- http://github.com/gluster/community
- Recording of this meeting-
Date/Time: Check the community calendar
- APAC/EMEA friendly hours
- Tuesday {Date}, 02:30PM IST
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/441850968
- NA
- Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 01:00 PM EDT
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/118564314
Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company
- Sheetal Pamecha (spamecha) - Red Hat
- Sunil - Red Hat
- Rinku Kothiya - Red Hat
- Shwetha Acharya (sacharya) - Red Hat
- Rafi KC (rafi) - iTernity
- Nikhil Ladha - Red Hat
- [Rafi] Using worm xlators and other xlators for our use case at iTernity.
- Project metrics:
Metrics | Value |
Coverity | 76 |
Clang Scan | 82 |
Test coverage | 70.9% |
Gluster User Queries in last 14 days | 25 |
Total Github issues | 529 |
Any release updates?
- Release 6 is EOL
- minor release 7.8 is scheduled to release on - 30th Sep 2020
- minor release 8.3 is scheduled to release on - 20th Sep 2020
- [rinku]Following [https://www.gluster.org/release-schedule/]
- Issue for release-9 RFEs is open, please update.
- Important point : glusterfs-selinux dependency has been added to the spec file, so from now on we will have to ship glusterfs-selinux rpm for fedora/RHEL/centos.
- Request the team to tag the Features so that we can include it in the release notes in the appropriate section.
Blocker issues across the project?
- Migration from gerrit to github
Ovirt Conference Talk by Gobinda - Introduction to Ovirt Hyperconvergence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydaymbXUWd4&feature=youtu.be
COVID-19 has impacted the events!
- [Sheetal] Feel free to add more items
- Any design specs to discuss?
- Arbiter - Nil
- AFR - coverity and log related patches
- EC - patches to take care of stale entries from indices/xattrop folder
- Sharding - in fallocate path which is moved to 8.1
- Geo Replication - patch on sensitive languge is in WIP, also we have patch to address automount failures basically discovered on rhel 8
- thin-arbiter - Targetting add-brick, remove-brick and replace-brick support for glusterfs-9 [Slack] - Many requests for providing add-brick, and also allowing distributed replicate configs for thin-arbiter.
- https://medium.com/dev-genius/eventing-feature-in-glusterfs-e842d5f9bc5
- https://medium.com/@stevenyuan/staking-keep-on-a-raspberry-pi-cluster-with-ansible-kubernetes-k3s-glusterfs-and-more-10efe30539d4
- https://medium.com/dev-genius/distribute-volume-in-glusterfs-de167af1d518
- https://medium.com/dev-genius/replica-volume-in-glusterfs-b05324ce1b6f
- https://medium.com/dev-genius/rsync-5fd794e8c377
- https://medium.com/@sivakumarsrijan/the-glusterfs-journey-3439bd971c5ehttps://medium.com/dev-genius/using-gluster-setting-up-the-environment-and-installation-ef00122ab854
- Every friday we release this, which basically covers highlight of week in gluster. Also, you can find more videos in youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfilWh0JA5NfCjbqq1vsBVA
- Who will host next meeting? Shwetha
- Host will need to send out the agenda 24hr - 12hrs in advance to mailing list, and also make sure to send the meeting minutes.
- Host will need to reach out to one user at least who can talk about their usecase, their experience, and their needs.
- Host needs to send meeting minutes as PR to http://github.com/gluster/community
- Host has to send the meeting minutes as a mail to the gluster-devel and gluster-users list.
- Who will take notes from the next meeting?
- [Sunil] upstream regression failures on centos 8
- [Saju] As per discussion with Deepshika, some issue was seen with respect to path spec.
- [Rinku] Release-7 branch centos regression failing, unable to merge those patches to the branch.
- Check-in Minutes of meeting for this meeting