Multisets do away with the restriction of uniqueness for their values, compared to std::set where a value can exist only a single time. This sounds a lot like std::map, and it is, with the big exception that maps can have separate keys and values. For sets we only have value.
Multisets will have more of a performance impact than std::set as they do need to cater for duplicate values. Hence if you do not need this, consider std::set.
Multisets will require a means of sorting with winning comparisons being ordered closer to the 'start' of the set e.g.:
std::multiset< std::string, std::greater<std::string> > m;
which yields:
In our example we will provide the comparison operator so we can sort accounts by balance:
friend bool operator<(const class BankCustomer< T > & lhs,
const class BankCustomer< T > & rhs) {
return lhs.account.balance() > rhs.account.balance();
So the biggest accounts will appear first!
Note also that we can insert the same value multiple times. Here, zaphod sneakily has two bank accounts:
using Account = BankAccount<int>;
using Customer = BankCustomer<int>;
using TheBank = std::multiset<Customer>;
TheBank customers;
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(100000)));
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(999999)));
And we can then print all accounts easily:
auto show_all_bank_accounts = ([](const TheBank &customers)
for (const auto& b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
} );
Now what if you want to find something in a multiset? This is a little bit more tricky as we have to be able to handle multiple values. For this, std::equal_range comes to the rescue. We give this search criteria and get back a pair of iterators e.g.:
using Iter = std::multiset<Customer>::iterator;
std::pair<Iter,Iter> ret = customers.equal_range(Customer("Zaphod"));
for (auto iter = ret.first; iter != ret.second; iter++) {
std::cout << "Zaphod has been found! " << *iter << std::endl;
Removing a customer is easy via erase:
And finally to remove everything and get rid of all your customers!:
Here is the full example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> // for _1, _2
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
template < class T > class BankAccount;
template < class T > class BankAccount
T cash {};
BankAccount() { std::cout << "default constructor " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankAccount(T cash) : cash(cash) { std::cout << "new cash " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankAccount(const BankAccount &o)
std::cout << "copy cash constructor called for " << o.to_string() << std::endl;
cash =;
std::cout << "copy cash constructor result is " << to_string() << std::endl;
~BankAccount() { std::cout << "delete account " << to_string() << std::endl; }
void deposit(const T &deposit)
cash += deposit;
std::cout << "deposit cash called " << to_string() << std::endl;
using CheckTransactionCallback = std::function< void(T) >;
int check_transaction(int cash, CheckTransactionCallback fn)
if (cash < 100) {
throw std::string("transaction is too small for Mr Money Bags");
} else {
return cash;
T balance(void) const { return cash; }
bool check_balance(T expected) const
if (cash == expected) {
return true;
} else {
throw std::string("account has different funds " + to_string() + " than expected " + std::to_string(expected));
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BankAccount< T > &o)
os << "$" << std::to_string(;
return os;
std::string to_string(void) const
auto address = static_cast< const void *>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << address;
return "BankAccount(" + ss.str() + ", cash $" + std::to_string(cash) + ")";
template < class T > class BankCustomer;
template < class T > class BankCustomer
std::string name {};
BankAccount< T > account;
BankCustomer(void) { std::cout << "default customer " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankCustomer(const std::string &name) : name(name)
std::cout << "new temporary customer " << to_string() << std::endl;
BankCustomer(const std::string &name, const BankAccount< T > &account) : name(name), account(account)
std::cout << "new customer " << to_string() << std::endl;
~BankCustomer() { std::cout << "delete customer " << to_string() << std::endl; }
std::string to_string(void) const { return "Customer(" + name + ", " + account.to_string() + ")"; }
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BankCustomer< T > &o)
os << o.to_string();
return os;
friend bool operator<(const class BankCustomer< T > &lhs, const class BankCustomer< T > &rhs)
return >;
static void backward_sort(void)
// Backward sorted multiset
std::multiset< std::string, std::greater< std::string > > m;
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void forward_sort(void)
// Forward sorted multiset
std::multiset< std::string, std::less< std::string > > m;
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void default_sort(void)
// Default sorted multiset
std::multiset< std::string > m;
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void account_demo(void)
// Create a std::multiset of BankCustomer -> Account
using Account = BankAccount< int >;
using Customer = BankCustomer< int >;
using TheBank = std::multiset< Customer >;
// Notice, Zaphod has two accounts and the multiset allows both
TheBank customers;
customers.insert(Customer("Arthur", Account(100)));
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(100000)));
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(999999)));
customers.insert(Customer("Marvin", Account(0)));
customers.insert(Customer("TheMice", Account(666)));
customers.insert(Customer("Ford", Account(10)));
// Two ways to print this. One a simple loop. the other a lambda:
// All customers, sorted by wealth
for (const auto &b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
auto show_all_bank_accounts = ([](const TheBank &customers) {
// All customers, sorted by wealth (lambda version)
for (const auto &b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
