Gno is modeled after Go 1.17.
keyword | support |
break | full |
case | full |
const | full |
continue | full |
default | full |
defer | full |
else | full |
fallthrough | full |
for | full |
func | full |
go | missing (after launch) |
goto | full |
if | full |
import | full |
interface | full |
package | full |
range | full |
return | full |
select | missing (after launch) |
struct | full |
switch | full |
type | full |
var | full |
Generics are currently not implemented.
Note that Gno does not support shadowing of built-in types. While the following built-in typecasting assignment would work in Go, this is not supported in Gno.
rune := rune('a')
type | usage | persistency |
bool |
full | full |
byte |
full | full |
int , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 |
full | full |
uint , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 |
full | full |
float32 , float64 |
full | full |
complex64 , complex128 |
missing (TBD) | missing |
uintptr , unsafe.Pointer |
missing | missing |
string |
full | full |
rune |
full | full |
interface{} / any |
full | full |
[]T (slices) |
full | full* |
[N]T (arrays) |
full | full* |
map[T1]T2 |
full | full* |
func (T1...) T2... |
full | full (needs more tests) |
*T (pointers) |
full | full* |
chan T (channels) |
missing (after launch) | missing (after launch) |
*: depends on T
Additional builtin types:
type | comment |
bigint |
Based on math/big.Int |
bigdec |
Based on, (see #306) |
: the standard library in question would require non-deterministic behaviour to implement as in Go, such as cryptographical randomness or os/network access. The library may still be implemented at one point, with a different API.gospec
: the standard library is very Go-specific -- for instance, it is used for debugging information or for parsing/build Go source code. A Gno version may exist at one point, likely with a different package name or semantics.gnics
: the standard library requires generics.test
: the standard library is currently available for use exclusively in test contexts, and may have limited functionality.cmd
: the Go standard library is a command -- a direct equivalent in Gno would not be useful.tbd
: whether to include the standard library or not is still up for discussion.todo
: the standard library is to be added, and contributions are welcome.part
: the standard library is partially implemented in Gno, and contributions are welcome to add the missing functionality.full
: the standard library is fully implemented in Gno.
package | status |
archive/tar | tbd |
archive/zip | tbd |
arena | improb |
bufio | full |
builtin | full 1 |
bytes | full |
cmd/* | cmd |
compress/bzip2 | tbd |
compress/flate | tbd |
compress/gzip | tbd |
compress/lzw | tbd |
compress/zlib | tbd |
container/heap | tbd |
container/list | tbd |
container/ring | tbd |
context | tbd |
crypto | todo |
crypto/aes | todo |
crypto/boring | tbd |
crypto/cipher | part |
crypto/des | tbd |
crypto/dsa | tbd |
crypto/ecdh | tbd |
crypto/ecdsa | tbd |
crypto/ed25519 | part 2 |
crypto/elliptic | tbd |
crypto/hmac | todo |
crypto/md5 | test 3 |
crypto/rand | nondet |
crypto/rc4 | tbd |
crypto/rsa | tbd |
crypto/sha1 | test 3 |
crypto/sha256 | part 4 |
crypto/sha512 | tbd |
crypto/subtle | tbd |
crypto/tls | nondet |
crypto/tls/fipsonly | nondet |
crypto/x509 | tbd |
crypto/x509/pkix | tbd |
database/sql | nondet |
database/sql/driver | nondet |
debug/buildinfo | gospec |
debug/dwarf | gospec |
debug/elf | gospec |
debug/gosym | gospec |
debug/macho | gospec |
debug/pe | gospec |
debug/plan9obj | gospec |
embed | tbd |
encoding | full |
encoding/ascii85 | todo |
encoding/asn1 | todo |
encoding/base32 | todo |
encoding/base64 | full |
encoding/binary | part |
encoding/csv | todo |
encoding/gob | tbd |
encoding/hex | full |
encoding/json | todo |
encoding/pem | todo |
encoding/xml | todo |
errors | part |
expvar | tbd |
flag | nondet |
fmt | test 5 |
go/ast | gospec |
go/build | gospec |
go/build/constraint | gospec |
go/constant | gospec |
go/doc | gospec |
go/doc/comment | gospec |
go/format | gospec |
go/importer | gospec |
go/parser | gospec |
go/printer | gospec |
go/scanner | gospec |
