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325 lines (305 loc) · 20.4 KB

Go - Gno compatibility

Gno is modeled after Go 1.17.

Reserved keywords

keyword support
break full
case full
const full
continue full
default full
defer full
else full
fallthrough full
for full
func full
go missing (after launch)
goto full
if full
import full
interface full
package full
range full
return full
select missing (after launch)
struct full
switch full
type full
var full

Generics are currently not implemented.

Note that Gno does not support shadowing of built-in types. While the following built-in typecasting assignment would work in Go, this is not supported in Gno.

rune := rune('a')

Builtin types

type usage persistency
bool full full
byte full full
int, int8, int16, int32, int64 full full
uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 full full
float32, float64 full full
complex64, complex128 missing (TBD) missing
uintptr, unsafe.Pointer missing missing
string full full
rune full full
interface{} / any full full
[]T (slices) full full*
[N]T (arrays) full full*
map[T1]T2 full full*
func (T1...) T2... full full (needs more tests)
*T (pointers) full full*
chan T (channels) missing (after launch) missing (after launch)

*: depends on T/T1/T2

Additional builtin types:

type comment
bigint Based on math/big.Int
bigdec Based on, (see #306)



  • nondet: the standard library in question would require non-deterministic behaviour to implement as in Go, such as cryptographical randomness or os/network access. The library may still be implemented at one point, with a different API.
  • gospec: the standard library is very Go-specific -- for instance, it is used for debugging information or for parsing/build Go source code. A Gno version may exist at one point, likely with a different package name or semantics.
  • gnics: the standard library requires generics.
  • test: the standard library is currently available for use exclusively in test contexts, and may have limited functionality.
  • cmd: the Go standard library is a command -- a direct equivalent in Gno would not be useful.
  • tbd: whether to include the standard library or not is still up for discussion.
  • todo: the standard library is to be added, and contributions are welcome.
  • part: the standard library is partially implemented in Gno, and contributions are welcome to add the missing functionality.
  • full: the standard library is fully implemented in Gno.
package status
archive/tar tbd
archive/zip tbd
arena improb
bufio full
builtin full1
bytes full
cmd/* cmd
compress/bzip2 tbd
compress/flate tbd
compress/gzip tbd
compress/lzw tbd
compress/zlib tbd
container/heap tbd
container/list tbd
container/ring tbd
context tbd
crypto todo
crypto/aes todo
crypto/boring tbd
crypto/cipher part
crypto/des tbd
crypto/dsa tbd
crypto/ecdh tbd
crypto/ecdsa tbd
crypto/ed25519 part2
crypto/elliptic tbd
crypto/hmac todo
crypto/md5 test3
crypto/rand nondet
crypto/rc4 tbd
crypto/rsa tbd
crypto/sha1 test3
crypto/sha256 part4
crypto/sha512 tbd
crypto/subtle tbd
crypto/tls nondet
crypto/tls/fipsonly nondet
crypto/x509 tbd
crypto/x509/pkix tbd
database/sql nondet
database/sql/driver nondet
debug/buildinfo gospec
debug/dwarf gospec
debug/elf gospec
debug/gosym gospec
debug/macho gospec
debug/pe gospec
debug/plan9obj gospec
embed tbd
encoding full
encoding/ascii85 todo
encoding/asn1 todo
encoding/base32 todo
encoding/base64 full
encoding/binary part
encoding/csv todo
encoding/gob tbd
encoding/hex full
encoding/json todo
encoding/pem todo
encoding/xml todo
errors part
expvar tbd
flag nondet
fmt test5
go/ast gospec
go/build gospec
go/build/constraint gospec
go/constant gospec
go/doc gospec
go/doc/comment gospec
go/format gospec
go/importer gospec
go/parser gospec
go/printer gospec
go/scanner gospec
go/token gospec
go/types gospec
hash full
hash/adler32 full
hash/crc32 todo
hash/crc64 todo
hash/fnv todo
hash/maphash todo
html full
html/template todo
image tbd
image/color tbd
image/color/palette tbd
image/draw tbd
image/gif tbd
image/jpeg tbd
image/png tbd
index/suffixarray tbd
io full
io/fs tbd
io/ioutil removed6
log tbd
log/slog tbd
log/syslog nondet
maps gnics
math full
math/big tbd
math/bits full
math/cmplx tbd
math/rand full7
mime tbd
mime/multipart tbd
mime/quotedprintable tbd
net nondet
net/http nondet
net/http/cgi nondet
net/http/cookiejar nondet
net/http/fcgi nondet
net/http/httptest nondet
net/http/httptrace nondet
net/http/httputil nondet
net/http/internal nondet
net/http/pprof nondet
net/mail nondet
net/netip nondet
net/rpc nondet
net/rpc/jsonrpc nondet
net/smtp nondet
net/textproto nondet
net/url full
os nondet
os/exec nondet
os/signal nondet
os/user nondet
path full
path/filepath nondet
plugin nondet
reflect todo
regexp full
regexp/syntax full
runtime gospec
runtime/asan gospec
runtime/cgo gospec
runtime/coverage gospec
runtime/debug gospec
runtime/metrics gospec
runtime/msan gospec
runtime/pprof gospec
runtime/race gospec
runtime/trace gospec
slices gnics
sort part8
strconv full9
strings full
sync tbd
sync/atomic tbd
syscall nondet
syscall/js nondet
testing part
testing/fstest tbd
testing/iotest tbd
testing/quick tbd
text/scanner todo
text/tabwriter todo
text/template todo
text/template/parse todo
time full10
time/tzdata tbd
unicode full
unicode/utf16 full
unicode/utf8 full
unsafe nondet

