diff --git a/db/db.go b/db/db.go
index 54ea96e7ca..cc2f236387 100644
--- a/db/db.go
+++ b/db/db.go
@@ -3148,3 +3148,79 @@ func GetSyncParticipationBySlotRange(startSlot, endSlot uint64) (map[uint64]uint
return ret, nil
+// Should be used when retrieving data for a very large amount of validators (for the notifications process)
+func GetValidatorAttestationHistoryForNotifications(startEpoch uint64, endEpoch uint64) (map[types.Epoch]map[types.ValidatorIndex]bool, error) {
+ // first retrieve activation & exit epoch for all validators
+ activityData := []struct {
+ ValidatorIndex types.ValidatorIndex
+ ActivationEpoch types.Epoch
+ ExitEpoch types.Epoch
+ }{}
+ err := ReaderDb.Select(&activityData, "SELECT validatorindex, activationepoch, exitepoch FROM validators ORDER BY validatorindex;")
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving activation & exit epoch for validators: %w", err)
+ }
+ logger.Info("retrieved activation & exit epochs")
+ // next retrieve all attestation data from the db (need to retrieve data for the endEpoch+1 epoch as that could still contain attestations for the endEpoch)
+ firstSlot := startEpoch * utils.Config.Chain.ClConfig.SlotsPerEpoch
+ lastSlot := ((endEpoch+1)*utils.Config.Chain.ClConfig.SlotsPerEpoch - 1)
+ lastQuerySlot := ((endEpoch+2)*utils.Config.Chain.ClConfig.SlotsPerEpoch - 1)
+ rows, err := ReaderDb.Query(`SELECT
+ blocks_attestations.slot,
+ validators
+ FROM blocks_attestations
+ LEFT JOIN blocks ON blocks_attestations.block_root = blocks.blockroot WHERE
+ blocks_attestations.block_slot >= $1 AND blocks_attestations.block_slot <= $2 AND blocks.status = '1' ORDER BY block_slot`, firstSlot, lastQuerySlot)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving attestation data from the db: %w", err)
+ }
+ defer rows.Close()
+ logger.Info("retrieved attestation raw data")
+ // next process the data and fill up the epoch participation
+ // validators that participated in an epoch will have the flag set to true
+ // validators that missed their participation will have it set to false
+ epochParticipation := make(map[types.Epoch]map[types.ValidatorIndex]bool)
+ for rows.Next() {
+ var slot types.Slot
+ var attestingValidators pq.Int64Array
+ err := rows.Scan(&slot, &attestingValidators)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error scanning attestation data: %w", err)
+ }
+ if slot < types.Slot(firstSlot) || slot > types.Slot(lastSlot) {
+ continue
+ }
+ epoch := types.Epoch(utils.EpochOfSlot(uint64(slot)))
+ participation := epochParticipation[epoch]
+ if participation == nil {
+ epochParticipation[epoch] = make(map[types.ValidatorIndex]bool)
+ // logger.Infof("seeding validator duties for epoch %v", epoch)
+ for _, data := range activityData {
+ if data.ActivationEpoch <= epoch && epoch < data.ExitEpoch {
+ epochParticipation[epoch][types.ValidatorIndex(data.ValidatorIndex)] = false
+ }
+ }
+ participation = epochParticipation[epoch]
+ }
+ for _, validator := range attestingValidators {
+ participation[types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] = true
+ }
+ }
+ return epochParticipation, nil
diff --git a/services/notifications.go b/services/notifications.go
index 1be3067e5b..c264cb5aed 100644
--- a/services/notifications.go
+++ b/services/notifications.go
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ func collectBlockProposalNotifications(notificationsByUserID map[uint64]map[type
for _, event := range events {
- pubkey, err := GetGetPubkeyForIndex(event.Proposer)
+ pubkey, err := GetPubkeyForIndex(event.Proposer)
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(err, "error retrieving pubkey for validator", 0, map[string]interface{}{"validator": event.Proposer})
@@ -1358,8 +1358,6 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
ValidatorIndex uint64 `db:"validatorindex"`
Epoch uint64 `db:"epoch"`
Status uint64 `db:"status"`
- Slot uint64 `db:"attesterslot"`
- InclusionSlot uint64 `db:"inclusionslot"`
EventFilter []byte `db:"pubkey"`
@@ -1370,50 +1368,40 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
return err
- attestations, err := db.BigtableClient.GetValidatorAttestationHistory(validators, epoch-3, epoch)
+ participationPerEpoch, err := db.GetValidatorAttestationHistoryForNotifications(epoch-3, epoch)
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("error getting validator attestations from bigtable %w", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("error getting validator attestations from db %w", err)
logger.Infof("retrieved validator attestation history data")
events := make([]dbResult, 0)
- epochAttested := make(map[uint64]uint64)
- epochTotal := make(map[uint64]uint64)
- participationPerEpoch := make(map[uint64]map[uint64]int) // map[validatorindex]map[epoch]attested
