This project presents the R code used to prepare and analyse data coming from a lesson recording.
The data is composed of the transcript of a teacher’s discourse during an informatics lesson, with some comments.
It is part of a PhD project in educational sciences.
This file presents the R code for the analysis of a lesson where one single teacher is working and talking.
For data protection reasons, the data is not available in this repository. We only provide R code to give an idea of the process setup to analyse the data.
Apart from the RStudio project file itself (lesson_discourse_1t.Rproj
), the main file is a Quarto document: class_id_lesson_id.qmd
From this file, and as in our context we use this project multiple times to analyse different lessons, we centralise most of the code and import several .R files.
imports all the packages needed in the project01bis_import_initial_variables.R
imports the variables provided by another analysis (dataframes calledclasses
that centralise all the variables related to the classes, the lessons, the discourses and the teachers02_import.R
imports transcripts and comments as .csv files coming from the Trint platform03_end_of_intro.R
cleans the data, merges discourse and comments, creates the main Quantedacorpus
objects and computes textual statistics04_splitting_lemmatisation_tokenisation_dfm_creation.R
splits the corpus into segments for the clustering, lemmatises with Spacy, adds asdocvars()
all the variables to the corpus and creates a data-feature matrix (Quantedadfm
plots the most frequent words in the lexicon06_reinert_clustering.R
computes the clustering withrainette
package, identifies the biggest clusters and plots the evolution of clusters over time07_alt_creation_and_ca.R
creates an aggregated lexical table (ALT), computes a Correspondance Analysis (CA) usingCA()
package, plots it and prepares tables showing the elements most related to the first two axes of the CA08_export.R
exports the Quantedacorpus
objects for the global analysis grouping all the lessons, as well as all the variables computed as dataframes