friendly names in the owners field (such as the owners email address) and have the operator itself handle the mapping to the ObjectID when creating the Kubernetes resources.

To use the Azure client, include the following environment variables:


Your Azure Service Principal will need the following Application permission for the Azure Active Directory Graph API (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000):

Directory.Read.All (5778995a-e1bf-45b8-affa-663a9f3f4d04)


If no credentials are provided, the operator will create the Role and ClusterRole bindings using the values listed in the owners field.

Docker Pull Secrets

By default, the operator will not create any secrets in the provisioned namespace.

If the PULL_SECRET_NAME environment variable is set, the operator will copy your clusters pull secret to the provisioned namespace and patch the default service account.

PULL_SECRET_NAME should be the name of the pull secret that exists in your cluster. By default, the operator will look for your secret in the default namespace.

To have the operator look in a different namespace for the pull secret, use the PULL_SECRET_NAMESPACE environment variable.

Creating a Sandbox

To create a Sandbox, apply a Sandbox CRD to the target cluster.

The following will create a Sandbox called foo (the resulting namespace being sandbox-foo), and assign the RBAC policies to user [email protected].


kind: Sandbox
  name: foo
  size: small
  - [email protected]
$ kubectl apply -f foo.yaml "foo" created

Created Resources

Assuming the name of the created Sandbox is named foo, the following resources will be created per Sandbox:

Namespace (sandbox-foo)

ClusterRole (sandbox-foo-admin)

Verbs API Groups Resources ResourceNames
* sandboxes sandbox-foo

This is created so that only users defined in the owners field can delete their Sandboxes.

ClusterRoleBinding (sandbox-foo-admins)

One ClusterRoleBinding per name in the owners field. Bindings are added and removed as users are added and removed from the owners field.

Role (sandbox-foo-owner)

Verbs API Groups Resources
* core pods, pods/log, pods/portforward, services, services/finalizers, endpoints, persistentvolumeclaims, events, configmaps, replicationcontrollers
create core secrets
* apps, extensions deployments, daemonsets, replicasets, statefulsets
* autoscaling horizontalpodautoscalers
* batch jobs, cronjobs
create, list, get roles, rolebindings

RoleBinding (sandbox-foo-owners)

One RoleBinding per name in the owners field. Bindings are added and removed as users are added and removed from the owners field.

ResourceQuota (sandbox-foo-resourcequota)

The ResourceQuota that is applied to the Namespace depends on the size of the Sandbox that was created. Defaults to small if no size is given.


Resource Name Quantity
ResourceRequestsCPU 0.25
ResourceLimitsCPU 0.5
ResourceRequestsMemory 250Mi
ResourceLimitsMemory 500Mi
ResourceRequestsStorage 10Gi
ResourcePersistentVolumeClaims 2


Resource Name Quantity
ResourceRequestsCPU 1
ResourceLimitsCPU 2
ResourceRequestsMemory 2Gi
ResourceLimitsMemory 8Gi
ResourceRequestsStorage 40Gi
ResourcePersistentVolumeClaims 8

Managing Owners of a Sandbox

After the Sandbox has been created, you can add or remove owners that are associated to it.

For example, to add [email protected] as an owner, add their name to the list of owners and apply the changes:

kind: Sandbox
  name: foo
  size: small
  - [email protected]
  - [email protected]
$ kubectl apply -f sandbox-foo.yaml "foo" configured

This will cause the operator to add ClusterRoleBinding and RoleBinding resources to match the owners list.

When owners are removed from the Sandbox, their ClusterRoleBinding and RoleBinding will also be removed.

Deleting a Sandbox

To delete a Sandbox, delete the Sandbox resource from the cluster:

$ kubectl delete sandbox foo "foo" deleted

Deleting a Sandbox will delete the Namespace as well as the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding resources.


The operator exposes two metric ports for the /metrics endpoint:

  • Port 8383 exposes metrics for the operator itself
  • Port 8686 exposes metrics for the Sandbox CRD

Additionally, if prometheus-operator is installed into the cluster, a ServiceMonitor is created for the operator.


No external tooling is required to develop and build the operator. However, some tooling is required to run the integration tests:


The provided Makefile contains commands that assist with running the tests for the operator.

Unit tests

make test-unit will use an in-memory kubernetes client to validate and test your changes without the need for an external Kubernetes cluster.

Integration tests

make test-integration will create a Kubernetes cluster for you, using Kind, and deploy the operator to it. The integration tests will then be ran against the newly created cluster.

Testing different Kubernetes versions

To test the operator with different versions of Kubernetes, you can use the KUBERNETES_VERSION variable when calling make.

For example, to test on Kubernetes v1.16.3, run the following command:

make test-integration KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.16.3


We ❤️ pull requests. If you have a question, feedback, or would like to contribute — please feel free to create an issue or open a pull request!