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{"NU06": {"route": 26.15, "orbs": 21.0, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 50.0, "tour": 87.0}, "CMU06": {"orbs": 100.0, "route": 23.05, "bit_5fstring": 47.0, "tour": 55.0}, "NU01": {"route": 9.2, "orbs": 21.0, "sculpture": 2.8, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 50.0, "tour": 20.0}, "NU04": {"orbs": 21.0, "bit_5fstring": 37.0, "tour": 20.0}, "PSUPN03": {"orbs": 21.0}, "SUT03": {"orbs": 21.0, "bit_5fstring": 24.0}, "SU03": {"orbs": 21.0, "route": 10.0, "bit_5fstring": 47.0}, "KMUTT04": {"orbs": 100.0, "route": 100.0, "sculpture": 15.8, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 100.0, "tour": 55.0}, "NU03": {"orbs": 21.0, "route": 8.2, "bit_5fstring": 24.0}, "UBU01": {"orbs": 29.0, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 25.0}, "KMITL02": {"orbs": 21.0, "route": 27.15, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 25.0, "tour": 55.0}, "MWIT02": {"sculpture": 100.0, "orbs": 100.0, "route": 100.0, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "tour": 100.0, "lover": 100.0}, "KMUTNB02": {"orbs": 21.0, "bit_5fstring": 100.0, "lover": 100.0, "tour": 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