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202 lines (177 loc) · 5.92 KB

How to use std::move to avoid the cost of temporaries

std::move is a nifty way to avoid the use of temporaries when doing copies of data. For example if you do:

template<class T> void simpleswap(T& a, T& b) {
    T tmp = b;
    b = a;
    a = b;

You will see the copy constructor invoked. Not a huge deal for small classes, but if you are dealing with a vector, that could be very expensive.

A better approach is to use std::move e.g.

template<class T> void simpleswap(T& a, T& b) {
    T tmp { std::move(a) };
    a = std::move(b);
    b = std::move(tmp);

Now the question is, how do we implement std::move on our own classes. To use this you will see a new form of constructor with the "&&" syntax. The example below will create our own vector class and then implement the move constructor to transfer elements across. The old vector will be left empty.

Note that std::vector already does this approach; we're just applying the same ideas to a custom class.

#include <algorithm> // std::move
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> // std::stringstream
#include <string>

template < class T > class MyVector
  T     *data {};
  size_t maxlen {};
  size_t currlen {};

  MyVector() : data(nullptr), maxlen(0), currlen(0)
    std::cout << "default constructor " << to_string() << std::endl;
  MyVector(int maxlen) : data(new T[ maxlen ]), maxlen(maxlen), currlen(0)
    std::cout << "new " << to_string() << std::endl;
  MyVector(const MyVector &o)
    std::cout << "copy constructor called for " << o.to_string() << std::endl;
    data    = new T[ o.maxlen ];
    maxlen  = o.maxlen;
    currlen = o.currlen;
    std::copy(, + o.maxlen, data);
    std::cout << "copy constructor result is  " << to_string() << std::endl;
  MyVector(MyVector< T > &&o)
    std::cout << "std::move called for " << o.to_string() << std::endl;
    data      =;
    maxlen    = o.maxlen;
    currlen   = o.currlen;    = nullptr;
    o.maxlen  = 0;
    o.currlen = 0;
    std::cout << "std::move result is  " << to_string() << std::endl;
  ~MyVector() { std::cout << "delete " << to_string() << std::endl; }
  void push_back(const T &i)
    if (currlen >= maxlen) {
      maxlen *= 2;
      auto newdata = new T[ maxlen ];
      std::copy(data, data + currlen, newdata);
      if (data) {
        delete[] data;
      data = newdata;
    data[ currlen++ ] = i;
    std::cout << "push_back called " << to_string() << std::endl;
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MyVector< T > &o)
    auto s =;
    auto e = + o.currlen;
    while (s < e) {
      os << "[" << *s << "]";
    return os;
  std::string to_string(void) const
    auto              address = static_cast< const void              *>(this);
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << address;

    std::string elems;
    auto        s = data;
    auto        e = data + currlen;
    while (s < e) {
      elems += std::to_string(*s);
      if (s < e) {
        elems += ",";

    return "MyVector(" + ss.str() + ", currlen=" + std::to_string(currlen) + ", maxlen=" + std::to_string(maxlen) +
           " elems=[" + elems + "])";

int main()
  // Create a custom vector class:
  auto vec1 = new MyVector< int >(1);
  std::cout << "vec1: " << *vec1 << std::endl;

  // Create a new copy of vec1, vec2 via copy constructor (&):
  auto vec2 = *vec1;
  std::cout << "vec2: " << vec2 << std::endl;

  // Check we can append onto the copied vector:
  std::cout << "vec2: " << vec2 << std::endl;

  // Create a new vector from vec1, vec3 via the move constructor (&&):
  auto vec3 = std::move(*vec1);
  std::cout << "vec3: " << vec3 << std::endl;

  // Check we can append onto the std:move'd vector:
  std::cout << "vec3: " << vec3 << std::endl;

  // Destroy the old vector, vec1. It has no invalid elems:
  delete vec1;

  // End, expect vec2 and vec3 destroy:

To build:

cd std_move
rm -f *.o example
clang -std=c++2a -Werror -g -O3 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb3 -Wall -c -o main.o main.cpp
clang  main.o -lstdc++  -o example

Expected output:

�[31;1;4mCreate a custom vector class:�[0m
new MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=0, maxlen=1 elems=[])
push_back called MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=1, maxlen=1 elems=[10])
push_back called MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=2, maxlen=2 elems=[10,11])
vec1: [10][11]

�[31;1;4mCreate a new copy of vec1, vec2 via copy constructor (&):�[0m
copy constructor called for MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=2, maxlen=2 elems=[10,11])
copy constructor result is  MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc98, currlen=2, maxlen=2 elems=[10,11])
vec2: [10][11]

�[31;1;4mCheck we can append onto the copied vector:�[0m
push_back called MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc98, currlen=3, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,12])
push_back called MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc98, currlen=4, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,12,13])
vec2: [10][11][12][13]

�[31;1;4mCreate a new vector from vec1, vec3 via the move constructor (&&):�[0m
std::move called for MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=2, maxlen=2 elems=[10,11])
std::move result is  MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc80, currlen=2, maxlen=2 elems=[10,11])
vec3: [10][11]

�[31;1;4mCheck we can append onto the std:move'd vector:�[0m
push_back called MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc80, currlen=3, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,14])
push_back called MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc80, currlen=4, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,14,15])
vec3: [10][11][14][15]

�[31;1;4mDestroy the old vector, vec1. It has no invalid elems:�[0m
delete MyVector(0x55ef7f326ec0, currlen=0, maxlen=0 elems=[])

�[31;1;4mEnd, expect vec2 and vec3 destroy:�[0m
delete MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc80, currlen=4, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,14,15])
delete MyVector(0x7ffd0595bc98, currlen=4, maxlen=4 elems=[10,11,12,13])