Tooling (gno binary)

go command gno command comment
go bug gno bug same behavior
go build gno tool transpile -gobuild same intention, limited compatibility
go clean gno clean same intention, limited compatibility
go doc gno doc limited compatibility; see #522
go env gno env
go fix
go fmt gno fmt gofmt (& similar tools, like gofumpt) works on gno code.
go generate
go get see gno mod download.
go help gno $cmd --help ie. gno doc --help
go install
go list
go mod gno mod
+ go mod init gno mod init same behavior
+ go mod download gno mod download same behavior
+ go mod tidy gno mod tidy same behavior
+ go mod why gno mod why same intention
gno tool transpile
go work
gno tool repl
go run gno run
go test gno test limited compatibility
go tool
go version
go vet
golint gno tool lint same intention


  1. builtin is a "fake" package that exists to document the behaviour of some builtin functions. The "fake" package does not currently exist in Gno, but all functions up to Go 1.17 exist, except for those relating to complex (real or imag) or channel types.

  2. crypto/ed25519 is currently only implemented for Verify, which should still cover a majority of use cases. A full implementation is welcome.

  3. crypto/sha1 and crypto/md5 implement "deprecated" hashing algorithms, widely considered unsafe for cryptographic hashing. Decision on whether to include these as part of the official standard libraries is still pending. 2

  4. crypto/sha256 is currently only implemented for Sum256, which should still cover a majority of use cases. A full implementation is welcome.

  5. like many other encoding packages, fmt depends on reflect to be added. For now, package may do what you need. In test functions, fmt works.

  6. io/ioutil is deprecated in Go. Its functionality has been moved to packages os and io. The functions which have been moved in io are implemented in that package.

  7. math/rand in Gno ports over Go's math/rand/v2.

  8. sort has the notable omission of sort.Slice. You'll need to write a bit of boilerplate, but you can use sort.Interface + sort.Sort!

  9. strconv does not have the methods relating to types complex64 and complex128.

  10. time.Now returns the block time rather than the system time, for determinism. Concurrent functionality (such as time.Ticker) is not implemented.