(C) Copyright 2016-2020 APOLLO-Team
This article describes all the SAGA
audio features, and is still in Work In Progress status.
This documentation and associated files are licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0
Permissions of this weak copyleft license are conditioned on making available source code of licensed files and modifications of those files under the same license (or in certain cases, one of the GNU licenses). Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. However, a larger work using the licensed work may be distributed under different terms and without source code for files added in the larger work.
Written and maintained by flype
, with the great help from the APOLLO-Team
members. It is intended for developers who plan to use the Vampire
audio chip for their programs or games, and to help the community to write drivers. All specifications mentioned in this documentation always refers to the latest version. Be sure to use the latest Vampire
core version in your programs (see below).
Latest Vampire
cores are officially distributed from here.
Additionally, Beta cores are regularly distributed in the official ApolloTeam
Discord Channel here.
chipset embeds the legacy PAULA
4-channels audio chip.
It extends PAULA
to a 8-channels audio chip.
It supports 8-bits and 16-bits PCM wavedata.
It supports replaying from either Chip RAM or Fast RAM.
It supports much longer samples, up to 32MB (in 8-bits) and 64MB (in 16-bits).
It also includes some other interesting new features (OneShot mode, Stereo mode).
It is only available on the Vampire
standalone cards, contrary to the Vampire
accelerators cards.
As a reminder, below are the legacy PAULA
Use this register to detect the PAULA
POTINP Bit01 to Bit07 contains the Chip ID code.
If non-zero then the SAGA
extended PAULA
audio chip is available.
POTINP | 016 | R | Paula chip ID (0=Paula, 1=Extended) |
UWORD GetPaulaID()
/* Read Paula Chip ID (0=Paula, 1=Extended) */
return( ( ( *( volatile UWORD* ) 0xDFF016 ) & 0xFE ) >> 1 );
offers 4 audio channels.
All channels are 8-bits, BigEndian, PCM wavedata.
AUD0 | 0A? | W | Channel Number 0 |
AUD1 | 0B? | W | Channel Number 1 |
AUD2 | 0C? | W | Channel Number 2 |
AUD3 | 0D? | W | Channel Number 3 |
Location of waveform data, must be located in Chip RAM
Length of waveform, in words (min=0, max=0xFFFF) (eg. 128KB).
Period (min=0, max=0xFFFF). Example: 3546895 / 22050.
Volume (min=0, max=64).
AUDxLCH | 0?0 | W | Audio channel ? location (high 3 bits, 5 if ECS) |
AUDxLCL | 0?2 | W | Audio channel ? location (low 15 bits) |
AUDxLEN | 0?4 | W | Audio channel ? length |
AUDxPER | 0?6 | W | Audio channel ? period |
AUDxVOL | 0?8 | W | Audio channel ? volume |
AUDxDAT | 0?A | W | Audio channel ? data |
struct AudChannel {
UWORD *ac_ptr; /* pointer to start of waveform data */
UWORD ac_len; /* length of waveform in words */
UWORD ac_per; /* sample period */
UWORD ac_vol; /* volume */
UWORD ac_dat; /* sample pair */
UWORD ac_pad[2]; /* unused */
} aud[4];
Control modulation.
Start/Stop audio channels.
Be notified when a sound block is finished.
ADKCONR | 010 | R | Audio control (Bit00 to Bit07, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
ADKCON | 09E | W | Audio control (Bit00 to Bit07, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
DMACONR | 002 | R | DMA control (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
DMACON | 096 | W | DMA control (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
INTENAR | 01C | R | Interrupt enable bits (Bit07 to Bit10, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
INTENA | 09A | W | Interrupt enable bits (Bit07 to Bit10, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
INTREQR | 01E | R | Interrupt request bits (Bit07 to Bit10, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
INTREQ | 09C | W | Interrupt request bits (Bit07 to Bit10, for AUD0 to AUD3) |
#define ADKB_SETCLR (15)
#define ADKB_USE3PN (7)
#define ADKB_USE2P3 (6)
#define ADKB_USE1P2 (5)
#define ADKB_USE0P1 (4)
#define ADKB_USE3VN (3)
#define ADKB_USE2V3 (2)
#define ADKB_USE1V2 (1)
#define ADKB_USE0V1 (0)
#define ADKF_SETCLR (1L<<ADKB_SETCLR) /* Standard set/clear bit */
#define ADKF_USE3PN (1L<<ADKB_USE3PN) /* Use aud chan 3 to modulate period of ?? */
#define ADKF_USE2P3 (1L<<ADKB_USE2P3) /* Use aud chan 2 to modulate period of 3 */
#define ADKF_USE1P2 (1L<<ADKB_USE1P2) /* Use aud chan 1 to modulate period of 2 */
#define ADKF_USE0P1 (1L<<ADKB_USE0P1) /* Use aud chan 0 to modulate period of 1 */
#define ADKF_USE3VN (1L<<ADKB_USE3VN) /* Use aud chan 3 to modulate volume of ?? */