// Find sneaky customers
for (const auto &customer : customers) {
using Iter = std::multiset< Customer >::iterator;
std::pair< Iter, Iter > ret = customers.equal_range(customer);
auto account_count = 0;
for (auto iter = ret.first; iter != ret.second; iter++) {
if (account_count++) {
// Customer has two accounts!
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;
// Get rid of a customer
// Get rid of all customers
// End
int main(int, char **)
To build:
cd std_multiset rm -f *.o example clang -std=c++2a -Werror -g -O3 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb3 -Wall -c -o main.o main.cpp clang main.o -lstdc++ -o example ./example
Expected output:
�[31;1;4mBackward sorted multiset�[0m zaphod vogon universe mice marvin arthur �[31;1;4mForward sorted multiset�[0m arthur marvin mice universe vogon zaphod �[31;1;4mDefault sorted multiset�[0m arthur marvin mice universe vogon zaphod �[31;1;4mCreate a std::multiset of BankCustomer -> Account�[0m new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100) new customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9eff0, cash $100) delete customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100) new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100000) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100000) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100000) new customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100000)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100000) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9f090, cash $100000) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100000)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $100000) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $100000) new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $999999) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $999999) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $999999) new customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $999999)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $999999) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $999999)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $999999) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $999999) new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $0) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $0) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0) new customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9f040, cash $0) delete customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $0) new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $666) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $666) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $666) new customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $666)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $666) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9ef00, cash $666) delete customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $666)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $666) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $666) new cash BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $10) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $10) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $10) new customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $10)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $10) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x555987f9ef50, cash $10) delete customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $10)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $10) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a788, cash $10) �[31;1;4mAll customers, sorted by wealth�[0m Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9f090, cash $100000)) Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999)) Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef00, cash $666)) Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x555987f9f040, cash $0)) Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef50, cash $10)) Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x555987f9eff0, cash $100)) �[31;1;4mAll customers, sorted by wealth (lambda version)�[0m Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9f090, cash $100000)) Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999)) Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef00, cash $666)) Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x555987f9f040, cash $0)) Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef50, cash $10)) Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x555987f9eff0, cash $100)) �[31;1;4mFind sneaky customers�[0m �[31;1;4mCustomer has two accounts!�[0m Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999)) �[31;1;4mCustomer has two accounts!�[0m Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999)) �[31;1;4mGet rid of a customer�[0m default constructor BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0) new temporary customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0)) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9f090, cash $100000)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9f090, cash $100000) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9efa0, cash $999999) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x7fff5813a808, cash $0) �[31;1;4mGet rid of all customers�[0m delete customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x555987f9eff0, cash $100)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9eff0, cash $100) delete customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef50, cash $10)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9ef50, cash $10) delete customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x555987f9f040, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9f040, cash $0) delete customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x555987f9ef00, cash $666)) delete account BankAccount(0x555987f9ef00, cash $666) # End