Go to the NVIDIA IndeX offering in the AWS Marketplace and subscribe to the image.
To launch an instance, please use the following CloudFormation template form. Alternatively, you can also use the aws cli tool to launch the CloudFormation template:
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name single-instance-index-cfn --template-file resources/index-single-ami-cloud-formation-template.yaml --parameter-overrides 'KeyName=' --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- You can launch any type of Amazon EC2 GPU instances (G4 or P3) based on your dataset requirements.
- For this example launch a *p3.8xlarge* instance (which has 4 NVIDIA V100s, total of 64GB of GPU memory) using the custom AMI.
- Please remember your selected NICE DCV password for the step below.
## Configure Security groups on your EC2 instance
- By default, the NICE DCV server is configured to communicate over port 8443.
- During the "Configure Security Group" of instance launch, add `Custom TCP` and enter Port `8443` in inbound rules of the security group for the instance. You might want to add the SSH port as well at this stage.
## Connect to the instance using the DCV Client or Web-browser:
- Note: You can download the NICE DCV Client from [here](https://download.nice-dcv.com/)
- OR Open your preferred web browser and enter the NICE DCV server URL in the following format `https://<server_public-ip>:8443`
- To log in, enter `ubuntu` as username and the password selected in the CloudFormation template (default value: `IndeXonAW$`).
## Download and Start ParaView
- Run the utility script to install ParaView with NVIDIA IndeX enabled:
- Start ParaView:
- Fetch the sample supernova dataset:
cd ~/Downloads
wget https://nvindex-datasets-us-west2.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/scenes/00-supernova_ncsa_small/data/Export_entropy_633x633x633_uint8_T1074.raw
Click on
File → Open → <path-to> → Export_entropy_633x633x633_uint8_T1074.raw
- Click OK
- Open Data with
Image Reader
Update the properties for this data set.
- The data set used here is
unsigned char
data type - Confirm the Data Byte Order for your system (LittleEndian vs. BigEndian). You can use this to find out. For example, on a x86 system you would select Little Endian.
- Data Extent is the X, Y, Z dimension of the dataset (its specified in the name of file). For this dataset it would be [0, 632] for X, Y and Z dimensions.
- The data set used here is
Change colouring from
. -
Change representation to use the NVIDIA Index renderer: Click on the
dropdown and selectNVIDIA IndeX
. -
At this point you should see a colured cube. Change the data range (via colormap or
Rescale to Data Range
button) to to[25, 255]
. -
At this point you should see the features of the dataset. Feel free to use the colormap to highlight different features.
The dataset shown here is a time step in a core-collapse supernovae simulation. Credits