#define ADKF_USE2V3 (1L<<ADKB_USE2V3) /* Use aud chan 2 to modulate volume of 3 */
#define ADKF_USE1V2 (1L<<ADKB_USE1V2) /* Use aud chan 1 to modulate volume of 2 */
#define ADKF_USE0V1 (1L<<ADKB_USE0V1) /* Use aud chan 0 to modulate volume of 1 */
#define DMAB_SETCLR (15)
#define DMAB_AUD3 (3)
#define DMAB_AUD2 (2)
#define DMAB_AUD1 (1)
#define DMAB_AUD0 (0)
#define DMAF_SETCLR (1L<<DMAB_SETCLR) /* Set/Clear control bit */
#define DMAF_AUD3 (1L<<DMAB_AUD3) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 3 */
#define DMAF_AUD2 (1L<<DMAB_AUD2) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 2 */
#define DMAF_AUD1 (1L<<DMAB_AUD1) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 1 */
#define DMAF_AUD0 (1L<<DMAB_AUD0) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 0 */
#define DMAF_AUDIO (0x000F) /* Enable DMA for ALL Audio channels */
#define INTB_SETCLR (15)
#define INTB_AUD3 (10)
#define INTB_AUD2 (9)
#define INTB_AUD1 (8)
#define INTB_AUD0 (7)
#define INTF_SETCLR (1L<<INTB_SETCLR) /* Set/Clear control bit */
#define INTF_AUD3 (1L<<INTB_AUD3) /* Audio channel 3 block finished */
#define INTF_AUD2 (1L<<INTB_AUD2) /* Audio channel 2 block finished */
#define INTF_AUD1 (1L<<INTB_AUD1) /* Audio channel 1 block finished */
#define INTF_AUD0 (1L<<INTB_AUD0) /* Audio channel 0 block finished */
Below are the SAGA
extended PAULA
The first 4 channels (AUD0
to AUD3
) are accessibles either from the legacy audio register set (from DFF0Ax
to DFF0Dx
or from the new audio register set (from DFF40x
to DFF43x
), which allows to use the new SAGA
features on them.
The new additional channels (AUD4
to AUD7
) must be accessed from the new audio register set (from DFF44x
to DFF47x
SAUD0 | 40? | W | Channel Number 0 |
SAUD1 | 41? | W | Channel Number 1 |
SAUD2 | 42? | W | Channel Number 2 |
SAUD3 | 43? | W | Channel Number 3 |
SAUD4 | 44? | W | Channel Number 4 |
SAUD5 | 45? | W | Channel Number 5 |
SAUD6 | 46? | W | Channel Number 6 |
SAUD7 | 47? | W | Channel Number 7 |
#define CUSTOM_REGBASE (0xDFF000)
#define SAUD_REGBASE(CH) (CUSTOM_REGBASE + 0x400 + (((CH) & 0x0F) << 4))
#define SAUD_PTR(CH) SAUD_REG(CH, 0x00) /* location */
#define SAUD_LEN(CH) SAUD_REG(CH, 0x04) /* length */
#define SAUD_VOL(CH) SAUD_REG(CH, 0x08) /* volume */
#define SAUD_CTL(CH) SAUD_REG(CH, 0x0A) /* control */
#define SAUD_PER(CH) SAUD_REG(CH, 0x0C) /* period */
Location of waveform data is a 32-bits address, can be in Chip RAM
or in Fast RAM
Length of waveform, in words, is also 32-bits (min=0, max=0x00FFFFFF) (eg. 32MB for 8-bits PCM, 64MB for 16-bits PCM).
Volume is 8.8 for Left and Right (min=0.0, max=128.128).
Control bits for the 8/16-bits, Continuous/OneShot, and Mono/Stereo modes.
Period (min=2, max=0xFFFF). Example: 3546895 / 22050.
SAUD?PTR | 4?0 | W | Audio channel ? location (32-bits) |
SAUD?LEN | 4?4 | W | Audio channel ? length (32-bits) |
SAUD?VOL | 4?8 | W | Audio channel ? volume |
SAUD?CTL | 4?A | W | Audio channel ? control bits |
SAUD?PER | 4?C | W | Audio channel ? period |
SAUD? | 4?E | Audio channel ? reserved |
struct SAudChannel {
ULONG *sac_ptr; /* location */
ULONG sac_len; /* length */
UWORD sac_vol; /* volume */
UWORD sac_ctl; /* control */
UWORD sac_per; /* period */
UWORD sac_pad; /* unused */
} saud[ MAX_CHANNELS ];
#define SAUDCTLB_ENDIANNESS (4) /* 0=BigEndian, 1=LittleEndian [UNIMPLEMENTED] */
#define SAUDCTLB_INTERLEAVED (3) /* 0=Contiguous, 1=Interleaved [UNIMPLEMENTED] */
#define SAUDCTLB_STEREO (2) /* 0=Mono, 1=Stereo [IMPLEMENTED] */
#define SAUDCTLB_ONESHOT (1) /* 0=Continuous, 1=OneShot [IMPLEMENTED] */
#define SAUDCTLB_16BITS (0) /* 0=8-bits, 1=16-bits [IMPLEMENTED] */
/* Example using macros */
#include "vampire/saga_audio.h"
void example(void)
for(int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNELS; channel++)
SAUD_PTR( channel ) = ( ULONG*) ( bufptr );
SAUD_LEN( channel ) = ( ULONG ) ( buflen >> 1 );
SAUD_VOL( channel ) = ( UWORD ) ( ( 128 << 8 ) | 128 );
SAUD_PER( channel ) = ( UWORD ) ( PAULA_CLOCK / 22050 );
/* Example using a structure */
#include "vampire/saga_audio.h"
void example(void)
struct SAudChannel* saud = (struct SAudChannel*) SAUD0LOC;
for(int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNELS; channel++)
saud[ channel ].sac_ptr = ( ULONG*) ( bufptr );
saud[ channel ].sac_len = ( ULONG ) ( buflen >> 1 );
saud[ channel ].sac_vol = ( UWORD ) ( ( 128 << 8 ) | 128 );
saud[ channel ].sac_ctl = ( UWORD ) ( SAUDCTLF_16BITS | SAUDCTLF_ONESHOT );
saud[ channel ].sac_per = ( UWORD ) ( PAULA_CLOCK / 22050 );
Start/Stop the new audio channels.
