A quick reference guide for the MATLAB MSS toolbox:
>> help MSS % List mss commands
>> help mssExamples % List book examples (T. I. Fossen. Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control, Wiley 2021)
>> mssSimulink % Simulink Library
demoAUVdepthHeadingControl.slx % simultaneously heading and depth control of the Remus 100 AUV
demoCS2passiveObserverDP.slx % passive observer with wave filtering and nonlinear PID control for the CyberShip2 model ship
demoDPThrusterModels.slx % supply vessel with azimuth thrusters
demoDSRVdepthControl.slx % depth control of DSRV
demoKalmanWavefilterAutop.slx % Kalman-filter based wave filter and heading autopilot for the mariner class cargo ship
demoNavalVesselMano.slx % zigzag test for the naval ship Mano
demoNPSAUV.slx % NPS AUV heading control system
demoOtterUSVHeadingControl.slx % Otter USV heading control system
demoOtterUSVPathFollowingCourseControl % Otter USV LOS path-following control using a course autopilot
demoOtterUSVPathFollowingHeadingControl % Otter USV ILOS and ALOS path-following control using a heading autopilot
demoPanamaxContainerShip.slx % Panama container ship simulator
demoPassiveWavefilterAutopilot1.slx % passive wave filter and heading autopilot design using compass measurements only
demoPassiveWavefilterAutopilot2.slx % passive wave filter and heading autopilot design using compass and yaw rate measurements
demoS175WindCurrentAutopilot.slx % S175 heading autopilot with wind and current loads
demoSemisubDPsystem.slx % semisubmersible DP system
demoWaveElevation.slx % computation of wave elevation from wave spectra
demoWaypointGuidance.slx % waypoint guidance system
ExEKF % for-loop implementation (predictor-corrector representation) of a discrete-time extended Kalman filter (EKF)
ExFeedback % for-loop implementation for numerical integration of a 1st-order system under feedback and feedforward control
ExFFT % estimation of the wave encounter frequency from time series using the fast-Fourier transform (FFT)
ExHybrid % computation of a hybrid continuous path parametrized by waypoints
ExINS_AHRS % Euler angle error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by GNSS position and AHRS attitude measurements
ExINS_Euler % Euler angle error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by GNSS position and compass measurements
ExINS_MEKF % unit quaternion error-state (indirect) Kalman filter for INS aided by position and magnetic field measurements
ExKF % for-loop implementation (predictor-corrector representation) of a discrete-time linear Kalman filter (KF)
ExKT % computation of the Nomoto gain K and time constant T from a step response using nonlinear least-squares
ExLinspec % linear approximations to the PM, JONSWAP, and Torsethaugen spectra using nonlinear least-squares
ExLQFinHor % LQ finite time-horizon tracking controller for a mass-damper-spring system
ExLQR % computes the LQR gains for a mass-damper system
ExLQtrack % computes the LQ optimal tracking gains for a mass-damper system
ExMDS % plots the step response of a 2nd-order mass-damper system
ExMSI % plots the ISO 2631-1 (1997) and O'Hanlon and McCauley (1974) Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI) curves
ExNomoto % Bode plots of ships parametrized by Nomoto’s 1st- and 2nd-order models
ExObsCtr % observability and controllability matrices of a supply vessel
ExOtter % simulates an Otter USV equipped with two propellers
ExPassiveObs % plots the loop transfer function of the passive observer used for heading control
ExPathGen % path generation using cubic polynomials
ExPlotRAO % script for plotting motion and force RAOs
ExPullout % performs a pullout maneuver for two different ships
ExQuadProg % quadratic programming applied to waypoint trajectory generation
ExQuest % 6-DOF position/attitude vector from camera measurements using the QUEST algorithm
ExRefMod % 2nd-order reference model with nonlinear damping and velocity saturation
ExResonance % computes the closed-form responses in heave, roll, and pitch for a marine craft exposed to regular waves
ExRRD1 % roll and sway-yaw transfer functions for the Son and Nomoto container ship
ExRRD2 % rudder-roll damping (RRD) system for the Son and Nomoto container ship
ExRRD3 % inverse response in roll for the Son and Nomoto container ship due to a right-half-plane zero (non-minimum phase)
ExSMC % integral sliding mode control (SMC) design for heading control
ExSpline % path generation using cubic Hermite spline interpolation
ExSTA % adaptive-gain super twisting algorithm (STA) for heading control
ExTurnCircle % generates the turning circle for two different ships
ExWageningen % computes thrust and torque curves for a propeller using the Wageningen B-series data
ExWindForce % plots the wind coefficients by Isherwoods (1972)
ExZigZag % generates zigzag maneuvers for two different ships