Releases: fridujo/rabbitmq-mock
Releases · fridujo/rabbitmq-mock
Message TTL, Transactions & Publisher Confirms
Now supporting version 5.4.2 of amqp-client.
- support for
- message TTL
- transactions
- Publisher Confirms
- Queue length limit
- priority Queues
- dead-letter routing-key (thanks to @tobilarscheid)
- better test coverage
- mutation testing run
- thread leak fixed in MockQueue
Compatibility with previous versions of amqp-client
Previous versions of amqp-client where missing classes or methods compared to the latest one.
This release makes rabbitmq-mock compatible with versions prior to 4.0.0, missing :
- AddressResolver
- MetricsCollector
Metrics collector compatibility
MetricsCollector is now called as with the real implementation.
Spring specific classes as been removed in favor of using directly the CachingConnectionFactory with a MockConnectionFactory delegate.
Alternate and Dead-Letter Exchanges
All RabbitMQ methods are implemented.
There is support for the following extensions of RabbitMQ:
- basic.nack
- Alternate Exchanges
- Dead Lettering
Basic Get, Publish & Consume
This first release supports the following methods:
- exchange.declare
- queue
- declare
- bind
- basic
- consume
- publish
- get
- ack