This file contains a list of the versions of the packages with which we ran the analyses in Daskalova et al. All is not decline across global vertebrate populations.
The list below is the output of the relevant R
session, thus it includes the core packages, as well as their dependencies.
The core packages are:
readr, data.table, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, ggExtra, ggthemes, viridis, png, mapdata, maps, gridExtra, broom, MCMCglmm, stargazer, diptest, plotrix, scales, rredlist, stringr, corrplot, ggtree, proj4, ggalt, RColorBrewer, ggridges, ape, forcats, CoordinateCleaner, geosphere, parallel, scrubr
- ape 5.2
- ash 1.0.15
- assertthat 0.2.0
- backports 1.1.3
- base 3.5.1
- broom 0.5.1
- callr 3.1.1
- class 7.3.14
- classInt 0.3.1
- cli 1.0.1
- coda 0.19.2
- codetools 0.2.16
- colorspace 1.4.0
- compiler 3.5.1
- CoordinateCleaner 1.0.7
- corpcor 1.6.9
- corrplot 0.85
- crayon 1.3.4
- cubature 2.0.3
- curl 3.2
- data.table 1.11.8
- datasets 3.5.1
- DBI 1.0.0
- desc 1.2.0
- devtools 2.0.1
- digest 0.6.18
- diptest 0.75.7
- docopt 0.6.1
- dplyr
- e1071 1.7.0
- extrafont 0.17
- extrafontdb 1.0
- forcats 0.3.0
- fs 1.2.6
- generics 0.0.2
- geoaxe 0.1.0
- geosphere 1.5.7
- ggalt 0.6.1
- ggExtra 0.8
- ggplot2
- ggridges 0.5.1
- ggthemes 4.0.1
- ggtree 1.14.4
- glue
- graphics 3.5.1
- grDevices 3.5.1
- grid 3.5.1
- gridExtra 2.3
- gtable 0.2.0
- hms 0.4.2
- htmltools 0.3.6
- httpuv
- httr 1.4.0
- jsonlite 1.6
- KernSmooth 2.23.15
- later 0.7.5
- lattice 0.20.38
- lazyeval 0.2.1
- magrittr 1.5
- mapdata 2.3.0
- maps 3.3.0
- Matrix 1.2.15
- MCMCglmm 2.26
- memoise 1.1.0
- methods 3.5.1
- mime 0.6
- miniUI
- munsell 0.5.0
- nlme 3.1.137
- oai 0.2.2
- packrat 0.5.0
- parallel 3.5.1
- pillar 1.3.1
- pkgbuild 1.0.2
- pkgconfig 2.0.2
- pkgload 1.0.2
- plotrix 3.7.4
- plyr 1.8.4
- png 0.1.7
- prettyunits 1.0.2
- processx 3.2.1
- proj4 1.0.8
- promises 1.0.1
- ps 1.3.0
- purrr 0.2.5
- qlcMatrix 0.9.7
- R6 2.3.0
- raster 2.8.4
- RColorBrewer 1.1.2
- Rcpp 1.0.0
- readr 1.3.1
- remotes 2.0.2
- rgbif 1.1.0
- rgdal 1.3.6
- rgeos 0.4.2
- rlang 0.3.1
- rnaturalearth 0.1.0
- rprojroot 1.3.2
- rredlist 0.5.0
- rstudioapi 0.8
- Rttf2pt1 1.3.7
- rvcheck 0.1.3
- scales 1.0.0
- scrubr 0.1.1
- sessioninfo 1.1.1
- sf 0.7.2
- shiny 1.2.0
- slam 0.1.45
- sp 1.3.1
- sparsesvd 0.1.4
- stargazer 5.2.2
- stats 3.5.1
- stringi 1.2.4
- stringr 1.3.1
- tensorA 0.36.1
- testthat 2.0.1
- tibble 2.0.1
- tidyr 0.8.2
- tidyselect 0.2.5
- tidytree 0.2.1
- tools 3.5.1
- treeio 1.6.1
- units 0.6.2
- usethis 1.4.0
- utils 3.5.1
- viridis 0.5.1
- viridisLite 0.3.0
- whisker 0.3.2
- withr 2.1.2
- xml2 1.2.0
- xtable 1.8.3
- yaml 2.2.0