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A Geant4 simulation of the 2018 CMS HGCAL test-beam for geant-val.


Fig. - 20 GeV charged pion interacting in the HGCAL test beam hadronic section.

Table of Contents
  1. Project description
  2. Authors and contacts
  3. Results
  4. How to
  5. Geant Val integration
  6. Selected CMS HGCAL test beam references

Project description

The project targets a standalone Geant4 simulation of the 2018 CMS HGCAL test beam to perform Geant4 regression testing, physics lists comparison and validation against test-beam data with geant-val.

  • ⏰ Start date: 11 January 2024
  • 📌 Status: data from v1.0 on are used for Geant4 validation

Authors and contacts

  • 👨‍🔬 Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN EP-SFT) - [email protected]
  • 👨‍🔬 Alberto Ribon (CERN EP-SFT)
  • 👨‍🔬 Sunanda Banerjee (CMS)


Selected reports and presentations

Available datasets and analyses

Dataset Geant4 HGCALTB Comment
1.0_1 G4 11.2, 11.1.p01, 11.0.p02, 10.7.p03, 10.6.p03, 10.5.p01, 10.4.p03
1.0 Produced with geant-val, replaces all previous results on geant-val. Data for G4 10.4 and 10.5 were produced with 15k reduced statistics due to a problem in the output file for higher samples (likely a bug in g4analysis fixed in new versions). Added to geant-val on 3/4/2024. Used for presentation on 9/4/2024.
0.2_1 G4 11.2, 11.1.p01, 11.0.p02, 10.7.p03, 10.6.p03, 10.5.p01, 10.4.p03
0.2 Produced with geant-val, replaces all previous results on geant-val. Used for presentation on 16/2/2024. Removed from geant-val on 3/4/2024.
0.1_1 G4-11.2
0.1 Produced with geant-val for presentation on 23/1/2024. Removed from geant-val on 4/2/2024.

How to

Build, compile and execute on Mac/Linux

  1. git clone the repo
    git clone
  2. source Geant4 env
    source /relative_path_to/geant4.11.2-install/bin/
  3. cmake build directory and make
    mkdir HGCALTB-build && cd HGCALTB-build/
    cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/absolute_path_to/geant4.11.2-install/lib/Geant4-11.2/ relative_path_to/HGCALTB/
  4. execute (example with HGCALTBrun.mac macro card, 2 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
    ./HGCALTB -m HGCALTBrun.mac -t 2 -p FTFP_BERT

Build, compile and execute on lxplus

  1. git clone the repo
    git clone
  2. cmake build directory and make (using geant4-11.2, check for gcc and cmake dependencies for other versions)
    mkdir HGCALTB-build && cd HGCALTB-build/
    cp ../HGCALTB/scripts/ ../HGCALTB/scripts/ .
    source ./
  3. execute (example with HGCALTBrun.mac macro card, 4 threads and FTFP_BERT physics list)
    ./HGCALTB -m HGCALTBrun.mac -t 4 -p FTFP_BERT

Submit a job with HTCondor on lxplus

  1. First follow the build instructions on lxplus
  2. prepare for HTCondor submission (example with Geant4.11.2, HGCALTBrun.mac, 4 threads, FTFP_BERT physics list)
    mkdir -p error log output
    cp ../HGCALTB/scripts/HGCALTB_HTCondor.sub ../HGCALTB/scripts/ .
    sed -i "2 i cd $(pwd)"
    echo ./HGCALTB -m HGCALTBrun.mac -t 4 -p FTFP_BERT >>
    sed -i "1 i executable =" HGCALTB_HTCondor.sub
  3. submit a job
    condor_submit HGCALTB_HTCondor.sub 
  4. monitor the job
    or (for persistency)
    condor_wait -status log/*.log
  5. additional info from HTCondor (optional)
    rm all your jobs
    condor_rm username
    inspect your accounting group
    condor_q owner $LOGNAME -long | grep '^AccountingGroup' | sort | uniq -c
    display all accounting groups
    haggis group list
    display your accounting groups
    haggis rights
    check what accounting group a job has
    condor_q jobid.0 -af AccountingGroup
    specify the accounting group for yout job, to be added in the .sub file
    +AccountingGroup = "group_u_*"
    check job CPU usage
    condor_q -l jobid.0 | grep CPUsUsage
    ssh to machine where job is running
    condor_ssh_to_job jobid.0

Geant Val integration

Geant Val is the Geant4 testing and validation suite. It is a project hosted on used to facilitate the maintenance and validation of Geant4 applications, referred to as tests.
The following are instructions to use HGCALTB within Geant Val, from batch submission to website deployment.

  1. On lxplus, clone HGCALTB and the Geant Val geant-config-generator
    git clone
  2. Follow the build instructions on lxplus
  3. Copy the HGCALTB geant val scripts into tests/geant4/
    cp -r HGCALTB/geantval_scripts/HGCALTB/ geant-config-generator/tests/geant4/
    mkdir -p geant-config-generator/tests/geant4/HGCALTB/files
    cp HGCALTB/TBHGCal181Oct.gdml HGCALTBTB/analysis/energy.C HGCALTBTB/analysis/emprofile.C geant-config-generator/tests/geant4/HGCALTB/files/
  4. We will execute HGCALTB via Geant Val using Geant4.11.2, therefore we must make sure the file exists in configs/geant/. In the file we also export the path to the HGCALTB executable (compiled with 11.2).
    Copy the config file using:
    ./HGCALTB/geantval_scripts/ \
       HGCALTB/geantval_scripts/configs/ \
       geant-config-generator/configs/geant4/ \
  5. Create macros and metadata for Geant Val execution
    cd geant-config-generator
    ./ submit -t HGCALTB -d OUTPUT -v 11.2 -q "testmatch" -r
    this command creates the Geant Val files for batch submission using HTCondor under the OUTPUT folder, using HGCALTB, Geant4.11.2 and the testmatch job flavor.
  6. To monitor the jobs use
    ./ status -t HGCALTB -d OUTPUT
    When the job execution ends, the root output files are stored in the corresponding job folder. Each job folder will look like this:
    HGCALTB-env.log  test_stderr.txt  test_stdout.txt
    HGCALTB.json  HGCALTB.mac HGCALTBout_Run0.root  
  7. Execute the analysis on the root files in the OUTPUT folder to create Geant Val JSON output files
    ./ parse -t HGCALTB -d OUTPUT
  8. The last part is to deploy the results on Geant Val. The HGCALTB layout on the Geant Val website is defined in the HGCALTB.xml file on (additional info are in the tags.json file). Deploy JSON files on the Geant Val database
     find . -name '*.json' | while read i; \
       do curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "token: askauthor" --data @$i; \
       echo; done

Selected CMS HGCAL test beam references

  • 📄 Performance of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter prototype to charged pion beams of 20−300 GeV/c, arXiv:2211.04740, 27 May 2023
  • 📄 Response of a CMS HGCAL silicon-pad electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to 20-300 GeV positrons, arXiv:2111.06855, 31 March 2022