Be notified when a sound block is finished.
ADKCONR2 | 210 | R | Audio control (Bit00 to Bit07, for AUD4 to AUD7) UNUSED |
ADKCON2 | 29E | W | Audio control (Bit00 to Bit07, for AUD4 to AUD7) UNUSED |
DMACONR2 | 202 | R | DMA control (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
DMACON2 | 296 | W | DMA control (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
INTENAR2 | 21C | R | Interrupt enable bits (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
INTENA2 | 29A | W | Interrupt enable bits (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
INTREQR2 | 21E | R | Interrupt request bits (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
INTREQ2 | 29C | W | Interrupt request bits (Bit00 to Bit03, for AUD4 to AUD7) |
/* vampire/saga_audio.h */
#define DMA2B_SETCLR (15)
#define DMA2B_AUD7 (3)
#define DMA2B_AUD6 (2)
#define DMA2B_AUD5 (1)
#define DMA2B_AUD4 (0)
#define DMA2F_SETCLR (1L<<DMA2B_SETCLR) /* Set/Clear control bit */
#define DMA2F_AUD7 (1L<<DMA2B_AUD7) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 7 */
#define DMA2F_AUD6 (1L<<DMA2B_AUD6) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 6 */
#define DMA2F_AUD5 (1L<<DMA2B_AUD5) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 5 */
#define DMA2F_AUD4 (1L<<DMA2B_AUD4) /* Enable DMA for Audio channel 4 */
#define DMA2F_AUDIO (0x000F) /* Enable DMA for ALL Audio channels */
/* vampire/saga_audio.h */
#define INT2B_SETCLR (15)
#define INT2B_AUD7 (3)
#define INT2B_AUD6 (2)
#define INT2B_AUD5 (1)
#define INT2B_AUD4 (0)
#define INT2F_SETCLR (1L<<INT2B_SETCLR) /* Set/Clear control bit */
#define INT2F_AUD7 (1L<<INT2B_AUD7) /* Audio channel 7 block finished */
#define INT2F_AUD6 (1L<<INT2B_AUD6) /* Audio channel 6 block finished */
#define INT2F_AUD5 (1L<<INT2B_AUD5) /* Audio channel 5 block finished */
#define INT2F_AUD4 (1L<<INT2B_AUD4) /* Audio channel 4 block finished */
#include "vampire/saga_audio.h"
#define CLR16(a, b) *(volatile UWORD*) (a) = (UWORD) (0x0000 + (b))
#define SET16(a, b) *(volatile UWORD*) (a) = (UWORD) (0x8000 + (b))
void example(void)
AMIGA interrupts auto-vectors table More informations
Refers to PlaySnd.c for a very simple C-lang example.
Refers to saga_audio.h for useful C-lang macros and constants to include in your programs.
Is it or will it be available on the
(V2) accelerators ?
For now it is only available on the Vampire
(V4) standalone board.
It is eventually planned for the V2 boards within a GOLD3
Main difficulties are : Time, FPGA size on the V2, and finish the V4 core first.
There is no date announced, it all depends on the time the APOLLO-Team
can spend on this project.
It was announced 16 channels, the documentation mentions 8 channels, why ?
The specifications were reconsidered for 2 main reasons.
First, implementing 16 channels on the current FPGA appears to be more hungry than reasonable.
Second, the Vampire
CPU is more than powerful enough to use software audio mixing (maybe only 5-10% of the CPU, if done right).
Are there software that already use the new audio chip ?
There was a EaglePlayer plugin, by Bax (year 2018), but it is obsolete since the audio chip redesign.
There is the Amiga MilkyTracker port, by Neoman (year 2020), which fully implements the 8-channels, and 16-bits modes.
There are plans for a AHI driver (any help would be appreciated).
There are plans for a audio.device (any help would be appreciated).
There are plans for a ptreplay routine (any help would be appreciated).