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CatASB EC2 Deployment

OpenShift environment with a Service Catalog & Ansible Service Broker in a single EC2 Instance.


These playbooks will:

  • Create a public VPC if it does not exist
  • Create a security group if it does not exist
  • Create a single EC2 instance with a specific Name if does not exist
  • Associate an elastic ip to instance
  • Configure a hostname with elastic ip through Route53
  • Setup Origin through oc cluster up
  • Install Service Catalog on Origin
  • Install Ansible Service Broker on Origin


  • Ansible 2.4.0+ installed.

  • Ansible needs to be installed so its source code is available to Python.

    • Check to see if Ansible modules are available to Python
      $ python -c "import ansible;print(ansible.__version__)"
    • MacOS requires Ansible to be installed from pip and not brew
      $ python -c "import ansible;print(ansible.__version__)"
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      ImportError: No module named ansible
      brew uninstall ansible
      pip install ansible
      $ python -c "import ansible;print(ansible.__version__)"
  • Install python dependencies (This is needed for python2. Use pip2 if using python3)

    • On Fedora and EL7 it is recommended that you use ansible in a python virtualenv.
      • This is due to a couple reasons:
        • boto rpms are not sufficiently new enough
        • pip is not sudo safe on Fedora and EL7
      • To setup and active a virtualenv do the following;
      sudo dnf install python-virtualenv #or EL7: sudo yum install python-virtualenv
      virtualenv /tmp/ansible
      source /tmp/ansible/bin/activate
      pip install ansible
    • Continue with the next step:
      $ pip install boto boto3 six
  • Configure a SSH Key in your AWS EC2 account for the given region

  • Create a hosted zone in Route53

  • Set these environment variables:

    AWS_SSH_PRIV_KEY_PATH  - Path to your private ssh key to use for the ec2 instances


  • Navigate to the config folder
    $ cd catasb/config
  • Edit the variables file ec2_env_vars
    • Note the following and update:
      Needs to match a hosted zone entry in your Route53 account, we will create a subdomain under it for the ec2 instance
  • Create a catasb/config/my_vars.yml
    $ cp catasb/config/my_vars.yml.example catasb/config/my_vars.yml
    Override any variables you see in the my_vars.yml files as necessary (e.g. dockerhub_org)
  • Navigate to the ec2/minimal folder
    $ cd catasb/ec2/minimal
  • Create our infrastructure in ec2 if it doesn't exist
    $ ./
  • Run the setup script
    $ ./
  • Open a Web Browser
    • Visit:
      • Accept the SSL certificate for the apiserver-service-catalog endpoint
      • Ignore the text that appears and proceed to the main OpenShift URL next
      • Note: must accept the new SSL cert, each time you reset your OpenShift environment
    • Visit: https://<USERNAME>
      • Where <USERNAME> is the value of whoami when you launched


  • To terminate the ec2 instance and cleanup the associated EBS volumes run the below
    $ ./
  • To reset the ec2 instance back to clean origin and deployment of ASB and Service Catalog run the below
    $ ./

Testing downstream images

  • Use the --rcm flag. For instance:
    • ./ --rcm
    • ./ --rcm

Tested with

  • ansible
    • Problems were seen using ansible 2.2 and lower