Releases: folbert/fewbricks
Releases · folbert/fewbricks
Added support for child themes
Replaced all occurrences of get_template_directory() with get_stylesheet_directory()
Hotfix for Timber dependency in demo
Removed Timber dependency in demo.
Added autoupdate functionality when viewing the plugin in plugins list.
Bug fix for incorrect path to custom field classes in template
- Fixed bug with incorrect path to custom field classes in template
- Added the changelog
- Object orientified the bootstrap file
- Updates to the Readme file
First stable version
Everything has been checked and double checked and considered both once and twice so here we go.
Improved start process
Improved requirements checks. Also some other, minor, changes in the main file.
Changed requiring acf-hidden to acf-fewbricks-hidden
Copied acf-hidden to a new repo named acf-fewbricks-hidden. This is to avoid name clashes with any other ACF extensions named acf-hidden which does not have the functionality required by Fewbricks.
More work on becoming a WP plugin
Composer is now requiring acf-hidden.