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Organization of Forwards
Following our call for participation, we plan to double the size of the taskforce and create a number of sub-teams to which other people can contribute. The initial members of the sub-teams will be invited, however once established, membership of the sub-teams will be open to anyone in the R community that would like to be involved. There will be at least two leaders of each sub-team, who will be members of the core taskforce. Any contributing member will have access to general taskforce resources, e.g. slack, GitHub, agenda and minutes of core group meetings, so they can keep up with what's going on in all the sub-teams and either join a sub-team or make specific contributions according to time and interest.
Invitations have been sent out to new members, this page will record the latest status of the team membership.
- Jenny Bryan
- Di Cook
- Jasmine Dumas
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Isabella Gollini
- Gina Griffin
- Madlene Hamilton
- Julie Josse
- Oliver Keyes
- Michael Lawrence
- Kevin O'Brien
- Tracy Shen
- David Smith
- Carolin Strobl
- Heather Turner
General outreach to help people from under-represented groups get into R and develop as useRs, e.g. mentoring, joint efforts with RUGs/R-ladies or other tech groups, etc.
- Gina Griffin (Leader)
- Kevin O'Brien (Leader)
- Jasmine Dumas
- Ileena Mitra
- Alicia Oshlack
- Yizhe Xu
Focus on R Foundation conferences, but input to others as opportunity arises; running diversity scholarship program for useR!, liaising with organizers/program committee on policies e.g. code of conduct.
- Julie Josse (Leader)
- Heather Turner (Leader)
- Jasmine Dumas
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Gina Griffin
- Oliver Keyes
- Gina Merchant
Maintaining Data page on website and packaging up data and tools, e.g. anonymised results from surveys, demographic data collected by conference organisers, data harvested from other sources and analysed for approximate women:men ratio.
- Di Cook (Leader)
- Jasmine Dumas (Leader)
- Maëlle Salmon
- Heather Turner
For example, encouraging good practice on GitHub to make it easier for newcomers to contribute, guidance on how to contribute to core R/Bioconductor, marketing package development to women.
- Jenny Bryan (Leader)
- Michael Lawrence (Leader)
- Carolin Strobl
- Charlotte Wickham
Posting to Twitter and/or Facebook, soliciting blog posts and publishing them, maintaining website, e.g. Home and About pages, monitoring Forwards email.
- David Smith (Leader)
- Tracy Shen (Leader)
- Jenny Bryan
- Gina Merchant
- Kevin O'Brien
- Alicia Oshlack
Running and analysing surveys such as the one run at useR! 2016.
- Madlene Hamilton (Leader)
- Oliver Keyes (Leader)
- Carolin Strobl (Leader)
- Stella Bollmann
- Rudolf Debelak
- John Fox
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Julie Josse
- Heather Turner
Methodology and materials designed for under-represented groups, workshops targeted at under-represented groups, particularly women and girls.
- Di Cook (Leader)
- Isabella Gollini (Leader)
- Jenny Bryan
- Andrea Foulkes
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Joyce Robbins
- Hadley Wickham