- for validator, history := range attestations {
- for _, attestation := range history {
- if participationPerEpoch[validator] == nil {
- participationPerEpoch[validator] = make(map[uint64]int, 4)
- }
- epochTotal[attestation.Epoch] = epochTotal[attestation.Epoch] + 1 // count the total attestations for each epoch
- if attestation.Status == 0 {
+ epochAttested := make(map[types.Epoch]uint64)
+ epochTotal := make(map[types.Epoch]uint64)
+ for currentEpoch, participation := range participationPerEpoch {
+ for validatorIndex, participated := range participation {
- participationPerEpoch[validator][attestation.Epoch] = 1 // missed
+ epochTotal[currentEpoch] = epochTotal[currentEpoch] + 1 // count the total attestations for each epoch
- pubkey, err := GetGetPubkeyForIndex(validator)
+ if !participated {
+ pubkey, err := GetPubkeyForIndex(uint64(validatorIndex))
if err == nil {
- if attestation.Epoch != epoch || subMap[hex.EncodeToString(pubkey)] == nil {
+ if currentEpoch != types.Epoch(epoch) || subMap[hex.EncodeToString(pubkey)] == nil {
events = append(events, dbResult{
- ValidatorIndex: validator,
- Epoch: attestation.Epoch,
- Status: attestation.Status,
- Slot: attestation.AttesterSlot,
- InclusionSlot: attestation.InclusionSlot,
+ ValidatorIndex: uint64(validatorIndex),
+ Epoch: uint64(currentEpoch),
+ Status: 0,
EventFilter: pubkey,
} else {
- logger.Errorf("error retrieving pubkey for validator %v: %v", validator, err)
+ logger.Errorf("error retrieving pubkey for validator %v: %v", validatorIndex, err)
} else {
- participationPerEpoch[validator][attestation.Epoch] = 2 // attested
- epochAttested[attestation.Epoch] = epochAttested[attestation.Epoch] + 1 // count the total attested attestation for each epoch (exlude missing)
+ epochAttested[currentEpoch] = epochAttested[currentEpoch] + 1 // count the total attested attestation for each epoch (exlude missing)
@@ -1443,8 +1431,6 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
Epoch: event.Epoch,
Status: event.Status,
EventName: types.ValidatorMissedAttestationEventName,
- Slot: event.Slot,
- InclusionSlot: event.InclusionSlot,
EventFilter: hex.EncodeToString(event.EventFilter),
if _, exists := notificationsByUserID[*sub.UserID]; !exists {
@@ -1475,11 +1461,11 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
var offlineValidators []*indexPubkeyPair
var onlineValidators []*indexPubkeyPair
- epochNMinus1 := epoch - 1
- epochNMinus2 := epoch - 2
- epochNMinus3 := epoch - 3
+ epochNMinus1 := types.Epoch(epoch - 1)
+ epochNMinus2 := types.Epoch(epoch - 2)
+ epochNMinus3 := types.Epoch(epoch - 3)
- if epochTotal[epoch] == 0 {
+ if epochTotal[types.Epoch(epoch)] == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did not retrieve attestation data for epoch %v", epoch)
if epochTotal[epochNMinus1] == 0 {
@@ -1492,8 +1478,8 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did not retrieve attestation data for epoch %v", epochNMinus3)
- if epochAttested[epoch]*100/epochTotal[epoch] < 60 {
- return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did receive more than 60%% of missed attestation in epoch %v (total: %v, attested: %v)", epoch, epochTotal[epoch], epochAttested[epoch])
+ if epochAttested[types.Epoch(epoch)]*100/epochTotal[types.Epoch(epoch)] < 60 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did receive more than 60%% of missed attestation in epoch %v (total: %v, attested: %v)", epoch, epochTotal[types.Epoch(epoch)], epochAttested[types.Epoch(epoch)])
if epochAttested[epochNMinus1]*100/epochTotal[epochNMinus1] < 60 {
return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did receive more than 60%% of missed attestation in epoch %v (total: %v, attested: %v)", epochNMinus1, epochTotal[epochNMinus1], epochAttested[epochNMinus1])
@@ -1505,24 +1491,25 @@ func collectAttestationAndOfflineValidatorNotifications(notificationsByUserID ma
return fmt.Errorf("consistency error, did receive more than 60%% of missed attestation in epoch %v (total: %v, attested: %v)", epochNMinus3, epochTotal[epochNMinus3], epochAttested[epochNMinus3])
- for validator, participation := range participationPerEpoch {
- if participation[epochNMinus3] == 2 && participation[epochNMinus2] == 1 && participation[epochNMinus1] == 1 && participation[epoch] == 1 {
+ for _, validator := range validators {
+ if participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus3][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && !participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus2][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && !participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus1][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && !participationPerEpoch[types.Epoch(epoch)][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] {
