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Update or revert to a specific Foundry branch with ease.

foundryup supports installing and managing multiple versions.


curl -L | bash


To install the nightly version:


To install a specific version (in this case the nightly version):

foundryup --install nightly

To list all versions installed:

foundryup --list

To switch between different versions and use:

foundryup --use nightly-00efa0d5965269149f374ba142fb1c3c7edd6c94

To install a specific branch (in this case the release/0.1.0 branch's latest commit):

foundryup --branch release/0.1.0

To install a fork's main branch (in this case transmissions11/foundry's main branch):

foundryup --repo transmissions11/foundry

To install a specific branch in a fork (in this case the patch-10 branch's latest commit in transmissions11/foundry):

foundryup --repo transmissions11/foundry --branch patch-10

To install from a specific Pull Request:

foundryup --pr 1071

To install from a specific commit:

foundryup -C 94bfdb2

To install a local directory or repository (e.g. one located at ~/git/foundry, assuming you're in the home directory)

Note: --branch, --repo, and --version flags are ignored during local installations.
foundryup --path ./git/foundry

Tip: All flags have a single character shorthand equivalent! You can use -i instead of --install, etc.