* [ ] Install python 3.9
* [ ] Install virtualenv
* [ ] Set up an environment
* [ ] Install MySQL
* [ ] Install Redis (optional)
* [ ] Install Python packages
* [ ] Modify settings.yaml
* [ ] Initialise the database
* [ ] Install NodeJS
* [ ] Install node libraries
You can install python 3.9 with apt/yum, but it's probably a lot easier to just download a binary package from here and follow the instruction: https://www.python.org/downloads/source/
Open a terminal or cmd window and type:
pip install virtualenv
Note: if you use PyCharm, make sure you run this command BEFORE importing the project into Pycharm. Otherwise it will use the default interpreter and you'll have to change that
virtualenv .venv
Note: You only need to do this when you run commands from the terminal. On Pycharm, the virtualenv is automatically loaded.
source .venv/bin/activate
Koe was initially set up to work on MySQL, SQLite and Postgres, however the database and especially the queries have become quite complicated over time, and now it no longer works on PostGres (although with some extra work I can make it work on PostGres again - I'm just lazy)
SQLite is very simple to set up so I'm not addressing that here. If you wish to use MySQL then follow this instruction
The version that guarantees to work is MySQL 5.7. If you already have a newer version then feel free to try
Follow the instruction here: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-install-mysql-57-on-linux-centos-and-ubuntu/
Redis is used as a caching service. For development this is not required. Follow instruction here: https://redis.io/download
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running the app you must provide a customised settings.yaml file (located inside settings/
Just open settings.yaml
and replace yourname
etc... with the appropriate values
Assuming you have mysql installed, login to the database as root and create a database named koe
, a user named koe
and password koe
. Of course you can choose different names/values of these, but you will need to change the corresponding variable in settings.yaml
python maintenance.py --restore-database --file=initial.zip
# Then you need to reset the superuser's password with:
python manage.py changepassword superuser
The only version that can run this app is Node 10, if you have another version installed, you must still install node 10 and set the appropriate PATH such that when inside Koe, the following command
node -v
Should yield v10.xx.xx
You can install node@10 using apt/yum, but downloading the binary executable from their website is way easier and less messy https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/
Extract the content somewhere, and change the PATH variable to include node's bin
npm install yarn
yarn install