logger.Infof("validator %v detected as offline in epoch %v (did not attest since epoch %v)", validator, epoch, epochNMinus2)
- pubkey, err := GetGetPubkeyForIndex(validator)
+ pubkey, err := GetPubkeyForIndex(validator)
if err != nil {
return err
offlineValidators = append(offlineValidators, &indexPubkeyPair{Index: validator, Pubkey: pubkey})
- if participation[epochNMinus3] == 1 && participation[epochNMinus2] == 1 && participation[epochNMinus1] == 1 && participation[epoch] == 2 {
+ if !participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus3][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && !participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus2][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && !participationPerEpoch[epochNMinus1][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] && participationPerEpoch[types.Epoch(epoch)][types.ValidatorIndex(validator)] {
logger.Infof("validator %v detected as online in epoch %v (attested again in epoch %v)", validator, epoch, epoch)
- pubkey, err := GetGetPubkeyForIndex(validator)
+ pubkey, err := GetPubkeyForIndex(validator)
if err != nil {
return err
onlineValidators = append(onlineValidators, &indexPubkeyPair{Index: validator, Pubkey: pubkey})
offlineValidatorsLimit := 5000
@@ -1733,8 +1720,6 @@ type validatorAttestationNotification struct {
Epoch uint64
Status uint64 // * Can be 0 = scheduled | missed, 1 executed
EventName types.EventName
- Slot uint64
- InclusionSlot uint64
EventFilter string
UnsubscribeHash sql.NullString
@@ -1760,19 +1745,17 @@ func (n *validatorAttestationNotification) GetInfo(includeUrl bool) string {
if includeUrl {
switch n.Status {
case 0:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %[1]v missed an attestation at slot %[2]v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
- //generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`New scheduled attestation for Validator %v at slot %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %[1]v missed an attestation in epoch %[2]v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
case 1:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %[1]v submitted a successful attestation for slot %[2]v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %[1]v submitted a successful attestation for epoch %[2]v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
// return generalPart + getUrlPart(n.ValidatorIndex)
} else {
switch n.Status {
case 0:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %v missed an attestation at slot %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot)
- //generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`New scheduled attestation for Validator %v at slot %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %v missed an attestation in epoch %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch)
case 1:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %v submitted a successful attestation for slot %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator %v submitted a successful attestation in epoch %v.`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch)
return generalPart
@@ -1807,9 +1790,9 @@ func (n *validatorAttestationNotification) GetInfoMarkdown() string {
var generalPart = ""
switch n.Status {
case 0:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator [%[1]v](https://%[3]v/validator/%[1]v) missed an attestation at slot [%[2]v](https://%[3]v/slot/%[2]v).`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator [%[1]v](https://%[3]v/validator/%[1]v) missed an attestation in epoch [%[2]v](https://%[3]v/epoch/%[2]v).`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
case 1:
- generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator [%[1]v](https://%[3]v/validator/%[1]v) submitted a successful attestation for slot [%[2]v](https://%[3]v/slot/%[2]v).`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Slot, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
+ generalPart = fmt.Sprintf(`Validator [%[1]v](https://%[3]v/validator/%[1]v) submitted a successful attestation in epoch [%[2]v](https://%[3]v/epoch/%[2]v).`, n.ValidatorIndex, n.Epoch, utils.Config.Frontend.SiteDomain)
return generalPart
diff --git a/services/pubkeyCache.go b/services/pubkeyCache.go
index 22c2be3b60..d93f1e7606 100644
--- a/services/pubkeyCache.go
+++ b/services/pubkeyCache.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func initPubkeyCache(path string) error {
// will retrieve the pubkey for a given validatorindex and store it for later use
-func GetGetPubkeyForIndex(index uint64) ([]byte, error) {
+func GetPubkeyForIndex(index uint64) ([]byte, error) {
key := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", index))
pubkey, err := pubkeyCacheDb.Get(key, nil)