###Bitcoin Foundation uses colored coins to vote Topic: Electing foundation board Mechanism: One member one vote Documentation: https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-foundation-blockchain-voting-system-controversy
###DASH Topic: Approving monthly spending Mechanism: One masternode (1000 DASH) one vote Documentation: https://app.dashnexus.org/proposals/leaderboard
###THE DAO Topic: Outbound spending (not tested) Mechanism: Stake based voting for funding proposals https://daowiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAO/pages/1212573/DAO+mechanisms https://daostats.github.io/proposals.html
###Ethereum Foundation Carbonvote Topic: "To hard Fork or not to hard fork" Mechanism: Non binding stake based voting
###DAOStack, Alchemy
To add- dates, total financial value, numbers of votes cast.