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Welcome to the Call for Presentations of FOSS4G Prizren 2023! If you have developed a free and open source project related to geospatial technologies, if you implemented a FOSS4G solution or product, or participated in a project that uses FOSS, we invite you to participate by sending your proposal.
You can submit three types of proposals to the Call for Papers:
[Talks]({% link _pages/call-for-papers/ %}){: .btn .btn-primary .waves-effect .waves-button .waves-light }
[Academic papers]({% link _pages/call-for-papers/ %}){: .btn .btn-primary .waves-effect .waves-button .waves-light }
[Workshops]({% link _pages/call-for-papers/ %}){: .btn-primary .waves-effect .waves-button .waves-light}
The application deadline for all types of proposals and abstracts is 28 Feb 2023!
The global FOSS4G is the flagship event of OSGeo and one of the most important global geospatial events of the year. While the focus of the conference revolts around open source software for geography, it is a meeting point where knowledge and experiences are shared, new tools are learned and new relationships are established. Some of the expected topics will be the usage of geospatial in a variety of industries and in the public sector, the role of the community and industry in research and advancement in the free and open source geospatial technology to achieve the digital transition.
The OSGeo community is characterized for its dynamic way of growing and we are proud of welcoming a variety of voices and ideas. If you are considering sending a proposal to our call for papers, consider the following: FOSS4G’s backbone is free and open source, so make sure you clearly indicate what is (are) the open source project(s) essential in your talk If you present new developments or a completely new open source project, make sure you point to its repository(ies) so people can follow up. The more suitable the selections of general and particular topics, and level of technical complexity are, the better shaped the final program will be. Please, help us optimize your time at FOSS4G 2023.
We believe in equality, so all presenters have the same exact amount of time to present their work, according to their contribution type. Please consider that when preparing your slides and be mindful about the time. And last, but not least, the success of this event lies in the responsable actions of all participants and organizers alike. If after you have confirmed participation, you or the co-authors are no longer able to present, please let us know as soon as possible.
Help us curate our schedule! You can vote the general session proposals. Please register your email address. You will get and email with a link to vote, clicking the link you will see all the proposals of the Conference. It is time to vote what you would like to see!
VOTE HERE{:target="_blank" .bottom-section-link .btn .btn-primary .waves-effect .waves-button .waves-light .waves-float}