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File metadata and controls

151 lines (96 loc) · 5.65 KB


This directory contains examples of:

Assumptions for direct stackql invocation examples

  • stackql is in your ${PATH}.
  • Authentication particulars are supplied as a json string in the arg --auth. Per provider, you supply a key/val pair. The val iteslf is a json string, optionally specifying type (defaulted to service_account, which represents a google service account key). The val minimally contains either:
    • An appropriate key file at the file location { "credentialsfilepath": "/PATH/TO/KEY/FILE" }. For example, with the google provider, one might use a service account json key.
    • An appropriate key plaintext stored in an (exported) environment variable. Eg: { "credentialsenvvar": "OKTA_SECRET_KEY" }. For example, with the google provider, one might use a service account json key.

If using service account auth against the google provider, then no ancillary information is required. If however, you are using another key type / provider, then more runtime information is required, eg:

Running stackql

Simplest example is using the interactive shell.


export OKTA_SECRET_KEY="$(cat ${HOME}/stackql/stackql-devel/keys/okta-token.txt)"

export AUTH_STR='{ "google": { "credentialsfilepath": "'${HOME}'/stackql/stackql-devel/keys/sa-key.json", "type": "service_account" }, "okta": { "credentialsenvvar": "OKTA_SECRET_KEY", "type": "api_key" } }'

./stackql shell --auth="${AUTH_STR}"



stackql \
  --auth="${AUTH_STR}" exec  \
  "select * from google.compute.instances WHERE zone = '${YOUR_GOOGLE_ZONE}' AND project = '${YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT}' ;" ; echo


stackql \
  --auth="${AUTH_STR}" exec  \
  "select selfLink, projectNumber from WHERE location = '${YOUR_GOOGLE_ZONE}' AND project = '${YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT}' ;" ; echo

For example:

select, from google.compute.disks d1 where d1.project = 'lab-kr-network-01' and = 'australia-southeast1-a' ;



stackql --approot=../test/.stackql \
  --configfile=../test/.stackqlrc exec \
  "SHOW SERVICES from google ;" ; echo


insert into google.compute.disks(project, zone, data__name) SELECT 'lab-kr-network-01', 'australia-southeast1-a', name || '-new-disk01' as name from google.compute.disks where project = 'lab-kr-network-01' and zone =  'australia-southeast1-a' limit 2;

okta query examples

app insert

insert into okta.application.apps(subdomain, data__name, data__label, data__signOnMode, data__settings) SELECT 'dev-79923018-admin', 'template_basic_auth', 'some other4 new app', 'BASIC_AUTH', '{ "app": { "authURL": "", "url": "" } }';

aliased table select

select * from okta.application.apps;

Running in server mode

Note that this feature is in alpha, as discussed in the developer guide.

To run a stackql server over the postgres wire protocol (without client authentication), from the build directory.

./stackql --auth="${AUTH_STR}" --registry="${REG_STR}" srv

And then, using the psql client:

psql -d "host= port=5466 user=silly dbname=silly"

To run using mTLS auth, first prepare collateral as per the mTLS setup README. Important to define the env var CLIENT_CERT in the shell session you will use to run the server.


STACKQL_SRV_TLS_CFG='{ "keyFilePath": "../test/server/mtls/credentials/pg_server_key.pem", "certFilePath": "../test/server/mtls/credentials/pg_server_cert.pem", "clientCAs": [ "'${CLIENT_CERT}'" ] }'

./stackql --auth="${AUTH_STR}" --registry="${REG_STR}"  --pg.tls="${STACKQL_SRV_TLS_CFG}" 

And then, using the psql client (from same directory; build):

psql -d "host= port=5466 user=silly dbname=silly sslmode=verify-full sslcert=../test/server/mtls/credentials/pg_client_cert.pem sslkey=../test/server/mtls/credentials/pg_client_key.pem sslrootcert=../test/server/mtls/credentials/pg_server_cert.pem"

Access from python

  • Python access requires a running server, simplest is stackql srv which will serve on default port with zero credentials.
  • For integration testing, we use psycopg which is currently v3.
    • Run / adapt this script for troubleshooting psycopg v3.
  • superset uses sqlalchemy which consumes psycopg2 note different version.
    • Run / adapt this script for troubleshooting psycopg2.
    • Run / adapt this script for troubleshooting sqlalchemy.

With docker

From the repository root directory.

docker compose up stackqlsrv
psql -d "host= port=5576 user=silly dbname=silly sslmode=verify-full sslcert=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_client_cert.pem sslkey=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_client_key.pem sslrootcert=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_server_cert.pem"