go/token | gospec |
go/types | gospec |
hash | full |
hash/adler32 | full |
hash/crc32 | todo |
hash/crc64 | todo |
hash/fnv | todo |
hash/maphash | todo |
html | full |
html/template | todo |
image | tbd |
image/color | tbd |
image/color/palette | tbd |
image/draw | tbd |
image/gif | tbd |
image/jpeg | tbd |
image/png | tbd |
index/suffixarray | tbd |
io | full |
io/fs | tbd |
io/ioutil | removed6 |
log | tbd |
log/slog | tbd |
log/syslog | nondet |
maps | gnics |
math | full |
math/big | tbd |
math/bits | full |
math/cmplx | tbd |
math/rand | full 7 |
mime | tbd |
mime/multipart | tbd |
mime/quotedprintable | tbd |
net | nondet |
net/http | nondet |
net/http/cgi | nondet |
net/http/cookiejar | nondet |
net/http/fcgi | nondet |
net/http/httptest | nondet |
net/http/httptrace | nondet |
net/http/httputil | nondet |
net/http/internal | nondet |
net/http/pprof | nondet |
net/mail | nondet |
net/netip | nondet |
net/rpc | nondet |
net/rpc/jsonrpc | nondet |
net/smtp | nondet |
net/textproto | nondet |
net/url | full |
os | nondet |
os/exec | nondet |
os/signal | nondet |
os/user | nondet |
path | full |
path/filepath | nondet |
plugin | nondet |
reflect | todo |
regexp | full |
regexp/syntax | full |
runtime | gospec |
runtime/asan | gospec |
runtime/cgo | gospec |
runtime/coverage | gospec |
runtime/debug | gospec |
runtime/metrics | gospec |
runtime/msan | gospec |
runtime/pprof | gospec |
runtime/race | gospec |
runtime/trace | gospec |
slices | gnics |
sort | part 8 |
strconv | full 9 |
strings | full |
sync | tbd |
sync/atomic | tbd |
syscall | nondet |
syscall/js | nondet |
testing | part |
testing/fstest | tbd |
testing/iotest | tbd |
testing/quick | tbd |
text/scanner | todo |
text/tabwriter | todo |
text/template | todo |
text/template/parse | todo |
time | full 10 |
time/tzdata | tbd |
unicode | full |
unicode/utf16 | full |
unicode/utf8 | full |
unsafe | nondet |
go command | gno command | comment |
go bug | gno bug | same behavior |
go build | gno tool transpile -gobuild | same intention, limited compatibility |
go clean | gno clean | same intention, limited compatibility |
go doc | gno doc | limited compatibility; see #522 |
go env | gno env | |
go fix | ||
go fmt | gno fmt | gofmt (& similar tools, like gofumpt) works on gno code. |
go generate | ||
go get | see gno mod download . |
go help | gno $cmd --help | ie. gno doc --help |
go install | ||
go list | ||
go mod | gno mod | |
+ go mod init | gno mod init | same behavior |
+ go mod download | gno mod download | same behavior |
+ go mod tidy | gno mod tidy | same behavior |
+ go mod why | gno mod why | same intention |
gno tool transpile | ||
go work | ||
gno tool repl | ||
go run | gno run | |
go test | gno test | limited compatibility |
go tool | ||
go version | ||
go vet | ||
golint | gno tool lint | same intention |
is a "fake" package that exists to document the behaviour of some builtin functions. The "fake" package does not currently exist in Gno, but all functions up to Go 1.17 exist, except for those relating to complex (real or imag) or channel types. ↩ -
is currently only implemented forVerify
, which should still cover a majority of use cases. A full implementation is welcome. ↩ -
implement "deprecated" hashing algorithms, widely considered unsafe for cryptographic hashing. Decision on whether to include these as part of the official standard libraries is still pending. ↩ ↩2 -
is currently only implemented forSum256
, which should still cover a majority of use cases. A full implementation is welcome. ↩ -
like many other encoding packages,
depends onreflect
to be added. For now,
may do what you need. In test functions,fmt
works. ↩ -
is deprecated in Go. Its functionality has been moved to packagesos
. The functions which have been moved inio
are implemented in that package. ↩ -
in Gno ports over Go'smath/rand/v2
. ↩ -
has the notable omission ofsort.Slice
. You'll need to write a bit of boilerplate, but you can usesort.Interface
! ↩ -
does not have the methods relating to typescomplex64
. ↩ -
returns the block time rather than the system time, for determinism. Concurrent functionality (such astime.Ticker
) is not implemented. ↩