Fornax template for fslab websites
This repo contains the source for two packages:
- FsLab.Fornax is a library containing components for fornax in the fslab style.
- FsLab.Fornax.Template is a
dotnet new
template for instantly getting a fornax website in the fslab style up and running.
dotnet new install FsLab.Fornax.Template::*
FsLab.Fornax.Template (F#)
Author: Kevin Schneider
dotnet new fslab-web [options] [template options]
-n, --name <name> The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the output
directory is used.
-o, --output <output> Location to place the generated output.
--dry-run Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result
in a template creation.
--force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
--no-update-check Disables checking for the template package updates when instantiating a template.
--project <project> The project that should be used for context evaluation.
-lang, --language <F#> Specifies the template language to instantiate.
--type <project> Specifies the template type to instantiate.
Template options:
-bu, --base-url <base-url> The base url of the deployed site, will be used when building the static
htmls to prefix urls
Type: string
-st, --site-title <site-title> The title of the site, will be used in page metadata
Type: string
-sd, --site-description <site-description> The description of the site, will be used in page metadata
Type: string
In /src
dotnet tool restore
dotnet fornax watch
In /src
dotnet fornax build
the output will be in the _public