All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [ADDED] Upgraded to latest version of OpenAI API
- [FIXED] Unit Tests
- [FIXED] Bug in saving generated image for use with unit tests
- [ADDED] Safety GitHub Action workflow to check Python dependencies for known security vulnerabilities.
- [ADDED] Trivy scan of the Docker image for vulnerabilities
- [FIXED] Vulnerabilities in docker images reported by Trivy
- [CHANGED] Updates to
- [FIXED] Bug in Dockerfile by adding folder to store images generated
- [ADDED] Documentation in the form of code comments.
- [ADDED] Ensured docker image pushed to Docker Hub before
- [CHANGED] Updates to
- [CHANGED] Updates to Dockerfile maintainers
- [ADDED] GitHub Action Linting to Super-Linter workflow
- [ADDED] Shell Script Linting to Super-Linter workflow
- [ADDED] Maintainer and description labels to Dockerfile
- [ADDED] Workflow to automatically update Image description on Docker Hub with contents of
- [CHANGED] Updates to
- [ADDED] Docker Build Push badge to
- [FIXED] 403 error when validating OpenAI Keys page link from Markdown link checking action.
- [FIXED] Code scanning issue - Requests call with timeout set to None.
- [FIXED] Issue with case of docker repository name.
- [ADDED] Dockerized application.
- [ADDED] CodeQL Security Action
- [ADDED] Bandit Security Action
- [ADDED] Code Coverage Action
- [ADDED] Dependabot check
- [FIXED] Permissions error in greetings.yml
- [CHANGED] Fine tuned markdown link checker GitHub action triggers
- [ADDED] Markdown link checker GitHub action
- [ADDED] JSON validation via SuperLinter
- [CHANGED] Replaced pylint and yamllint workflows with SuperLinter workflow
- [ADDED] GitHub Issue & PR templates plus associated actions
- [ADDED] License
- [CHANGED] Refactored Actions
- [ADDED] yamllint action
- [ADDED] pylint action
- [CHANGED] Moved unit tests to tests folder
- [ADDED] GitHub action to check markdown spelling
- [CHANGED] GitHub action to run unit tests for pull requests
- [ADDED] Initial Release