This example creates a variadic template that can be used to wrap a function with variable arguments and types. We can then call that function like a callback to allow us to easily wrap any function.
Here is a full example:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
int my_wrapped_function(int x, const std::string y)
std::cout << "SUCCESS: Hello from my_wrapped_function(x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ");" << std::endl;
return 43;
void my_argument_modifier(int &x)
std::cout << "SUCCESS: Hello from my_argument_modifier(x=" << x << ") => " << x + 1 << ";" << std::endl;
template < typename ret, typename T, typename... Rest > using fn = std::function< ret(T, Rest...) >;
template < typename ret, typename T, typename... Rest > ret wrapper(fn< ret, T, Rest... > f, T t, Rest... rest)
return f(t, rest...);
template < typename ret, typename T, typename... Rest > ret wrapper(fn< ret, T &, Rest &... > f, T &t, Rest &
return f(t, rest...);
int main()
// Wrap a function with variable arguments
auto f1 = fn< int, int, const std::string >(my_wrapped_function);
auto result = wrapper(f1, 42, std::string("hello"));
// Result should be 43:
// Wrap a function that modifies its arguments
auto f2 = fn< void, int & >(my_argument_modifier);
wrapper(f2, result);
// Result should be 44:
return 0;
To build:
cd std_function_with_variadic_template rm -f *.o example clang -std=c++2a -Werror -g -O3 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb3 -Wall -c -o main.o main.cpp clang main.o -lstdc++ -o example ./example
Expected output:
�[31;1;4mWrap a function with variable arguments�[0m �[0;35mSUCCESS: Hello from my_wrapped_function(x=42, y=hello);�[0m �[31;1;4mResult should be 43: 43�[0m �[31;1;4mWrap a function that modifies its arguments�[0m �[0;35mSUCCESS: Hello from my_argument_modifier(x=43) => 44;�[0m # Result should be 44: 44