diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index 789df17..a624847 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -585,6 +585,7 @@

State Charts for Clojure(script)

  • 6.4.3. Runtime env of Executable Content
  • +
  • 6.5. React Hooks
  • 7. Testing @@ -2237,6 +2238,84 @@


    6.5. React Hooks


    There is support for using a statechart as a co-located element of a hooks-based +component.


    The basic idea is that the statechart will be started when the component +uses it, and when the component leaves the screen the chart is sent +an :event/unmounted. If the chart reaches a top-level final state, then +it will be GC’d from state.


    The session ID of the chart is auto-assigned a random UUID, but you can specify +a known session ID to allow for a statechart to survive the component mount/unmount +cycle.


    Here is an example of using this support to create a simple traffic light that can regulate (red/yellow/green) or +blink red:

    (defsc TrafficLight [this {:ui/keys [color]}]
    +  {:query         [:ui/color]
    +   :initial-state {:ui/color "green"}
    +   :ident         (fn [] [:component/id ::TrafficLight])
    +   :statechart    (statechart {}
    +                    (state {:id :state/running}
    +                      (on :event/unmount :state/exit)
    +                      (transition {:event :event/toggle}
    +                        (script {:expr (fn [_ {:keys [blink-mode?]}]
    +                                         [(ops/assign :blink-mode? (not blink-mode?))])}))
    +                      (state {:id :state/green}
    +                        (on-entry {} (script {:expr (fn [_ _] [(fops/assoc-alias :color "green")])}))
    +                        (send-after {:delay 2000
    +                                     :id    :gty
    +                                     :event :timeout})
    +                        (transition {:event  :timeout
    +                                     :target :state/yellow}))
    +                      (state {:id :state/yellow}
    +                        (on-entry {} (script {:expr (fn [_ _] [(fops/assoc-alias :color "yellow")])}))
    +                        (send-after {:delay 500
    +                                     :id    :ytr
    +                                     :event :timeout})
    +                        (transition {:event  :timeout
    +                                     :target :state/red}))
    +                      (state {:id :state/red}
    +                        (on-entry {} (script {:expr (fn [_ _] [(fops/assoc-alias :color "red")])}))
    +                        (send-after {:delay 2000
    +                                     :id    :rtg
    +                                     :event :timeout})
    +                        (transition {:cond   (fn [_ {:keys [blink-mode?]}]
    +                                               (boolean blink-mode?))
    +                                     :event  :timeout
    +                                     :target :state/black})
    +                        (transition {:event  :timeout
    +                                     :target :state/green}))
    +                      (state {:id :state/black}
    +                        (on-entry {} (script {:expr (fn [_ _] [(fops/assoc-alias :color "black")])}))
    +                        (send-after {:delay 500
    +                                     :id    :otr
    +                                     :event :timeout})
    +                        (transition {:event  :timeout
    +                                     :target :state/red})))
    +                    (final {:id :state/exit}))
    +   :use-hooks?    true}
    +  (let [{:keys [send! local-data]} (sch/use-statechart this {:data {:fulcro/aliases {:color [:actor/component :ui/color]}}})]
    +    (dom/div {}
    +      (dom/div {:style {:backgroundColor color
    +                        :width           "20px"
    +                        :height          "20px"}})
    +      (dom/button {:onClick (fn [] (send! :event/toggle))}
    +        (if (:blink-mode? local-data) "Blink" "Regulate")))))