Uses the Entrez API to query the NCBI servers for sequences.
WARNING: Most of these parameters will only be applied to the search query and not the fetch query. The only exception is the database
You must use these arguments in order for the query to return any result.
or --database
: Database to search in.
or --term
: Entrez text query.
or --webenv
: Web environment string returned from a previous ESearch, EPost or ELink call.
or --querykey
: Integer query key returned by a previous ESearch, EPost or ELink call.
or --retstart
: Sequential index of the first UID in the retrieved set to be shown in the XML output.
or --retmax
: Total number of UIDs from the retrieved set to be shown in the XML output.
or --rettype
: Retrieval type. There are two allowed values for ESearch: 'uilist' (default), which displays the standard XML output, and 'count', which displays only the <Count> tag.
or --retmode
: Retrieval type. Determines the format of the returned output. The default value is 'xml' for ESearch XML, but 'json' is also supported to return output in JSON format.
or --sort
: Specifies the method used to sort UIDs in the ESearch output.
or --field
: Search field. If used, the entire search term will be limited to the specified Entrez field.
or --idtype
: Specifies the type of identifier to return for sequence databases (nuccore, popset, protein).
or --datetype
: Type of date used to limit a search.
or --reldate
: When reldate is set to an integer n, the search returns only those items that have a date specified by datetype within the last n days.
or --mindate
: "Minimum date used to limit a search result by the date specified by datetype. Must be used together with maxdate to specify an arbitrary date range.
or --maxdate
: Maximum date used to limit a search result by the date specified by datetype. Must be used together with mindate to specify an arbitrary date range.
This program was developed by fonors, goncalof21, MadalenaFranco2 & scmdcunha.