Get parses a component descriptor and returns the defined image vector
generate-overwrite parses images defined in a component descriptor and returns them as image vector.
Images can be defined in a component descriptor in 3 different ways:
- as 'ociImage' resource: The image is defined a default resource of type 'ociImage' with a access of type 'ociRegistry'. It is expected that the resource contains the following labels to be identified as image vector image. The resulting image overwrite will contain the repository and the tag/digest from the access method.
resources: - name: pause-container version: "3.1" type: ociImage relation: external extraIdentity: "imagevector-gardener-cloud+tag": "3.1" labels: - name: value: pause-container - name: value: - name: value: - name: value: "< 1.16" access: type: ociRegistry imageReference:
as component reference: The images are defined in a label "". The resulting image overwrite will contain all images defined in the images label. Their repository and tag/digest will be matched from the resources defined in the actual component's resources.
Note: The images from the label are matched to the resources using their name and version. The original image reference do not exit anymore.
componentReferences: - name: cluster-autoscaler-abc componentName: version: v0.10.1 labels: - name: value: images: - name: cluster-autoscaler repository: tag: "v0.10.1"
- as generic images from the component descriptor labels. Generic images are images that do not directly result in a resource. They will be matched with another component descriptor that actually defines the images. The other component descriptor MUST have the "" label in order to be matched.
meta: schemaVersion: 'v2' component: labels: - name: value: images: - name: hyperkube repository: targetVersion: "< 1.19"
meta: schemaVersion: 'v2' component: resources: - name: hyperkube version: "v1.19.4" type: ociImage extraIdentity: "imagevector-gardener-cloud+tag": "v1.19.4" labels: - name: value: hyperkube - name: value: access: type: ociRegistry imageReference: my-registry/hyperkube:v1.19.4
component-cli image-vector generate-overwrite --component=" | /path/to/local/component-descriptor" -o IV_OVERWRITE_OUTPUT_PATH [--add-comp=ADDITIONAL_COMPONENT]... [flags]
--add-comp stringArray list of name and version of an additional component or a path to the local component descriptor. The component ref is expected to be of the format '<component-name>:<component-version>'
--allow-plain-http allows the fallback to http if the oci registry does not support https
--cc-config string path to the local concourse config file
-c, --component string name and version of the main component or a path to the local component descriptor. The component ref is expected to be of the format '<component-name>:<component-version>'
-h, --help help for generate-overwrite
--insecure-skip-tls-verify If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
-o, --output string The path to the image vector that will be written.
--registry-config string path to the dockerconfig.json with the oci registry authentication information
--repo-ctx string base url of the component repository
--resolve-tags enable that tags are automatically resolved to digests
--cli logger runs as cli logger. enables cli logging
--dev enable development logging which result in console encoding, enabled stacktrace and enabled caller
--disable-caller disable the caller of logs (default true)
--disable-stacktrace disable the stacktrace of error logs (default true)
--disable-timestamp disable timestamp output (default true)
-v, --verbosity int number for the log level verbosity (default 1)
- component-cli image-vector - command to add resource from a image vector and retrieve from a component descriptor